Another Undeveloped Eye...

Lake Worth, FL
I've been reading the other "Undeveloped eye" thread for a couple days now, and then what happens? I hatch the same thing. I'm not quite sure what I am going to do with this little guy yet, but we'll see what happens. He is a Dreamsickle from Mack Raptor x Enigma het Raptor pairing. He's perfect in every way, but if you look, one eye is really sunkin in, and barely coming out of the socket, and the other's eyelid looks like it is huge and sticks out really far.... The way I see it, he should still be given a chance, and since I brought him into this world, it is my responsibility to care for him regardless of the fact. The only way that would change would be if all other means did not work and there simply was no helping the gecko, and there was absolutely no way it could thrive and survive. He just hatched a couple days ago, so we'll see if he starts eating and picks up an appetite in about a week or so once he starts getting hungry, and if he even is able to see to be able to get his food.

Here's how he looks from above, you can kind of see the differences in the eyes...


Overgrown eyelid on good eye...



Pix with under-developed eye...





Staff member
Somerville, MA
Since you've read the other thread, you know what the options are and you probably also know that there are some people who feel there are 2 options and some who feel there is only 1 option. Good luck with whatever you decide.



Ghoulish Geckos
His eyes look really bad.:( Good luck if you keep him, but I really think he should be put down.:(


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
It's a more difficult thing to do when an exceptional morph is involved- to cull. We had a beautiful sunglow hatchling, wasn't right from the beginning. I was persuaded to let her live. It was painful to watch her not growing.. not eating.. not pooping.. hard sheds. No response to slurry, I got a worm in her. Once. She had no quality of life during that month. I think it would have been easier on my heart to cull in the beginning, as was my gut feeling.

Lake Worth, FL
Well, here's the update on this one. He has his 1st shed, and what a task that was... he was not able to be anything off, there were pieces and flaps of skin stuck all over his body (tail, legs, feet, toes, head, everything). So i started to remove some for him with some tweezers, and when i was pulling the skin off over the head (was pulling it up and over from the neck, pulling towards the nose), and when i was gently pulling it off from the eyes, it was stuck, and when i was finally able to get it off, a whole bunch of puss-like liquid came pouring out from the eyes, and the one eye on the right with the overgrown eye lid, and the eye sticking out too far, just about pulled all the way out with skin attached to it. I stopped pullin the skin off over that eye when i saw that it was so attached to the eye that it started to pull the eyeball out of the socket. I then noticed once i cleared everything up, that the eyes are no longer red, they are now white and coudy. It was at that point that I also noticed that the top of his head was also sunken in, more than it was when hatched, so it seems that the spot where that eye should be, since there isnt an eye under it to hold it up is starting to cave in.

All in all, i was giving this little one a chance to see what would happen, but if this progressively gets worse and its quality of life deteriorates, then im going to have to do what will need to be done if there is nothing i can do for it.


Shillelagh Law
when i was finally able to get it off, a whole bunch of puss-like liquid came pouring out from the eyes, and the one eye on the right with the overgrown eye lid, and the eye sticking out too far, just about pulled all the way out with skin attached to it. I stopped pullin the skin off over that eye when i saw that it was so attached to the eye that it started to pull the eyeball out of the socket. I then noticed once i cleared everything up, that the eyes are no longer red, they are now white and coudy. It was at that point that I also noticed that the top of his head was also sunken in, more than it was when hatched, so it seems that the spot where that eye should be, since there isnt an eye under it to hold it up is starting to cave in.

Unfortunately you're getting to witness it firsthand... but superficial deformities can often present with additional complications as a direct result of the malformed tissue. When there is supposed to be something present in a specific place, like an eyeball in an eye socket- and that thing is not there, or when it is bigger or smaller than it is supposed to be, the connected tissues are all also pushed out of place.

This can result in pressure where there isn't supposed to be pressure, or hollow areas where the body is not supposed to have hollow areas. Infections are quite common, it's just this little pocket of nothing that is not hooked up to the circulatory system correctly and where immune responses will be weak. They often develop into infected abscesses.

Another frequent difficulty is the development of the surrounding tissue and organ systems- pressure, or a lack of pressure, can cause everything immediately adjacent to the problem area to develop incorrectly. Simple blindness... the animal might be able to adjust (as would be the case if the blindness was caused by trauma or nutritional issues). A deformed eye, there's an empty socket or a swollen socket and it is not far from other sensory organs, the top end of the digestive tract and the respiratory system.

It should be put down. Keeping it alive at this point, with those problems is just unnecessary cruelty.

Lake Worth, FL
chris, really for the quality of health for that baby you need yo put her down

How much worse could the quality of life possibly get? That gecko is in bad shape...

Unfortunately you're getting to witness it firsthand... but superficial deformities can often present with additional complications as a direct result of the malformed tissue. When there is supposed to be something present in a specific place, like an eyeball in an eye socket- and that thing is not there, or when it is bigger or smaller than it is supposed to be, the connected tissues are all also pushed out of place.

This can result in pressure where there isn't supposed to be pressure, or hollow areas where the body is not supposed to have hollow areas. Infections are quite common, it's just this little pocket of nothing that is not hooked up to the circulatory system correctly and where immune responses will be weak. They often develop into infected abscesses.

Another frequent difficulty is the development of the surrounding tissue and organ systems- pressure, or a lack of pressure, can cause everything immediately adjacent to the problem area to develop incorrectly. Simple blindness... the animal might be able to adjust (as would be the case if the blindness was caused by trauma or nutritional issues). A deformed eye, there's an empty socket or a swollen socket and it is not far from other sensory organs, the top end of the digestive tract and the respiratory system.

It should be put down. Keeping it alive at this point, with those problems is just unnecessary cruelty.

I agree with every statement here, and have done what needed to be done. I did what I needed to do after I posted this last reply. I was basically saying what I was going to do in that last reply, just in a nice way... After that whole experience with the 1st shed, and all that happening, that was my que...

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I agree with every statement here, and have done what needed to be done. I did what I needed to do after I posted this last reply. I was basically saying what I was going to do in that last reply, just in a nice way... After that whole experience with the 1st shed, and all that happening, that was my que...

It's never easy, but it is the responsible and ethical thing to do. Better luck with the rest of your season.


New Member
Leland, NC
I posted the original thread about the undeveloped eye, so I know how you feel. Its not an easy thing to do and I felt about as big as a thimble when I culled mine. But know that i did the right thing by it helped a little. Hope things work out with the rest of your season and with future babies.. best of luck..

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