Asking less than asking price and free shipping


New Member
Ok... here's a mini rant before I leave work...

I was going to sell a gecko for a set price; the gecko actually showing me the other day it can fire up quite nicely... I was going to still keep the price, but when the guy didn't reply to the email with updated pictures of the gecko fired up, I took it off available status to hold back for now. I even emailed him to let him know what I was doing only because I hadn't heard from him, and thought it was fair to let him know.

He responded with I have less than you want, can you just ship for that cost? Told him I would still consider selling to him for right now, only because we had been talking, but that I really couldn't do the offer (as I was essentially just asking what I paid for the gecko). Plus, I know that the gecko will only get nicer as it ages considering its colors when fired up.

Oh, and I never even quoted his shipping, as he ignored when I asked for the zip. Then offers less than the asking price and wants me to include shipping into that fee. It's just a tad frustrating... Especially considering the initial email was a very vague, asking for my location.

He then claims that USPS priority would be fair to ship for what he wanted to offer, if packed properly... Maybe he's been doing it for a while, but I don't feel comfortable doing it, and won't. I'm sorry. It's just not happening...

I'm tired and now frustrated... Sorry... :-/

What topped it off, is that I swear I know who the guy is, but he says it's not him, yet I've seen his name, which is not a common name.


Senior Member
If anybody ever asks me to ship USPS, i won't sell them anything either. You're making the right choice.


Agree with you on not shipping USPS as well, I would not even trust their over night. Actually if there was never a deposit then you are not bound to keep the deal. That would be a personal choice not accepting a deposit or not. Don't get me wrong though, I would hold for a little while(3 to 5 days) without a deposit because I have had Leo's held for me like that without a deposit.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
It is really annoying when people offer way less than the asking price and then ask for free shipping. Especially on a single gecko! It sounds like someone you don't want to deal with anyway so maybe it was lucky that he responded like that. You never know exactly how your geckos will be cared for when they go to new homes but I wouldn't take kindly to someone assuring me that it's ok to ship them with an approximated delivery of 2-5 days.

Lecko my Gecko

New Member
welcome to the reptile business LOL everyone thinks they deserve a better deal. as for USPS Ive used them yrs ago when UPS wouldnt ship animals and I never had a problem with their overnight. the animals always got there the next day, but I would nt try the 2-5 day shipping. if you 2nd guess the deal, dont do it!


New Member
It sounds like someone you don't want to deal with anyway so maybe it was lucky that he responded like that. You never know exactly how your geckos will be cared for when they go to new homes but I wouldn't take kindly to someone assuring me that it's ok to ship them with an approximated delivery of 2-5 days.

It's not that I don't want to deal with anyone by any means. I had the gecko available and was answering all his questions, even offering updated pictures of the gecko fired up that I had must taken for my own personal picture collection. He didn't ask for the pictures until I offered. I was trying to help, even after I decided not to sell, which was only when he didn't respond to the updated picture email. And, I definitely agree that you never know what will happen to the reptile once out of your hand, but there was just something about this guy that seemed shadey...

welcome to the reptile business LOL everyone thinks they deserve a better deal. as for USPS Ive used them yrs ago when UPS wouldnt ship animals and I never had a problem with their overnight. the animals always got there the next day, but I would nt try the 2-5 day shipping. if you 2nd guess the deal, dont do it!

I understand getting the best deal, and in many cases I agree to what they are offering, especially if I feel comfortable with the person and the responses that I've gotten just through their questions or concerns. It's just the point of less than what I offered with shipping included. I really try to do my best at accomodating people with what they want for pricing, and especially in terms of shipping dates. There are many instances where I've made a special trip for one gecko when I'd already gone to UPS that week. I actually did that this week- three trips to UPS.

I would have taken what he offered plus shipping, but not free shipping, and certainly not priority... Even him swearing up and down he's been doing it for years... Which again, I don't believe bc if it's the person I think, they're pretty new to reptiles.

I'm just frustrated...

Lecko my Gecko

New Member
well dont let it bother you, your in the driver seat so to speak. if he wants the gecko he has to work with you not tell you how it is. and anyone that thinks its ok to ship any animal for mor than 1 day with out food and water probably isnt someone you want having 1 of your geckos anyway. dont stress about it especially if you were thinkin about keepin it anyway. its a sign LOL


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I figure from his side it never hurts to ask (although I agree it was kind of a stupid request) and from your perspective, it never hurts to say "no" which in this case I think was the right answer.



Greenville, SC
It doesn't sound like he has so much concern for the gecko.... not asking for pics, not responding to email, shipping in a risky manner (certainly MY own opinion).... I say charge him double! :main_laugh:

Agreed, very frustrating....


New Member
Athens, GA
Whitney, your prices are already so low that the guy has to be a real cheapskate (and arrogant) to ask for free shipping. A nice SHTC for $40? C'mon, you can't even buy a normal for that price anymore. Anybody who's worth a grain of salt will be willing to pay your prices. I wouldn't worry about feeling guilty or in any way obligated to this guy. Sounds to me he just wants a cheap pet and I doubt he'll take very good care of it if he's so stingy.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
Agreed...Whitney you have some great geckos at great prices that I wish I had room for more I would grab up a few of yours I was eyeing them lol. Don't worry let him go to *****/******** and find a gecko if he dont want to work with you. i wouldn't ship USPS either really actually i dont like shipping them at all with UPS or fedex either but you have to do what you have to do to sell babies. Let me know if you have any bells or het bells available soon I have a lonely snow bell male lol.



New Member
Thanks guys... I feel a lot better about it now... It just took me by surprise... What really killed me is when he said that if you pack it right USPS priority was perfectly fine and he'd been doing it for years... I swear though, that it's someone who has just recently got into reptiles, and has been doing more buying than selling anything. I could be wrong, as he said I was mistaken when I asked if it was him or not, but eh the name is the same.

Whatever.... The little gecko will stay with me a while...

Vanessa, thank you.

Danielle, I hope to have a few Bells this year, but we can only see. By the way I haven't heard from you in a while, hope all is well.

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