Baytril Dosage


Shillelagh Law
I'll be more then happy to give his business to someone who is more about helping geckos then about obtaining what people can sacrifice.

I have never understood that attitude. How do people like you end up arriving at the idea that veterinarians should not be paid for performing their job?

Hey mod, go ahead and delete this thread man, it's obviously serving no useful purpose.

It's serving at least two useful purposes.

It is telling anyone else who might wander along that self determined diagnosis and medicating using illegally obtained prescription drugs is not something that is ethically right.

It is also telling the entire world that you don't take your animals to a vet, because you can't or won't pay for it. A fairly important thing for people to know considering the fact that you're the owner of a business in the industry, even if your primary role is not as a breeder or distributor of live animals. It will definitely help them make decisions about your character, your qualifications and their future potential transactions with you.


New Member
Miami, FL
That's actually a really cool picture. I'm considering using it for my avatar.

If you TRULY need veterinary help in the area of Ft. Lauderdale...I can point you in the right direction. I don't want your or your friend's "business" practice does not even see reptiles.

What exactly do you want??


New Member
Miami, FL

Cheap Shots...

It's like a toddler that didn't get his way. So he throws a temper tantrum.

I mean, really?? :main_laugh:


New Member
Miami, FL
I have never understood that attitude. How do people like you end up arriving at the idea that veterinarians should not be paid for performing their job?

It's serving at least two useful purposes.

It is telling anyone else who might wander along that self determined diagnosis and medicating using illegally obtained prescription drugs is not something that is ethically right.

It is also telling the entire world that you don't take your animals to a vet, because you can't or won't pay for it. A fairly important thing for people to know considering the fact that you're the owner of a business in the industry, even if your primary role is not as a breeder or distributor of live animals. It will definitely help them make decisions about your character, your qualifications and their future potential transactions with you.


I think I love you. :main_thumbsup:


Shillelagh Law
I really never did understand that attitude. It is incomprehensible to me. This isn't the first guy that has shown it either.

The idea that a veterinarian should work for free is just senseless. The school required to educate them wasn't free. The conferences they attend and publications they subscribe to in order to keep up with advances in their field aren't free. The licensing that allows them to practice wasn't free. The insurance they have to carry in order to legally practice definitely isn't free. The building they operate out of, the electricity they use, the syringes and the rubber gloves, the disinfectant, the computer system they keep records with, the phone line they maintain, the salaries of their front desk help, vet techs and janitorial staff- none of these things are free.

So why should the vet be obligated, as some people seem to think they are, to provide a service for free? Why should the vet lose money just because some of their potential customers didn't take the financial responsibilities of pet ownership seriously? Why shouldn't the vet even make a tidy professional salary and have a comfortable life?

It is not as if they are becoming billionaires by doing what they do or ripping off the public by lying to them about their billing practices. They aren't committing fraud or double billing or lying in order to charge more. They're just quietly and competently providing a necessary service that most people cannot provide for themselves.

However since Microzookits here thinks that veterinarians should have to incur financial losses in order to work with animals, I am sure he'll be willing to show the strength of his conviction by sending me one of every product he sells on his website free of charge. After all, only a real scumbag would earn money by taking it away from pet owners.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't plan to be agreeing or disagreeing with anyone on this thread so far, just drawing a conclusion. I assume that the original poster had a bad experience with a reptile vet and that is what is leading him to decide to do his future care without a vet. It's a shame that a single (or even a few) bad experiences results in an inflexible view of how to proceed and it's also too bad that the negative experience occurred. It seems to me that a more realistic way to proceed is to get some personal referrals (one of which was offered on this thread by a vet tech) for a vet that may be more effective.



The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
My last visit to the vets cost me £20 for a consultation and medication anyone can find that sort of money

Borrow it of somebody get a paper round clean somebody's car atleast go for a consultation to see what the problem is and then decide weather it's going to cost alot of money ow yeah can I add that it cost me £3 for the medication u can find that down the back of the sofa for God Sake


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
MicroZooKits, I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with a vet but please understand that they are not all the same. Please try again with a different one and hopefully you'll have a better outcome (for the sake of your geckos).


New Member
Not that I want to help the no vet situation but my vet (well...ex-vet now) had to make the doses REALLLLYYY low because it would be too dangerous to give a strong injection all at once. the dose had to be administered at diluted amounts over 30 days
I don't have the prescription with me right now but I'm just letting you know that it was REALLLLY low so you have to be realllyyy careful


New Member
MicroZooKits, I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with a vet but please understand that they are not all the same. Please try again with a different one and hopefully you'll have a better outcome (for the sake of your geckos).
More like a handful of overcharging over exaggerating ones. It's the game. People want to make more money then is fair. I was at the vet just last week for micro chipping and they repeatedly tried to sell me add ons. The pet trade is flooded with hustlers, who doesn't know.

And don't put words in my mouth people. I am not bashing all vets.
If I had access to a reliable source who was honest and responsible I'd be more then happy to give them my business.
The fact is that this is a very specific situation which involved a extremely serious injury, I was not about to go play roll the price dice on a stranger with a gecko I myself wasn't sure was even going to survive. I know very well that most professional breeders and hobbyist would have put this guy in the cold rather then go through what I already have, or spend the $300 to rehabilitate him for months to come.

So I guess I was wrong for asking for Medication and Treatment Advice in a Forum Labeled "Medications and Treatments".

Anyways... here is the before pic. The hole was about the size of a small button and went completely through to the body cavity.
At one point he had herniated his whole stomach (i believe) or large intestine which I had to re insert completely. You could totally look inside and see the empty space and light coming through the ribcage.
At one point I was plugging the hole with saturated gauze to keep all the bits inside and then wrapping his torso with tefla pads.
Not working with the plugs anymore, the hole is getting smaller, and you'll be glad to know he is making a well recovery because of my knowledge, experience, and possibly the baytril I ordered online that prevented him from getting an infection. Some times you just need to understand that not everyone is an idiot playing doctor in their bedroom and if it wasn't for the people who sold me the antibiotics I could have easily lost Firefox.


New Member
Not that I want to help the no vet situation but my vet (well...ex-vet now) had to make the doses REALLLLYYY low because it would be too dangerous to give a strong injection all at once. the dose had to be administered at diluted amounts over 30 days
I don't have the prescription with me right now but I'm just letting you know that it was REALLLLY low so you have to be realllyyy careful
Thank you. I appreciate your concern. That's pretty much what I did. I diluted it according to the instructions for prevention and gave small oral doses ever other day.


New Member
What exactly do you want??

He needs a good price on a crypto treatment and the removal of a huge syst.
I myself don't think they really have a chance, the one with the cyst maybe, but he just paid $200 for treatment on the original infector and it died in 2 days, so he's looking for someone who is willing to help for under $100.
So if you know a surgeon who is willing to remove a huge cyst and provide meds for under $100 in Fort Lauderdale it would help.
contact me via email = [email protected]


The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
Having not read all the posts before how the heck did he do that I've never seen anything like this before no wonder u didn't go to a vet it would cost a bomb even tho I didn't agree with that I'm very surprised he's still alive let alone making a recovery


New Member
Can u answer that please so I don't do it
I made a fatal mistake one morning in a rush and put my largest male in his colony by accident. Needless to say this is the equivalent of a shark bite for leopard geckos. Prime example of what they are capable of. As far as cagemate aggression with females, I've seen tails come off, bite marks, ect... But it takes some really powerful jaw and neck muscles to do this kind of damage.
Don't Mess with Falcor...


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