Breeders just out to make money?

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
OK gang... Bulldog is allowed to have his/her opinion. I don't see where he has broken any of the TOS here at Bulldog, if you ARE just trying to stir up crap it will be made obvious soon enough, so I recommend that all of us read our posts before pushing the submit button. I have seen a couple of other's posts on this thread that were made in clear violation of this website's TOS, and profanity can, and will, result in being banned if it keeps up.

I also feel that "private" messages are just that.... PRIVATE. Can any of 'us' remember when 'our' own private discussions got several of 'us' banned from another website when they became public?

Bulldog, if you would like the BEST advise for keeping your leopard gecko from the BEST breeders in the world, hang around here at GeckoForums for awhile am I'm positive you will find that there aren't any here that breed geckos purely for profit. Do you think any of us are actually getting paid for helping each other here? Nope.

(BTW, if you got your gecko from a pet store and paid money for it, you were helping to support someone that WAS purely into the gecko business for profit).


Golden Gate Geckos said:
OK gang... Bulldog is allowed to have his/her opinion. I don't see where he has broken any of the TOS here at

. I have seen a couple of other's posts on this thread that were made in clear violation of this website's TOS, and profanity can, and will, result in being banned if it keeps up.

I also feel that "private" messages are just that.... PRIVATE.

Amen. I was going to say something along the same lines


I agree Marcia. Sorry if my post was taken the wrong way. I was just curious as to why people have hundreds of geckos. I know you guys aren't bad people, that's not what I meant.


Bulldog said:
I agree Marcia. Sorry if my post was taken the wrong way. I was just curious as to why people have hundreds of geckos. I know you guys aren't bad people, that's not what I meant.

I understood what you meant from the get go :)

Some people are just too sensitive


New Member
McDonough, Ga
Lyndsey said:
I understood what you meant from the get go :)

Some people are just too sensitive

I don't see how you can say that Lyndsey, because from the way it was put in the original post it did seem a little harsh. I think alot of the breeders do have a right to be a little sensitive when it comes to something like that, because anyone can very easily tell that most (if not all) of the breeders here are really into breeding for alot more than money, just by going through this forum and reading some of the posts. I also am not slamming Bulldog anymore, but I just thought the post could have used a little more thought before posting as Marcia said.


Leggomygecko said:
I don't see how you can say that Lyndsey, because from the way it was put in the original post it did seem a little harsh. I think alot of the breeders do have a right to be a little sensitive when it comes to something like that, because anyone can very easily tell that most (if not all) of the breeders here are really into breeding for alot more than money.

I meant the fact that he was threatened with being banned. Not about breeders reactions :)

I should have explained it...but with a 15 month old grabbing my leg cause he's tired and wants to take a nap, its a little hard to finish a thought ;)


New Member
McDonough, Ga
Lyndsey said:
I meant the fact that he was threatened with being banned. Not about breeders reactions :)

I should have explained it...but with a 15 month old grabbing my leg cause he's tired and wants to take a nap, its a little hard to finish a thought ;)

Ok, sorry about that, I just read it as if you was slamming the breeders for getting a little upset because of the way his original post read. :main_thumbsup:


Leggomygecko said:
Ok, sorry about that, I just read it as if you was slamming the breeders for getting a little upset because of the way his original post read. :main_thumbsup:

No lol. Like I said, it was my fault for not elaborating but I didnt have the chance :)


New Member
Auburn Hills, MI
Intense Herpetoculture said:
Also, what is wrong making money breeding leos? Is it just as wrong as a doctor making a living saving lifes? What about that solider getting paid extra for going to Iraq? Just because you make money doing something does not mean you don't love doing it. Let us just say you breed leopard geckos only for the money, is that so wrong if you supply top quality animals?

I will add I dont think its wrong to breed as long as youre keeping your animal/pets best interests in mind.

However I do disagree with your statement comparing breeding Leos and making profit to Soldiers getting paid for being in Iraq. That in my opion was a very poor comparison as You are not risking your life to breed Leos.
The reason soldiers get paid the extra profit is because they are in fact quite litterally putting their necks on the line.
I know its way off topic but i wanted to say it.
Please choose your comparisons better.


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
wow, this was pretty freakn intense. any way, all i can say is breeding racks worked like maricals for me. i had all my animals set up in the most ELABRATE, INSANELY NATRURALIST enclusers you could ever imagian. my collection grew, and i learned about breeding racks. i got some, and my animals grew like there was no tomarrow. this includes my snakes as well. befor i built my racks 4 years ago, i felt the same way. how could someone keep animals in a sweater box. but i proved my self wrong. i adopted 2 geckos that were 2 years old and only wieghed about 30g. i put them into some "sweater boxes", and with in 3 months they grew to about 55g each. now i have 18 leo geckos, 14 snakes, a frog, 4 day geckos, 2 bearded dragons, 3 mali uromastix, and a quite a few more. every single animal gets time from me every single day. and i work a full time job, and also take martial arts that takes up another 7-8 hours a week. with breeding racks my animals get more attention, and more love from me. in 23 years old, and have had reptiles since the day i was born.


New Member
Hanover, PA
Anyways guys, this thread is over now correct? Bulldogs admitted he was in the wrong with his comment, that he should have worded it differently. Lets stop beating this to death and let it drop already:) Welcome to the forums Bulldog, please make sure not to defend people with what you say, remember we are here to help :) Have a good day


Bulldog said:
I agree Marcia. Sorry if my post was taken the wrong way. I was just curious as to why people have hundreds of geckos. I know you guys aren't bad people, that's not what I meant.

Leopard geckos are addictive buddy, you wait and see. All of us here pretty much started with just one gecko. I know that's how I got started. Couple months later you want to add another one,few months after that, again another one. Seven years later I have around 70 breeder animals, and I think each one of them is awesome! I keep other reptiles as well, but none are as cool as my leos:main_thumbsup: . Give you're new gecko some time to get used to his surroundings. He'll start coming out when he's not so nervous, you'll see.
Take care,

Ont, canada!
capitalcitygeckos said:
Leopard geckos are addictive buddy, you wait and see. All of us here pretty much started with just one gecko. I know that's how I got started. Couple months later you want to add another one,few months after that, again another one. Seven years later I have around 70 breeder animals, and I think each one of them is awesome! I keep other reptiles as well, but none are as cool as my leos:main_thumbsup: . Give you're new gecko some time to get used to his surroundings. He'll start coming out when he's not so nervous, you'll see.
Take care,

totally agree jason, i only have about 15-20 geckos, and im in my reptile room more than half of my day. i could live in there.:main_thumbsup:


I started with one albino from petsmart (meaning I got a c.r.a.p. dookie brown hatchling). Then I tried to "rescue" a sick blizzard from another petstore, which only lived a few days. After that I was pretty much hooked and started going to shows and looking at breeders websites. My collection quickly grew from one to over twenty. Every single one that I buy is just because I love that particular one. Ask Indyluckyleos, I hovered over his table for like an hour looking at a striped female that I just adored. I didnt buy her then, but a few months later we met up again and I made sure he brought her for me to buy. (I missed him at that 2nd show because of traffic, so I called him and we met up while I was in town still).

I came to this forum because everyone here was just like me. I met Felicia on myspace, Michael (420geckos) on another breeders forums, and Indy on another forum as well as in person. I stayed here because this forum is so full of people who share my intrest and actually talk about geckos and share their thoughts. Youd be suprised how unhelpful some breeders are if you are not buying from them. But everyone here treats everyone else the same way. Im intrested in genetics, and trust me, the genetics section in this forum is alot better than anywhere else ive been. Maybe if you stick around and read through some posts and join in in more conversations with an open mind you would see.

Edit: NO!!! dont go into rehab! Its good to be a geckoholic


Thanks :D

Oh, and I figured I would add that I have not made a single penny breeding leos. I had incubator problems so I lost all of my first clutches this season, but my only hatchling so far is not going to be sold. I got too attached already. My only intrest in breeding is because of genetics. I bought all of my leos for their looks, or rescued them. I was only going to breed my possible hets to see if they were truely hets, hoping that I hatched some blazing blizzards. Whenever people asked me genetics questions I would use my leopard geckos as genetic examples on paper and decided that some of the morphs that I wanted I could create with my genepool. So I started breeding. I know that even if I start hatching raptors out of every egg from my raptor project, all blazings from my blazing project, etc, I still wouldnt even be able to make up the costs of my investments when I was just buying what I thought looked good. My Raptor het male was $200, my super snow was $400 my possible het raptor was $150, my blazing blizzard possible het group was around $250, my first giant was $95, etc. Plus the price of shipping for most of the above. The the shows that I went to were all out of the way, meaning gas money, and around here gas prices were high last summer. Then if you factor in the price of all the feeders, tanks, heat sources, and time digging through mealworm bins and cleaning up poop, my costs would be in the thousands of dollars range. That is the point, for us it is a hobby, and like any hobbiest everyone here is passionate about what they are spending their money on.

In your first post Im assuming you are describing the guy who runs C.R.A.P., well, hes not a member here (that I know of, and if he is he is really really quiet). Plus everyone that Ive talked to has mixed feelings about him.
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I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
Making money off of leo's? THAT IS SO FUNNY I FORGOT TO LAUGH. First of all, theres a chance any leo or gecko you might breed will be infertile or have bad eggs EVERY, SINGLE, TIME. Secondly, Unless your breeding a small amount of geckos that will always have a pure babies of their own EXPENSIVE in general morph. Like if you had a dozen eclipses(ha ha ha) that always bred pure. Since they sell for alot, you MIGHT pay for those dozen adults and their babies, MIGHT. Or you might end up screwed.

Racks? Efficient, Clean, Provides what the geckos need, and still costs you plenty. Just because the geckos are in a rack doesnt mean the owner or breeder doesn't love them. Honestly I almost never see my geckos out of their hides except a few times to switch hides, eat or drink, or maybe run around and make me dizzy anyway.

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