I recently got into racks and I believe that my beauties are doing much better in them. I use to have some 10 plus tanks and it was taking me over two hours to do maintance every other night. Now for me two hours is a long time considering that I work a full time job and go to college at night, oh yeah lets not forget my three children I have to attend to. I look in most of my racks before I go to work then again before school, and I LOVE IT!!! I'm not here for the money I'm here because of my passion with these little guys and for the thirst of knowledge that I want to gain. Last year I hatched 10 geckos and all were given to friends and family. I spend lots of time, money, and love to make sure my babies are healthy and happy. Everyday I got on this site and read what people say about their geckos and it sounds like the majority really care and love their animals. So before people start offending others they should take the time and read these forums before they make assumptions.:main_robin: