Breeding supplies, just a quick check...


Active Member
Haha, i didnt overachieve just did the required RESEARCH and sucessed;D

+1 to what Mallie

and i wanna point out Maggie, to my knowledge the ones who breed off season burmate their geckos which cant be done in a month. Thats the only way to control when they ovualte and when they dont so you're looking at atleast 3 months before you can breed. In the mean time enjoy reading:D when you get good take some more advanced morphs and cross it with another and then try to break down what it took to cross them(the orignal avandce morphs) and what you'd get with crossing them with which ever. It's a fun thing to do, it helps you learn morphs. Helps you learn coloration. and it helps you learn. But like it was pointed out you keep one gecko its gonna be a huge change feeding more. I went from 2 to 5 to 9 to 13 to 19 went from a few dozen crickets, mealies, supers and roachs too 5 times that. So unless you have a good breeding colony of something then it's gonna cost a butt ton to feed babies. Heat babies and houses babies. I dont know if your still living at home at 17(chances are you are) just be sure its ok with your parents or if your alone that you can afford all that. I know starting out on my own was HARD.
Not always true, i dont burmate females, they some just go into season later than others.


Active Member
Every body just needs to cool it down, Jordan if you've tried to help on 5 threads and she hasent gotten it then just give up and dont post on her threads, And maggie, listen to what everyone is saying, they know what their talking about. After reading those threads back and forword i think your both were being rude and need to stop it, this is place were people are supose to learn, not slam each other over and over.

As far as the education thing goes thats way out of line, im 17 wont graduate till im 19, get a 2.7ish GPA and im in a special needs class because of a learning disability, but yet i could tell you basicly anything you want to know about certent reptiles. Education dosent have anything to do about knowladge about reptiles.
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New Member
Dansville, NY
Makes me wonder how this kid "Jordan" is still on here. All the posts Ive seen of his, he attacks people and their threads. I guess there is places for know-it-alls but I dont think it is here.


New Member
South West
Makes me wonder how this kid "Jordan" is still on here. All the posts Ive seen of his, he attacks people and their threads. I guess there is places for know-it-alls but I dont think it is here.

Well at least you see it too! I have said some mean things but they would not have been said if the people who posted on here were nice.

This is a place to learn and as I have stated before, that is why I can here... to educate myself, because I have read books and done research and there are still unanswered questions. But thanks guys! I'm going to take the good advice... like I have also said before. But you guys just kept going on and on about everything that I didnt even ask... or say. But thanks again! You were all very helpful.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
to the people that think im attacking her, im just going to copy a thread ive posted previously that proves im not.

i said:
'i dont claim to know everything. But if youd take some time to read through all the threads and posts by this girl, i DO have a reason and a lot of people agree with me.
Trust me read the threads from this girl in this order:
5. this thread.

After youve read them, you'll know exactly why ive been like ive been. And ive apologised and realised i was attackive and came over agressive, so thank you for that reminder. '

ive also said:
'i think youll find im the one to answer most of your questions, and other breeders are saying in those threads that your not ready and saying the same as me.
im sick of this, i have answered your questions i have wished you good luck and i have ALSO warned you about going into breeding to early and ive ALSO provided research links. so theres not much more i can do.

and from that list above, first thread of yours i wasnt first to answer, people said before me what i have said. second thread, i was first to asnwer with a nice answer to your question plus some warning on enigma (how kind of me), on the third thread i was first to answer with the answer to your question and also some research links (how kind of me) and on the fourth thread, oh im first to answer again, with the answer to your questions and help with the morph calc.... oh oh HOW KIND OF ME!'

so take a second to look at this before judging me.

So to gixxer3420, thats why im still on here, because ive answered all her questions and more and been very helpful. Also i have been very apologetic and admitting of my mistakes and how annoyed and frustrated i got.
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New Member
Oregon, IL
Mods: would you maybe consider shutting down this thread? The OP has gotten the information she was looking for and I'm afraid this bickering is just going to keep going on if it's allowed...


New Member
Sheffield, UK
i think thats a good idea. I know i am participating in the bickering but i have apologised to mods and forum members and i have wished the OP good luck. its time to end it.


New Member
Dansville, NY
Jordan you are more of a know-it-all than helpful. I have said this to you before on your other posts. You cause problems on most of your posts.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
im not a know it all, i answered her questions, that doesnt make me a know it all... and tbh i think youll find on her first thread, most people said what i said before me.

i dont think youd be saying what your saying if you had read through the links i have provided to her previous threads.
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New Member
Dansville, NY
I read all the pages before I posted and I'm not just talking about this thread. It seems to cause problems with almost every thread you post on.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
i think thats a bit of an overstatement. Because of the responses and replies i get, i think im helping more than causing trouble.
If youd like to provide some examples where ive caused problems id be happy to apologise and/or provide a reason for saying what i have said.


New Member
Dansville, NY
Go back through out your posts kid and you will see. Funny thing you always end up apologising, wouldnt you think thats a problem right there.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
Go back through out your posts kid and you will see. Funny thing you always end up apologising, wouldnt you think thats a problem right there.

first of all please dont talk down to me or call me kid. thats just unfair.

and i dont think apologising is a problem... if i have offended or you say i have caused a problem, even if i dont see that problem then yes i will apologise, its the right thing to do and its good manners.
Apologising is not a problem.

If you think im a problem then stay clear of me, i have no problem with you and i dont wish to have one and i dont want this to ruin my relationship with other forum members.
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New Member
Oregon, IL
Guys: take this to a PM conversation if you'd like to continue. You've gotten WAY off topic. Publicly discussing a member's attitude and relative helpfulness is not something that this forum is for. You know that.

I don't know where the mods are and I can't enforce this, but I suggest you stop before they find this thread and someone gets a warning.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
no need. I have no problem, and so this should not carry on. PM or not, its ended. Gixxer3420 if you dont like me then dont talk to me, fair?


New Member
So Cal.
Yes Tony, I know what I am going to do with the babies. I have at least 6 people that want babies, and I have petstores who want some babies to(i know the people who work at some mom and pop stores and take very good care of their babies). And plus I am only going to have 2 or 3 females.

Just for a point 3 females can produce 40-60 babies in the season. Just remember this when you start so you have proper housing and care available.

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