Culling question - not for sensitive people


New Member
Sheffield, UK
Okay so in the past ive had to cull a few leo's, i think only 3 in total, but ive read that most people use the fridge then freezer method so i did that. It was horrible i have to say but you know its gotta be done.

So anyway back a while ago when i was looking into culling i read that some people feed their deformed leo's or leo's that need culled to their bearded dragon.
Well now i own a beardie soooo, i have a couple of questions for the poeple that feed hatchlings to their beardie.

First off, do you recommend going with the beardie method or sticking with fridge freezer method?

and if DO go with beardie method here are my Q's:
- do you basically just drop the leo in and turn your back, or do you have to hand feed it?
- can the beardie catch the leo easily or does it manage to survive for quite a few days hiding and stuff?
- will the beardie make a mess with it or swallow it whole?
- with the beardie having UV and heat lamps, if the leo doesnt get caught how will it fair in this environment?
- and any additional info about how you do it.

thank you in advance. sorry if this has upset anyone.


New Member
Miami, FL
I haven't had to do this yet, thank goodness. But if I did, I would go with the beardie method. Apparently, it also works with monitor lizards as well. I know GreggM feeds off his deformed/sick hatchlings to his monitors...i'd recommend you contact him and ask him about what his procedure is.


Gecko Medic
Ft Monroe,VA / Danville,NH
I've seen/heard a couple methods of "Culling" ... I heard about the freezer way being the most common, since not all gecko breeders have larger animals around. I also heard a lot of people keeping Blue-tongue skinks and using them as the "Culler"... A couple people I know have made gas chambers that they use to kill mice/rats to then freeze them, I'm wondering if that would be the most "Humane" way of doing this?

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I use the beardie method. My beardies are aggressive enough feeders that I do not have to hand feed or prod them, I just place the gecko in with one of them and it is almost immediately snapped up. They are able to swallow a hatchling leo whole and have not made a mess yet. Sometimes the leo drops its tail but the beardies quickly snap it up as well. I have never had a cull last longer than a minute without being eaten and it seems to be a quick, relatively humane method.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
thank for replies.

thank you Tony, i think if the time comes for another cull i'll be trying the beardie method then, i also have a blue tongued skink so if he'll eat them too then thats handy.
dont suppose you know if beardies or BTS's will also eat little hatchling corns as well do you?


New Member
Sheffield, UK
okay, well i'll be testing it next year. got some corns that are going to need culled next year unfortunately. so i'll let you know if beardies and BTS's are corn eaters too lol.

cheer guys :)


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I'm pretty sure beardies will eat small cornsnakes without thinking twice about it. Beardies pretty much eat anything that moves and will fit in their mouths.

I use the "feed a predator" method as well, though I use large adult tokay geckos and sometimes my Uroplatus fimbriatus, I've had the same result: dropping the animal in the cage at the appropriate feeding time(lights out for my nocturnal species) and it's gone in seconds.


New Member
Well, my love for Geckos is big enough to prefer the painless death. I own Bearded Dragons, snakes, and other kind of animals and if I have to kill a deformed Leopard Gecko I would never feed it alive to other animal, and I am glad to tell you that I have enough money to pay for my Bearded Dragon food and obviously Leopard Geckos are not included in the menu!


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Well, my love for Geckos is big enough to prefer the painless death. I own Bearded Dragons, snakes, and other kind of animals and if I have to kill a deformed Leopard Gecko I would never feed it alive to other animal, and I am glad to tell you that I have enough money to pay for my Bearded Dragon food and obviously Leopard Geckos are not included in the menu!

It has nothing to do with having enough money to pay for food. It's simply this: if you breed geckos, you will eventually have to euthanize some hatchlings. That's just the way it is. The way a responsible breeder chooses to do this is their own business.


Shillelagh Law
The way a responsible breeder chooses to do this is their own business.

Well... to a point, I agree.

If they are not culling (which would be ducking their responsibility) then it becomes a concern for everyone.

If they are choosing to cull in public, then they open themselves up to public scrutiny and criticism. Youtube videos of animals being put down using any method are generally a poor idea, the more sensational the method or the more giggling like a psycho happens, the more of a concern it becomes.

And of course, there can be local laws related to euthanasia methods which should be followed, or it again becomes a broader concern for more people than simply the owner.


New Member
I know this has nothing to do with having enough money to pay for food.
I didn't disrespected anyone. I just gave my opinion. Thats why we use forums, to share our ideas, and feed Leopard Geckos to bearded Dragons is something I do not agree with.
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New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I know this has nothing to do with having enough money to pay for food.
I didn't disrespected anyone. I just gave my opinion. Thats why we use forums, to share our ideas, and feed Leopard Geckos to bearded Dragons is something I do not agree with.

Oh, since you brought up money in your post, I addressed it.:)


New Member
If I ever come across this situation I think freezing them to be the best option. The gecko would just go to sleep.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
it would have to suffer the cold for a moment though. wouldnt instantly go to sleep when you open the freezer door surely.

plus, you also have to deal with the dead body then. which ive never liked doing. id rather feed it to the beardie, so theres nothing to dispose of.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I find it kind of funny that the same people who feel it is "cruel" to feed a leopard gecko to a bearded dragon also have no qualms about feeding the same dragon a cricket or a pinky. They are both living things, they both experience pain and can die. How is one "more humane" than the other?

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