Dwarf leos? Are these two considered that? Safe to breed?


New Member
I think your big males are just very well cared for. 80g really isn't all that huge for a male these days. We have several non-Giant male breeders who are that weight and aren't at all obese, just big. For the same reason, the females may have just not grown as quickly because of how they were being cared for. They may also just be smaller to start out with. There span of what's a "normal" size for a Leopard gecko varies greatly.

Thats what i thought(with the giant stuff) i was told a giant is 90-110 and a super giant is 110-140 or something. My guys are big i know for there ages but thats because there cared for like family(no racks, hand fed, handled daily, and what not). I suppose i shouldnt compare the 2 little ones to mine since mine are cared for right instead of like money makers. I hope with good feeding and care that they'll grow some! there smaller then my 3 month olds!


New Member
Thanks, shes my special little girl :) She is a Tremper Albino (the only one I own haha) and she came from Daidra at Leopard Gecko Lair. I love this little gecko so much and I'm really thankful to Daidra for letting me have her instead of culling her. I knew she was a dwarf when I got her. Daidra only charged me for shipping, she just wanted her to have a good home. I was in the market for a type of 'pet only' gecko at the time, so it just worked out perfect :D

awww well thats nice of her. So many breeders rather cull a animal then risk giving it to a pet only home. I know some people are terrible and would breed her to get "the next big thing" (well in this case small) and would have bred her. She definatly went to a good home;D I took in 2 rescues too both with MBD and tiny! one has a broken jaw and 2 front legs and the vet flat out said put it to sleep but now shes doing 100% better!!! not all healed but definatly better. The people thought id breed her!!! with one of my big males!!! and that id give them a baby in return for the 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! needless to say they wont be getting any pets anytime soon(they treated all there animals bad so i turned them in(skin and bone cat that was pregnant same with a dog) and a dog with large opened wounds) Nice to know there are lots of other good people out there;D She's a cutie hehehe


New Member
Miami, FL
That's horrible to hear where your rescue came from. But yea, I was given the privelage of owning her becuase she will not be used for research or to be bred or anything like that and because I have a lot of experience with leos and how to care for them.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I think a lot more goes into being a giant than weight. I have a Tremper male who gets up to about 115 grams certain times of the year, is not obese and at about 9" long is not a giant. Last season I had a hatchling that was 52 grams at 3 months. Not a giant though. Some just get big fast (or slow).



New Member
Miami, FL
Oh yes definitely. Especially now with people breeding for bigger sized geckos, it's hard sometimes to tell what is genetically giant and what is just a big animal.


New Member
I think a lot more goes into being a giant than weight. I have a Tremper male who gets up to about 115 grams certain times of the year, is not obese and at about 9" long is not a giant. Last season I had a hatchling that was 52 grams at 3 months. Not a giant though. Some just get big fast (or slow).


well obviously but most people go by weight. My dudes 8 months 81 grams and 9 1/2 inchs last time i checked his length. Really if your dud isnt a giant then what is a giant then? lenght AND weight?well my other dude is going on 11 inchs and 76grams and gaining(gaining about 8 grams every 2 weeks) He's not a giant i know for a fact as their by mass producers even if he gets to be 12+ inchs and 100+ grams he still wouldnt be a giant would he? Honestly i really dont get the giant gene. Whats the "standered" for a gecko? What will make it a dwarf or a giant?


New Member
Oh yes definitely. Especially now with people breeding for bigger sized geckos, it's hard sometimes to tell what is genetically giant and what is just a big animal.

No kidding@.@ people can say one geckos a giant so easily now(just like what happened here lol i now mine are giants) people can jack up the prices then saying its got giant genes or something@.@


New Member
Miami, FL
For an animal to properly be labeled a Giant it must come from the Giant line. If you are unsure of you geckos lineage then it must be test bred first before it can truly be called a Giant. Until then, it's just a big gecko.


New Member
ah ic. I know mine are just big geckos i didnt buy any labeled giant, mine are just nice and big:D really tho arent gaints just big geckos too? I mena is there a definate gene because from what ive seen with people selling them they dont say giant they say poss. giant and most go on saying parents are this big and this big(even if there both giants) wouldnt a giantxgiant make gaints? it seems like the gene is un-predictable@.@ maybe im missing something.


New Member
Miami, FL
There is some debate to whether Giant is a gene or not. I'm not all that sure about it myself but I'm not going to go calling my really big males Giants. For those who do believe it is a gene, there are Giants, Super Giants, and carriers, similar to hets, of the Giant gene. Someone else who is more experienced with Giants can chime in here, as my personal understanding of them is not the fullest.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
the giant gene is though to be codominant, so giant x normal would make 50% normal and 50% giant. and giant x giant would make 50%giant and 50% super giant.

and you say yours is definitely not giant because its from mass breeders? why does this make it definitely not giant. if they are mass breeders then they probably have a giant in their collection.


New Member
Oregon, IL
well if they are not genetically giants then at 81g they are obese. im sorry but at that weight they MUST be genetically giant or super giant.
just be careful not to go overboard on feeding. Obesity in geckos has the same risks as obesitiy in humans, heart problems etc.

sorry..this giant thing keeps coming up so here's my contribution:

(to the OP) Your animals aren't giants. A lot of breeders I deal with keep their animals around those weights. Even myself. My males top out at 91. Long, muscular things, and the tail's not exactly fat. Males just get big, in my experience. My females, before breeding, are around 75/80g. They DO look fat, but considering they get down to 50/60 when the season's over, the weight doesn't exactly hurt.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
well either my scales are broke or im not feeding them enough. cuz all my geckos are healthy and stuff and at normal proportions but their not at 80g...


New Member
Oregon, IL
well either my scales are broke or im not feeding them enough. cuz all my geckos are healthy and stuff and at normal proportions but their not at 80g...

I'm not implying that you aren't feeding your animals properly or anything. I'm merely pointing out that leopards come in a variety of sizes and a larger or heavier animal should not be assumed "giant." Yours are no more dwarves than mine are giants. In the same vein, I'm not feeding mine just the right amount, and you yours not enough...or vice versa. The proper weight for each animal depends on the animals themselves.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
okay. im sorry i made it seem like you werre implying. ive just seen alot of people saying 70g+ geckos are normal and ive always though 50-70g as normal so i thought i was doing something wrong.
thanks for clearing it up. i mean i knew they could reach big weights but i didnt know they could naturally go that big.


New Member
Yes thanks for clearing it up. I know mine are just big because i didnt buy any giants simply babies who caught my eye(well the type of morph) and raised them up. I orginally asked about the 2 because they are rather small for there ages but that sums up to the bad care they rescieved. I know they come in all shapes and sizes but i was worried because she(one i thought was a dwarf/ smaller female) is expected to lay more eggs and i was worried that itd cost her, her life since your not suppose to breed dwarves. Im still scetchy on this giant gene tho because as we've said there are just big geckos, im gonna start reading up on this. Thanks everyone! you helped ease my mind on my little Pandora, lets hope she doesnt have any complications with her other eggs and that she fattens up.:main_thumbsup:


New Member
ive just seen alot of people saying 70g+ geckos are normal and ive always though 50-70g as normal so i thought i was doing something wrong.

Most of my males are 85+ and females 65+ they all vary per gecko. Theirs no real standard. A 90gram gecko isn't necessarily a giant, just big.

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