Those look great. I love the patterns. No venom for me just yet, but I do like Copper Heads, Coral Snakes, and Monocle Cobras to name a few. I would entertain the thought of keeping any of those given the chance. I like Gaboons now too, after seeing these two. Gregg have you been bitten by anything venomous?
I have been struck at a thousand times and had a couple of close calls... :main_laugh:... But no, no actual fangs to Greggs flesh contact at all (knock on wood)... I have been very lucky and it also helps to know the animals you work with and use the proper handling and husbandry techniques...
I really need to update these pics... LOL... These two are just about 3 feet already...
Very nice animals, you should be proud of them. In the very top photo, about three inches down from the back of the head, (snake on the left)there appears to be a wound with some bleeding under the skin? I hope it is just a shadow, does anyone else see it or is it just my eyes? Regardless these are very nice Gaboon vipers.