Emerine Albino

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Lake Worth, FL
Nice tremper emerine caKed!!...big fan of this legitimate morph as well!!!.....

It is indeed! I love Emerines! So much diversity and color, they really are amazing! Infact, the Jungle Emerine that i have posted up about a week ago came from the man in the quote above me, and his line of Emerines are nothing less than spectacular! Infact, the colors on my Jungle Emerine are so bright, that when you look close, they almost look metallic... and no picture will ever be able to capture that.

So yes, i agree, a legitamite morph indeed...

If you can take a Tangerine, and an Emerald, and make an "Emerine" from those 2, then yes, i believe it is a morph, not a line.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I guess really it could be an either or type of thing. Whatever you want to call it, it's awesome and I would love to have it in my collection. :)


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Ok, points have been made all around now let's just drop the semantics and say... that's a beautiful leo you got there! :) I'll pm you my address and you can send it to me for a closer look, how about that? :idea:


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
If this thread were limited to comments by those who have experience with Emerines it would be a whole lot shorter with no argument at all regarding what wonderful animals they are. Keep me posted on the progress you make with her caKed.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I love my Emerines, they have become one of my favorite morphs. It's amazing how much more "green" they show when crossed to the Bells. It must be because of all the lavender the Bells have. Anyway, I love em.


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
I think you hit the nail on the head Mrs. Hammack. As you know, Tangerine over Lavender leads to greener pastures. In the future I would love to work the Emerine genes into my Bell line but my male Emerine is a Tremper Albino so I would have to use my females to do so and as it stands they are being bred to my Tremper male first and foremost. I have a small but very vividly colored group of Emerines and they are my favorite overall morph. They have great potential. I am in the hunt for another male who is not het for albino and possibly a few more females. Thankfully Emerines are becoming more popular among Leo collectors and breeders. I would love to see those Bells that you've mentioned. Another well known breeder will soon release his own line of Emerines, but I'll have to let him tell you about that when the time comes. Stay tuned...


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
All Tangerine lines fall under the umbrella of the Tangerine morph, that having been said, In my opinion Emerines seem to me to have the most potential of all Tangerine lines. I am also a huge fan of the Blood Hypos and the Electrics for different reasons. What sets the Emerines apart from the others is the sheer number of colors, including green, they throw out when crossed to certain things. It seems to me by placing Emerines in quotation marks that it is being implied that they are not a legitimate line of Tangerines, that is why I feel compelled to comment. I work with them and they are my favorite group so whenever I feel that they are being made out to be less than any other I will take the opportunity to speak my piece and do my best to remain civil in my actions. GOD BLESS THE FIRST AMENDMENT! :) On a side note, it takes years to develop and prove out a new genetic mutation (morph), people seem to think that it can be done in just a few seasons and that is definitely not the case. You can however develop your own lines relatively quickly.
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Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
man thats a beautiful animal. im always glad to see new things. when ron found the emerines out of an old animal line, this new color morph from that old line was great looking. its amazing what you can do when you line breed an animal, and get these brighter colors from existing animals
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