Enigma "syndrome" theory!!!


Active Member
Southern Illinois
I wonder why sometimes, the Enigma syndrome starts only at the time of ovulation? I have read about this before, and I have two Mack Snow Enigmas that were perfectly fine as hatchlings and juvies, but now after a year developed the enigma syndrome, one of them in such a massive way that she falls on her back and cannot walk right.

How come they could apparently process the vitamin as hatchlings and juvies, but not after maturation? Or didn't they need that much vitamin before ovulation, and the deficiency wasn't as noticeable?

How come, then, that other Engimas are born with the trait?



Active Member
Southern Illinois
Another interesting observation:

Does it matter WHAT KIND OF Engima it is? Strangely, most of my Bell Enigmas have the syndrome, while less of my Snows and only one of my Trempers have it. Can there be a relation to the morph? Or is it just coincidence?

Or, did it matter how strong the Enigma syndrome of the Enigma parent of the Enigma child with the syndrome was? My Bell Enigma male who fathered all my Bell Enigmas had the syndrome. This could explain why almost all his children have it. My Snow and Tremper Enigmas did not have the syndrome, and less of their children have it.


Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Another interesting observation:

Does it matter WHAT KIND OF Engima it is? Strangely, most of my Bell Enigmas have the syndrome, while less of my Snows and only one of my Trempers have it. Can there be a relation to the morph? Or is it just coincidence?

Or, did it matter how strong the Enigma syndrome of the Enigma parent of the Enigma child with the syndrome was? My Bell Enigma male who fathered all my Bell Enigmas had the syndrome. This could explain why almost all his children have it. My Snow and Tremper Enigmas did not have the syndrome, and less of their children have it.


I think alot of this would/might depend on how the leo was bred, linebred, out bred etc. How much enigma was in the parents. The more you breed back into the problem the more the problem is going to be more obvious/dominant. As far as why some leos may not be symptomatic until ovulating/gravid, well that takes A LOT of nutrients out of the body, changes the body chemistry, etc. so maybe it's a trigger. I think if you have a baby with a strong enigma influence then you'd be more likely to see symptoms in a younger leo, whereas if you have an adult leo that may only have enigma on one side of the parent tree, you may need a more dramatic catalyst to throw it into becoming symptomatic such as ovulation/gravid. If you have 2 babies from the same clutch one symptomatic from the start one not, well that's genitcs at work I think, 1 baby inherits the best of both parents, one the worst.
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New Member
Oregon, IL
I think alot of this would depend on how the leo was bred, linebred, out bred etc. How much enigma was in the parents. The more you breed back into the problem the more the problem is going to be more obvious/dominant. As far as why some leos may not be symptomatic until ovulating/gravid, well that takes A LOT of nutrients out of the body, changes teh body cheistry, etc. so maybe it's a trigger. I think if you have a baby with a strong enigma influence then you'd be morelikely to see symptoms in a younger leo, whereas if you have an adult leo that may only have enigma on one side of the parent tree, you may need a more dramatic catalyst to throw it into becoming symptomatic such as ovulation/gravid. If you have 2 babies from the same clutch one symptomatic from the start one not, well that's genitcs at work I think, 1 baby inherits the best of both parents, one the worst.

I should have studied biology. It frustrates me to no end that I have to research simple chemical processes instead of understanding them immediately. You'd think, given the hobby, I'd have taken some time to learn more about the makeup of these little buggers. Please forgive me if I sound sort of stupid here ..

I was going to say that because the syndrome is directly linked to the color/pattern change--the obvious physical characteristics that peg an enigma as such--and the normal siblings of enigmas never exhibit any symptoms, that the onset of symptoms shouldn't depend on whether one or both parents were enigmas. There aren't varying degrees of enigma. The animals are either an enigma or not an enigma. (and if we're going with the theory presented by this thread) they are either fully capable of processing thiamin, or they are in some way deficient. Because the morph is so intertwined with this syndrome, I want to assume that it's on or off. They either have it or they don't. So at what point does the animal have the syndrome? When they are processing 98%? How about 75%? 50%? None? At what point does the deficiency become noticeable? Is it only the "syndrome" when it IS noticeable?

The rest of what I was going to say is now moot point. I'm going to do some research :/

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Please don't take what I say as gospel as I know nothing about leo morphs, I was just throwing out food for thought from my experience in breeding mammals.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Please don't take what I say as gospel as I know nothing about leo morphs, I was just throwing out food for thought from my experience in breeding mammals.

Don't worry about it. I don't take anything as gospel. I simply observe, log information, and interpret it as I see fit lol.

I'm really interested in the enigma "syndrome" so I just can't resist threads like these :D

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