Expensive Geckos


New Member
Hey I was just wondering if this is just my opinion, but I'm thinking that people are selling their leopard geckos for prices that are WAY to high!:main_no: I mean why should people sell leopard geckos and say "hey this is a RAPTOR so it will cost you $$$$" I think it should just be judged by what the animal looks like to the customer. And if its "het" for something that is also a more pristine morph that doesn't really matter to most people cause they are not looking to breed leopard geckos. So why should you charge more for that? Also why should you charge more if its from "awesome blood lines" yet again that does not matter to a person who has no intention of breeding them. I think that leopard geckos should have some sort of higher pricing for rarer morphs, but why do people sell for example a SHTCT for $100 with another $50 shipping? I got my SHTCT from a local breeder for only $35 which I think is a fair price. Just trying to get some thought going about this:argue::gossip::huh2::speechless:


New Member
Between two terrariums
Well, I neither buy, breed or sell leopard geckos, so I can't say much. However, I can say that:
1) if you don't have the cash for a designer morph and aren't planning to breed them, there's no reason you can't get a nice healthy Normal. :)
2) While the whole popularity thing can be a mystery to me, and some people no doubt overcharge just because they know people will pay it ... if someone put a lot of time, effort, care and money into breeding/raising a healthy, happy gecko, those all seem like valid reasons to charge more, even if it's not the rarest morph. :D Again, you generally don't have to pay a price you don't think is worth it (either because the animal is unhealthy or because it's just a high price) if you're just looking for a pet leo and you're in an area where they're common as pets.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
All too often, you get what you pay for. Nuf said.
Well said.

Also buying from known blood lines usually is indicative of very selective breeding over years in order to create or refine a morph to a desired appeal. Since years are involved in the work of the breeder...it is perfectly reasonable to have an increased price in order to own one of their creations. Some people do overcharge but that is their own prerogative to do so...and your decision to purchase from them.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It's interesting because other people are complaining that geckos are being sold for too little. We've all seen posts about people who find a case full of tiny geckos for $10 or $15 each. I find there's always that tension between wanting to move my geckos, who are eating me out of house and home, and wanting to get a reasonable amount of money for them. Ask too much and they won't sell. Ask too little and I'm damaging the market. If someone has well cared for, high quality geckos and can get hundreds of dollars for them, that's the way it will be. I generally sell my geckos for $25-45 but I'm going to experiment this season with some of my really nice ones, ask a bit more, and see how it goes.



New Member
St. Augustine, FL
I sell at shows, my normals for $20. Some vendors might sell them for $15. I don't care because I guarantee the health of my geckos, and at $20, they always sell out quickly to folks looking for a regular pet gecko. Morphs are more $$, as are juveniles. Anybody who breeds and sells, has every right to charge more for morphs because they have invested more in their breeding stock. This is why it's very rare to see a good morph at the big box pet stores for their regular gecko prices.

Overnight shipping is expensive for live animals. $50 and up. They must be shipped according to shipping service guidelines, taking weather into account, in order to guarantee live delivery to the customer.


New Member
palmetto FL
\ I mean why should people sell leopard geckos and say "hey this is a RAPTOR so it will cost you $$$$" I think it should just be judged by what the animal looks like to the customer. And if its "het" for something that is also a more pristine morph that doesn't really matter to most people cause they are not looking to breed leopard geckos. So why should you charge more for that? Also why should you charge more if its from "awesome blood lines" yet again that does not matter to a person who has no intention of breeding them. \:argue::gossip::huh2::speechless:

Ahem, if you bred a high quality line of gecko(were going to pretendland) and lets say were selling the adults for 50 a piece and someone came up to you and said "i have no intention of breeding them can i have a discount" what would you do? Give them the gecko and then relize OH they could have LIED and do want to breed this gecko......... thats why quality=$$ something that id gladly pay.


New Member
Even if its just a SHCT your paying for years and years of line breading if its a real nice one. It deponds on what you wan't but like any animal if its rare or show quality your going to pay $$$ for it.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
If you really want to have a red Ferrari and only want to spend what you would pay for a used silver Chevy, don't get mad because Ferrari's cost so much and others are willing to pay the price for them.

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