Failed Incubation


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
I cecked on our eggs today and sadly found that Thor & Adinar's first clutch didn't make it. They were completly shriveled up. I'm not sure how it happened so fast, because the one was doing EXTREMLY well last week when I checked in on them. One thing I did notice was the Hatchrite around it near the top was incredably dry. But the Hatchrite on the bottom was damp. I'm assuming this is due to the 2 ventilation holes that I punched in the lid, but had since taped them over. I had also been adding in a few drops of water around the eggs with an eyedropper when nI would open it to let some fresh air in.

Just trying to figure out where we went wrong.

I know temps varied a bit in the beginning due to the eggs being laid before the incubator, but had since stabilized.

We used a 4 inch deep tupperware container to put them in with the Hatchrite. Was this too deep or doesn't the depth of the container matter?

As for the Hatchrite, this was the first and last time we will be using it. We will be switching over to vermiculite and just mixing it ourselves.

I'm just hoping the same doesn't happen to the second cluth. I know this is a learning experience, therefore didn't get my hopes up too high. Either way, I know we're definetally going to keep trying.


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
first clutches are not always viable. Did you candle them a few days in ?

Yes. I was candeling them once a week since they were laid on the 12th. They went from glowing yellow to pink. They were still pink the last time I candeled those two.

I still haven't candeled the 2 from 1/30, but I plan on doing so when I change the incubation medium to vermiculite tomorrow.

I did peek in on them for a moment when I looked at the others, one has already begun to cave in.

I'm still keeping an eye on Adinar should she lay a third clutch in about a week and a half.

And answering the question as to if they were fertile, I wasn't sure at first but when I saw them glow pink I assumed they were. They did harden up after we put them in the incubator.


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
did they glow pink or have visible blood vessels?

The first clutch just glowed pink. I couldn't make out any blood vessels.

I did just switch the second clutch to vermiculite with Albey's mix ratio. Hopefully that helps. I forgot to candel them of course. lol. I will check on them in a few days.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
The first clutch just glowed pink. I couldn't make out any blood vessels.

I did just switch the second clutch to vermiculite with Albey's mix ratio. Hopefully that helps. I forgot to candel them of course. lol. I will check on them in a few days.

Hey Val,
Honestly it sounds as if you are messing with them too much...

Also Albeys method is for perlite, not vermiculite... They are two differnt types of substrate with two different functions that require 2 different ratios...

Stop candeling and switching substrates... They less you do with them, the more chances you have of hatching them...


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Hey Val,
Honestly it sounds as if you are messing with them too much...

Also Albeys method is for perlite, not vermiculite... They are two differnt types of substrate with two different functions that require 2 different ratios...

Stop candeling and switching substrates... They less you do with them, the more chances you have of hatching them...

Will do.


New Member
Gregg my friend. I have used both perlite and vermiculite at 1 part medium to .8 parts water with the same success rate. the squeeze method gives you the same ratio from my unscientific findings :p

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