Fallen Angel's Geckos moving to northern CA


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
With a baby on the way and due at the end of this year, Mike and I will be moving to Lodi, CA (one hour from Sacramento) to be closer to my parents. This is something that my family has wanted to do for awhile, so now we're making it a reality.. just taking "one baby step at a time" lol

We don't have so many geckos that we are overwhelmed, so we won't be downsizing them by any means. The only thing I'm worried about is eggs.. any eggs we have at the time will obvsiously need to be flushed since any major temp. fluctuation hurts the embryos anyway. For that reason, we have our incubator up all the way, sexing for males to make sure all of the eggs we do have hatch in time.

I have to finish up my AA by taking a summer class in June, and our lease doesn't end until June, so we will at least be in AZ for that long.. I am not sure how quickly all of this will manifest into reality, but we could be moving as early as July.

We will be downsizing all of our other animals. We are rehoming two cats, our snow corn snake, our african ghost land crab, and our lil' chihuahua Leeloo. This is going to be one of the hardest things ever, but with the baby's best interest in mind, it's what has to be done. Leeloo is going to be the hardest for me, I just love her to pieces. But when a baby is born, am I really going to want to walk the dog and play "chase the ball" with her all day? I am pretty sure I will have many other priorities to say the least :main_yes:

At any rate, we are even more thrilled to be getting out of this wretched state!!!! No offense to any other Arizonans that love it here, but Mike and I came from the east coast and that is where our hearts lie :heart:

CA isn't the east coast, but at least it's much nicer up there. Better weather for one. Lodi is also in the middle of WINE COUNTRY, it's a nice, smaller town (I HATE BIG CITIES).

So to all of you northern CA people, we will be much much closer to you VERY soon!!!!

HEATHER - we won't be too far from you either ;)
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Dirt McGirt

Being a native and proud phoenician , I did find myself grumbeling about the heat at work yesterday. Its only april and we already hit 100 degrees.



Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I know.. I can't stand it!! The ridiculous heat here is one thing.. for those that don't know, it gets up to 120 degrees during the summer... the heat comes quickly and takes forever to go away (doesn't cool down until October)

I have been here for nearly 7 years, longer than I have been anywhere else, and it really breaks my heart. I honestly haven't liked it here ever since I had to move here.. it was a very bad change for me, one that took me several years to recover from (I had a major identity crisis and was severely depressed for a very long time). There's a lot of negativity that I associate with AZ now, and I just wanna get out
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Dirt McGirt

I think the heat gets to people, and make them a little crazy out here.

I just whine about the heat cause i work construction, and have to be in it 8 hours out of the day.

But November to April is nice.

Congrats on the little one!

Oakland, CA
You will not be far away from all of us cool Northern Californian's.. You know because SoCal is another state.. Or so I hear. Haha.

Congrats on the pregnancy.. I missed that post.. Haven't been on here much recently.

Make sure to head up to the Sacramento Reptile show on September 26 & 27 and say hi. Or.. some day that you head down to say hi to Marcia or Brittney.. Come say hi to us.

Good luck with your big change!!


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I am actually native to CA.. born in Lancaster, lived in Los Angeles.. David's right, socal is a totally different state lol :D We will be very eager to start a new life in norcal ;)

David - Thank you!! We will definitely try to hit up the Sac show in September if we can!!! I know there's a lot of people on here in norcal, so that's even more exciting :main_yes:

Rick - Thank you :) seems like everyone I talk to about Lodi suddenly gets that song stuck in their head ;)



But I would actually like to try NoCal or even further north like Washington or Oregon. I have also always dreamed about living in CO. Not the desert part of course but the mountainous area. But I also love living here in West Virginia.


New Member
Aww I'm happy for you. Things seem to be moving really quickly for you, but it sucks that you'll have to get rid of a few of your pets :( .


Ghoulish Geckos
I do love Arizona, but California is my favorite state. I'm so jealous! I think you'll love being closer to your family once the baby is born. It's always good to have babysitters close by, too. My daughter has so many grandparents that we've never once had to find her a babysitter and she's 11! It helps a lot! I have a friend in Auburn, CA. If I ever go out there to visit her, I'll have to visit with you, too.:) Jesse and I desperately want to move to CA in the future.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
The eggs wouldn't necessarily be a loss. We've hatched eggs that came on a 5 hour drive to us in a insulated box and an egg that made it through hurricane Ike without power for 10 days and they were all healthy. If you want to try to transport them I say go for it, just pack them in a cooler and don't drop it.


Sweet deal, guys! It'll be great to have you just a few minutes from us here in the bay area. :) Do you have a move date set-up yet? I'd be happy to help if you guys need anything... welcome back to NorCal! :)


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
Holy huge congrats on the baby, Jess!! Wowza! I can really tell I've been outta the loop for like 5 months now! That's so cool! I'm glad you'll be making a move that should make you happy, as well. A bad move can really mess with your head and make you unhappy! :( I think the situation surrounding this new move is a very positive, happy one, indeed! :D


New Member
NOOOO!!! i wanted to meet you... well i guess its good that your moving closer to your family... and if you dont mind me asking who are the animlas going to??


It's a BEAUT Clark!
HEATHER - we won't be too far from you either ;)

I can DEFINITELY handle a 8 or 9 hour drive (at least I think it would be about that)!!!! Make sure you have a bed (or couch) ready...I'm going to be a regular visitor :sweetheart: ESPECIALLY when the little one arrives :main_yes:

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