Fat-Tail Bite*WARNING, Blood*


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
Every time I see bite pics I think of all the times I hear here people say geckos don't have teeth :main_laugh: . I hope that heals up well for you. I had a leo bite through my finger nail while I was trying to get some stuck shed off him.

mandarin orange

once a gecko tries to bite you.. arent you all afraid next time when you try to pick him up?

my AFT NEVER tried to bite me.. owned him for about 4 or 5 months. he's always been so gentle and doesnt mind me holding him or petting him.. well one day i was cleaning his cage.. i thought he looked 'lighter'.. but thought it was just the lighting.. turns out.. he was in the middle of shedding.. and when i had tried to pick him up.. he ran away fast.. and then hissed at me.. ever since.. im so paranoid about picking him up.. i havent picked him up since..and this was 2 weeks ago


New Member
Why be scared, eventually it will be used to you. If you don't jold it, it'll always be scared of you.


You just have to keep holding it. The worst that will happen is it will bite. It will hurt but the pain wont last forever. My female bit me for the first time in 2 years. More of a warning I am angry put me back! Kinda thing.


New Member
I got bit in the face by a 16 foot indian python once. I took her out the next day and kissed her good morning. She was a sweetheart, but we all get in a leave me alone mood.

you know what they say "if you fall off the horse, get back on"


New Member
Oregon, USA
mandarin orange said:
once a gecko tries to bite you.. arent you all afraid next time when you try to pick him up?

my AFT NEVER tried to bite me.. owned him for about 4 or 5 months. he's always been so gentle and doesnt mind me holding him or petting him.. well one day i was cleaning his cage.. i thought he looked 'lighter'.. but thought it was just the lighting.. turns out.. he was in the middle of shedding.. and when i had tried to pick him up.. he ran away fast.. and then hissed at me.. ever since.. im so paranoid about picking him up.. i havent picked him up since..and this was 2 weeks ago

My male leo gets really defensive when he's shedding. I just watch his body language and let him finish shedding before I hold him. Once when I was putting my hand in the tank he came really close to it, and I honestly thought he was going to bite one of my fingers... But no, he just licked it and then went off to the other corner. I figure that he prefers licking mealies over me. ;)

Like everyone has said before me, keep handling him. He'll never get used to you if you don't handle him regularly. The key is to watch the body language of your gecko and know when it's an okay time to handle and when it isn't. Also, some geckos just don't like being held too much. But handling them to help them to get used to you never hurts.


Also, be sure not to grab. This really scares them. Once he knows you're there, scoop him up from underneath so he'll feel secure.


New Member
My leos have been biting a lot as of lately. I've been bit twice in the past two nights. Once was my own fault and the other time was completely unprovoked. The first time my leo Hiei crawled onto my shoulder and I forgot he was there because she was staying still for so long. I tilted my head to the side which freaked him out and he bit my ear pretty hard and left a mark. The next night Rem was sitting on my hand which was rested on the arm of the couch. I had my head rested on my arm. He was sitting still for over an hour just watching the tv and out of no where he spun around really quickly and bit my chin. Then as I was trying to get him back into his cage he was clinging to me and refusing to get off me and tried to crawl up my sleeve. No idea what's up with them as of lately.


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
IS THAT ALL!?!?!? come to me when you have a tokay bite through a leather welding glove!!!

J/K (not about the tokay thing, lol)

thats pretty nasty for a AFT


Woooowwww, I've never seen anything like that from a Leo or an AFT! And I'm lucky enough to have never had it happen to me or my fiance!! Ouch, I'm sorry you had to feel that!

The only gecko bites I've ever seen online came from Tokays! Wowwwwouchhhh!!


Imagine if You have Super Giant Leopard Gecko eat your finger off. Yikes.

That's alot of blood!
D: How you feel with this? like sore or feels like cut by knife. that look like it need stiches! lol :/


Back-woods Gecko
New Hampshire
Ouch! My adult male AFT has never bit me that bad, just once when I was hand feeding him. But he bit me by accident, and didn't even leave a mark.


New Member
I got it in the hand not a finger by a full size tokay 13 incher I had cotton balls of alcohol on his head for at least 15 min and he just kept on chewing, and trying to spin, when I let it go with the other hand. after 30+ min and his teeth really starting to sink in, I stuck a screwdriver in the corner of its mouth and twisted, it broke some teeth off but it to let go, lucky because a kitchen knife was next.
when working in its tank I used to just keep my hands cuped so there were no fingers to grab, but the darn thig darted from its hide and grabbed my hand, then folded its legs and started thrashing. sucked, but not quite as bad as a snapping turtle to the leg.


New Member
once a gecko tries to bite you.. arent you all afraid next time when you try to pick him up?

my AFT NEVER tried to bite me.. owned him for about 4 or 5 months. he's always been so gentle and doesnt mind me holding him or petting him.. well one day i was cleaning his cage.. i thought he looked 'lighter'.. but thought it was just the lighting.. turns out.. he was in the middle of shedding.. and when i had tried to pick him up.. he ran away fast.. and then hissed at me.. ever since.. im so paranoid about picking him up.. i havent picked him up since..and this was 2 weeks ago

whats the point of being scared? i had a columbian tegu that would rip your hand off but if you show fear thats when something bad will happen the tegu got me 4 or 5 times but thats not the only one that has biten me my male veild almost all my snakes which is 6 corn snakes a ball python a norther pine even had bearded dragons bite me but that dosent make me nervouse around them i just have to be more aware and yes ive had my leos bite me too


New Member
I got bit by my 189 pound tosa inu :p I loved him the same the next day. Reptiles don't sense fear from my understanding.


New Member
well they are an animal and cats and dogs can sense fear so why couldnt a reptile ? i know most reptiles use the run away tactic but there is always a brave one that will strike at ya

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Reptiles do not sense fear... They do not get brave and strike... They strike when they are left with no other option... Their strike is their very last resort...

Dogs can see fear through body posture and if you run, you will trigger their instinct to chase... When it comes to a nasty dog, it is best to stand your ground... Dogs MAY be able to smell chemicals given off when you get scared...

Snakes and other reptiles do not pick up or sense fear and they do not act accordingly to it

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
Is it just fat tail geckos that bite??..im worried now because my nephew handles my gecko (supervised)..

anything can bite with that said as long as the gecko is comfortable with being held and is not being defensive and your nephew is gently handling it, there should be no problem at all

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