Has is been proven that blizzard eclipse is NOT or IS the same as Tremper eclipse ??

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New Member
moved from texas to italy
i like his picture/graphic...i like yellow...black...and white...THE COLOR OF OUR LEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :main_laugh: :main_laugh:
btw...i admire tenacious worker...but...this is a really long treat :shocked:
is possible talking about the same thing for soo much pages? :main_robin: (i know..i can spend more post of this if we start an ethical discussion :main_laugh: :main_laugh: the only think that save you guys is my problem with the leanguage :main_laugh: :main_laugh: :p )


New Member
Golden Gate Geckos said:
Gazz... give it up already! You are trying to argue with people that have been breeding geckos for 14+ years, and have w-a-a-a-a-y more understanding of leopard gecko genetics and how they express themselves than you do! Enough is enough on this thread.

Who arguing ? i was just asking kelli if the diagrams i done was more along here lines of classificashion of leo body pattern morph strains that all a leo with striped body and a banded tail does she strongly feel that such a leo should be refered to as a partial striped'etc rather that just abberant are her view the same regarding jungle when should a jungle be a jungle and not a striped.

And i total disagree with your coments on the how long thing breeding leo's for 14+ years does not make you any have any more OR less understaning on how genetics.That's like saying somone who's been breeding 14 year doesn't have to give someone whos been breeding 9 years the time of day.Coz they have only been breeding 9 year they don't know what there on about.

Kelli and anyone breeding for such lenths of time should be respected and listed too but there far from being GOD though some like to think they are :main_yes: .


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Kelli and anyone breeding for such lenths of time should be respected and listed too but there far from being GOD though some like to think they are

That was so not needed. I am closing this thread now, thank you.
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