Has is been proven that blizzard eclipse is NOT or IS the same as Tremper eclipse ??

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Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Well, for what it's worth, the word "aberrant" simply means: 1. Deviating from the proper or expected course. 2. Deviating from what is normal; untrue to type.

In the olden days, ANY gecko who's pattern deviated from the 'normal' banded form (other than true jungles or stripes), was considered aberrant. This included 'Circle-Backs', 'Saddle-Backs', or other patterns that didn't fit the standards.

What really pisses me off is that some people seem to think they can just start coming up with new names for original morphs and their characterizations. IMO, that's exactly what you guys are doing!


KelliH said:
Whatever, I give up. I'm tired of having this argument every year. From now on I'm keeping my opinions about this to myself.

uh oh :eek:


New Member
Fort Worth, TX

Oh, no worries I'm not upset or anything, it's just that the discussion has run it's course for the time being. It's one of those discussions that has been ongoing since, what, 2004? :main_yes: So I feel I have said what I needed to say on the topic for now.


New Member
Golden Gate Geckos said:
In the olden days, ANY gecko who's pattern deviated from the 'normal' banded form (other than true jungles or stripes), was considered aberrant. This included 'Circle-Backs', 'Saddle-Backs', or other patterns that didn't fit the standards.

Just to be sure that this is the common nomenclature, since you have been in the in the gecko world from the beginning, could you correct me if I'm wrong?

- Aberrant: uncommon body pattern, normal tail pattern.

- Jungle: uncommon body and tail pattern.

In both these traits can appear some variety like circle-backs, saddle-backs, bandits, etc.

- Stripe: striped body and tail pattern.

- Partial stripe: broken striped body and/or tail (I guess you could say that those geckos in the previous post are partialy striped...)

- Reverse stripe: One line of spot pattern going down the dorsal spine of the gecko.

- Polka dot: broken reverse stripe pattern... That's what Ron Tremper says in his book, but I haven't seen anybody call them like that.

- Dorsal stripe: A line free of pattern and sometimes of a different color going down the dorsal spine of the gecko, which is a very common trait even in normal geckos (I would consider these out of the 'stripe' gene).

- Patternless stripe: Patternless body, striped tail pattern.

- Red stripe: line-bred stripes for getting orange and redish shades? I'm not sure.

- Bold stripes: Stripes with reduced head pattern.

They all have patterns that don't fit the normal banded pattern and probably most of them (I'm not sure about the reverses, patternless, dorsals and red stripes) are the same gene expressed to different degrees. They are called by different names to tell the differences between them but that doesn't mean they are different traits.


Sandra said:
- Partial stripe: broken striped body and/or tail (I guess you could say that those geckos in the previous post are partialy striped...)

I'd agree with this too, instead of useing Abberant I could say "Partial Stripe" for those cases, but not simply Stripe.

But in a sense, that's still Abberant because if you want to define it as "ANY gecko who's pattern deviated from the 'normal' banded form (other than true jungles or stripes), " IMO a gecko with a Stripe back and a banded tail is not a true stripe.


New Member
Golden Gate Geckos said:
A jungle is a aberrant pattern characterized by it's broken neck band.

Sorry have to disagree so this leo in this link is not a jungle coz it has no broken neck band ?????????????.There are a lot of jungle out there with the neck brake you trying to tell me there not jungles and if you had a leo with such pattern you wou never sell it as such just coz it has no neck brake ??.

Saddle back found at the area of the frount leg this is where the striping starts the point of the stripe begins so a part of the jungle process.

Circle back is where striping starts but the banding has a dominant hold over it so it opens out then close's back in given a circle appearance and also a part of the jungle process.

Abberant is abberant no matter how small if it's a patterning considered not normal for the animal is a abberant pattern.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Gazz said:
Sorry have to disagree so this leo in this link is not a jungle coz it has no broken neck band ????????????? There are a lot of jungle out there with the neck brake you trying to tell me there not jungles and if you had a leo with such pattern you wou never sell it as such just coz it has no neck brake ??
Ummm... Gazz buddy! That gecko looks to have a broken neck band to me. ;)

Gazz said:
Abberant is abberant no matter how small if it's a patterning considered not normal for the animal is a abberant pattern.
Like I said:
Golden Gate Geckos said:
Well, for what it's worth, the word "aberrant" simply means: 1. Deviating from the proper or expected course. 2. Deviating from what is normal; untrue to type.

In the olden days, ANY gecko who's pattern deviated from the 'normal' banded form (other than true jungles or stripes), was considered aberrant. This included 'Circle-Backs', 'Saddle-Backs', or other patterns that didn't fit the standards.

Ian S.

Active Member
robin said:
oh, know-it-all too?
Hope it's not me.:eek:
and... the first gecko I posted if I were to sell, I would classify as a jungle from stripe lines. same as the second.


New Member
Golden Gate Geckos said:
Ummm... Gazz buddy! That gecko looks to have a broken neck band to me. ;)

I'd call that parting is more from the dorsal striping rather than the striped striping (somthing most leo's have anyway but after that point you can clearly see that it's not dorsal stripe all the way down the spine as it's to wide).I would say it's a complet neck band as it not open the back end.But you have your own opinions same as i have mine agree to disagree :main_thumbsup: .

Is that buddy a buddy'buddy or a your getting on my nerves buddy :D :main_laugh: :main_laugh: .

Ian S.

Active Member
No No see the molecular bond that ranges from the chart of the electromagnetic spectrum unfolds E= MC2 to the fifth power, when the tides are alined with full moons gravitational pull.

"but only on tuesdays":main_thumbsup:

(sry about that) :clown:


New Member
Ian S. said:
Hope it's not me.:eek:
and... the first gecko I posted if I were to sell, I would classify as a jungle from stripe lines. same as the second.

naw dude the know-it-all is kunder

Ian S.

Active Member
Ok I have to somewhat justify myself for that little gag. "I take it back, there is no justification for me." :) but hear me out. Are blizzards not recessive because we hatch out light and dark ones, even ones with spots?:shocked3: as well as patternless?

What stripes are recessive ? whos had 100% stripes from stripe to stripe breeding?
Sheesh must have missed this one I apologize Gazz your a little hard for me to follow sometimes.:main_thumbsup:
but um....ME
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