Help for rescue a baby gecko


New Member
Hello everybody,

I looked up a forum online since I cant find the information that I am looking for on the internet, hopefully one of you can help me out/give me Some advice.

I need help with taking care of a wild baby gecko. (I think it is a crocodile/moorish gecko)

Here is the situation:
Last week I found a baby gecko in the bathroom (assuming it is a baby gecko since it is 1/2 inches big)
He was shedding his skin and was very quiet. He didnt move or anything. One week later he was still in the same place and same position. He looked barely alive. The skin was still the same and havent shed any further. He could not stay in the same place because it would not be safe for him and I was sure that if I would set him free outside, he would not survive. I decided to take him home so he could hopefully strenghten a bit and be set free savely.
At home I Made the best enviroment for him as I could possible do. (I am not a gecko owner, nor have i ever owned one. It is obviously not the best enviroment, but the best I could do. It has Rocks, plants, rainwater, I make sure it is humility and the temperature is nice - I live in the south of Spain so it is not really cold anyways)

The next morning I noticed that his skin was almost shed completly. Also he looked a bit more alive. He licked with his tongue and he pooped. ( his poo was one part white, one part Brown/greyish)

But that is all that he has done, he looks barely alive. I have him for three days now and he does not look very active. Also I find him in the same place in the morning as where he was the night before, assuming he was not very active during night time.

Yesterday he did move around a little bit to lay down in the sun. But he moves very slowly.

also he does not eat. I offerd him different small insects (smaller than the half of his hear) such as mosquito, small fly, small moth and Tiny larvae (all alive) but he does not eat them nor seems interested. Even if I hold the bug in front of him, he does not show any interest.

Also, I Just noticed that he is laying on his back. Yesterday he did this while he was in the sun, but even after the sun was gone he Kept laying on his back. I helped him up in case he wasnt able to get off his back himself. Now I moved him to the sun again, and he is laying on his back again. ( as in the pictures)

I am a bit concerned and not sure what to do. Please keep in mind that I have zero experience with Geckos and that I have no intention to keep him. My intention is to help him strengthens so he can be set free in nature again.

Now is my question, what can I do to help him? Or is this behavior norma and I should not worry so much?

please, any advice is welcome.

I hope you can help me out.

p.s. English is not my first language, sorry if there are any mis spells


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Staff member
Somerville, MA
It may be a moorish gecko (I looked at some pictures). If it was found in the bathroom and is now on its back, it may have some health problems that are causing it not to eat. You could try taking a worm or an insect, to hand feed it. Hold the gecko in one hand. Gently push the insect or worm at its mouth and see if it will bite it and eat it. If not, there's not much you can do. If it's not drinking you could put a little water on its nose to see if it will lick it off. You could also try some pureed meat like chicken (or baby food) and put a little on its nose to see if it will lick it off. Try that and let us know if it worked. If it did, we may have more ideas.



New Member
Oké thankyou so much for your reply! I will try and keep you updated! Thankyou


New Member
It may be a moorish gecko (I looked at some pictures). If it was found in the bathroom and is now on its back, it may have some health problems that are causing it not to eat. You could try taking a worm or an insect, to hand feed it. Hold the gecko in one hand. Gently push the insect or worm at its mouth and see if it will bite it and eat it. If not, there's not much you can do. If it's not drinking you could put a little water on its nose to see if it will lick it off. You could also try some pureed meat like chicken (or baby food) and put a little on its nose to see if it will lick it off. Try that and let us know if it worked. If it did, we may have more ideas.

Do I have to hold him in my hand like I have on one of the pictures? Or hold it in a way he cant get out of my hand? I dont want to stress him out


New Member
This morning I gently out a water drop on his nose. But he did not lick it or anything. When I came home this afternoon, i noticed that he keeps his tail up. He is not waving his tail, it is Just up. Also I tried Some pureed chicken but so far without succes...


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New Member
It worked!!! After I while he finally licked up the puree on his nose... it was not much, but at least he ate something!!! Also he looks a bit (Just a little bit) more active. Hopefully it is going the right way...


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Great! after you've given it more puree successfully, you could try killing a small feeder, dipping it in puree and putting that on its nose. Maybe it will actually eat the feeder and then you can try live feeders.



New Member
Great! after you've given it more puree successfully, you could try killing a small feeder, dipping it in puree and putting that on its nose. Maybe it will actually eat the feeder and then you can try live feeders.

Hi! I am really sad to inform that he did not survive. I Just came home to find him dead. For me it was really unexpected because he looked fine. I even thought I could set him back to nature this week. He was still not eating a lot, or moving much. But he was doing better than hé ever did before. Also, this morning he seemed Just fine. So I dont understand and it comes very unexpexted. Maybe he was Just sick, and there was nothing more I could do. Yet, I am a bit curious. I found his tail “hurting”. It looked inflamed a bit. Like he has hurt himself or something (wich is nearly impossible) Also his Tiny fingers started to turn black. Maybe Just because he is dead, or maybe it is because he was sick? Hopefully you know what the cause may have been. Greetings, Demi


Staff member
Somerville, MA
That looks like a pretty nasty tail wound. Sorry that he died. Many reptiles act pretty OK even when they're not in order to survive.



New Member
Yes it is. Dont understand what could have happend. Hope he did not suffer. Thankyou for your replies

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