Herpers Are Pretty Awesome


Shillelagh Law
Anyways, Seamus, cut it out with all this "ugly mug", "lightbulbhead" crap...I have a feeling you really aren't that bad looking after all... ;)

Shhh. I know full well that I am the most attractive man to ever live. I can't go out in public without throngs of admirers gathering around wanting to touch my clothes. The problem lies in the fact that I already have so much to be egotistical about, am so superlative in so very many ways. If I don't at least pretend to be humble about a few of them I'd be insufferable.

... more insufferable.

Men aren't unaware of their appearance, but tend to invest less of their self worth in it. So given the choices of things I can pretend not to be the greatest at, it was an obvious choice. I certainly wasn't going to call myself stupid, nonathletic or uncool.


New Member
ok.. so.. I am the one doing this fundraiser as a part of my jobs yearly fundraiser.

And to acharpenter: the "pins for pets" is the fundraiser that the pet store I work at does. (Chuck and Dons) I think this is the third year or so for it?? I am not sure though, if they do it at the same bowling alley each year or not. This year will be a 2 day event :D

Thanks to all this exposure - I will make sure to swing by. I hope to meet you and thank you for helping out the animals....I will also be sure to pass all this on to everyone I know locally

Yes, reptile folks are pretty awesome... even when being ornery.

Who is being ornery? NOT M_surinamensis!!!! :main_laugh:

Shhh. I know full well that I am the most attractive man to ever live. I can't go out in public without throngs of admirers gathering around wanting to touch my clothes. The problem lies in the fact that I already have so much to be egotistical about, am so superlative in so very many ways. If I don't at least pretend to be humble about a few of them I'd be insufferable.

... more insufferable.

Men aren't unaware of their appearance, but tend to invest less of their self worth in it. So given the choices of things I can pretend not to be the greatest at, it was an obvious choice. I certainly wasn't going to call myself stupid, nonathletic or uncool.

Even in bragging about being humble - your still ornery - s'ok - we know your a good guy!!!

Based on the last posts - you needed a certain amount to finish buying the blocks to uncover the "little" seamus pic

Based on my calculation - I have taken care of that - throw out an updated pic and lets get some more donations!!!!!!!


Shillelagh Law
This photo may actually represent the last time I wore a tie without a super-hero printed on it. I suspect for most people the reverse of that is probably true as they age further from seven.

Now I'm stuck getting a buddy to take a fresh shot of me too, I refuse to go the myspace profile route and hold a camera up in front of a mirror.

Now I need to... rub this in Brandi's face. So very very much. And come up with something else to keep this going. Anyone have any suggestions?

Miss Tuniwha

the odd one...

Thanks to all this exposure - I will make sure to swing by. I hope to meet you and thank you for helping out the animals....I will also be sure to pass all this on to everyone I know locally

Well thank you for the support!! Chuck and Dons does 2 fund raisers each year. BOTH of which, all donations raised go ONLY to getting animals fixed. This one is for MN SNAP, every year, and the second one goes to random, local rescue groups. :D I have worked for a few pet stores in the past, but this is the one I can actually be proud to say I work for!

Based on my calculation - I have taken care of that - throw out an updated pic and lets get some more donations!!!!!!![/B]

HOLY HOLE IN THE DONUT BATMAN!!! What a great donation!! SOMEONE really wants to see more of Seamus.. rawr.. :D (seriously though, thank you :D)

Miss Tuniwha

the odd one...
This photo may actually represent the last time I wore a tie without a super-hero printed on it. I suspect for most people the reverse of that is probably true as they age further from seven.

Now I'm stuck getting a buddy to take a fresh shot of me too, I refuse to go the myspace profile route and hold a camera up in front of a mirror.

Now I need to... rub this in Brandi's face. So very very much. And come up with something else to keep this going. Anyone have any suggestions?

awwwwwww.. such a cute photo!! And yes.. you have now, officially raised more money then I have for this so far.... go ahead and gloat.. lol.. I will let you.. .. for now.. :p

Miss Tuniwha

the odd one...
As promised.. Seamus has begun rubbing this in my face.. I woke up this morning and found this posted on my facebook...

"Hah-ha-ha-ha-ha-hah! You better hope it's good for your skin, because I am rubbing it in your face. All up in there. Mashing it into the pores. I'm doing my victory dance, it involves a lot of awkward, erratic shoulder twitching and pointing with both fingers like they're six-shooters. I am doing it... I am doing it *at you* and there's nothing you can do about it because I have won and you have no choice but to accept it. ‎... accept it with your face."

lol.. I love you too Seamus :p You have definitely earned this. lol


Ghoulish Geckos
This photo may actually represent the last time I wore a tie without a super-hero printed on it. I suspect for most people the reverse of that is probably true as they age further from seven.

Now I'm stuck getting a buddy to take a fresh shot of me too, I refuse to go the myspace profile route and hold a camera up in front of a mirror.

Now I need to... rub this in Brandi's face. So very very much. And come up with something else to keep this going. Anyone have any suggestions?

You were a cute little kid!


Shillelagh Law
I managed to scrape a little out of the ramen fund to help out. Now we need more funny pictures. :D

I may have to delay a recent photo until I can get a human being to actually show up and take one. I do owe one though, so it will be here.

In the meantime, to apologize for the delay and to fulfill Tony's request for a funny one... here is the most recent picture of myself that I have on the computer. It's not that new, but it is funny.

Feel free to use it as a background wallpaper on your desktop computer or smartphone. That's what I do with it.
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New Member
I personally think that since you specifically stated that you dont want to do the "Myspace cheesy mirror" self pic, you should have to do that very thing for the next one!!!

I also think you should have to pose with the one arm flexing bicep deal and the other holding the camera for the photo....

If your gonna do cheesy - GO ALL OUT!!!

Ahem - lets see it!!! :main_thumbsup:


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I may have to delay a recent photo until I can get a human being to actually show up and take one. I do owe one though, so it will be here.

In the meantime, to apologize for the delay and to fulfill Tony's request for a funny one... here is the most recent picture of myself that I have on the computer. It's not that new, but it is funny.

Feel free to use it as a background wallpaper on your desktop computer or smartphone. That's what I do with it.

Are you still in MA? Are you busy on Friday? I've got a camera . .



Shillelagh Law
Fine, fine... FINE! I honestly tried to get some of my friends to take photos of me, holding a camera at a distance, using the focus and snapping shots. They all seemed to think it was some kind of malicious trick and refused to do so.

So here are the spur of the moment, taken a couple minutes ago, holding a cell phone two feet from my head kind of pictures that result from nobody trusting me not to do something horrible to them for aiming a camera at me.

Two of them are the faces I usually make while reading things online. See if you can guess which ones.


Shillelagh Law
I don't actually own a bathroom mirror at the moment. Or a bicep, if it comes down to it. My entire body is basically composed of knuckles and scar tissue.
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