hmmm... (secret santa)


Est; 1992
London, UK
I've just heard from my recepient of the ss gift, however I think im paying for all the naughty things I've done and the royal mail is keeping my gift for themselves.


Grass Valley, California
sorry to hear i'm not alone. i think the deadline is Feb 1st so there's still some time.

hmm. wouldn't posting a list of people that didn't send be against the tos? i.e. posting bad things about members or something? i dunno. except for that detail i think it's a fabulous idea.

i'm not gonna count this as a bad experience tho.
i kinda understand.

thanks for the replies!


New Member
The Secret Easter Bunny thing was my first time doing an exchange, and was also my last. It was an unpleasant experience. But besides that it seems every time one of these are done there are quite a few people that receive gifts but never get around to sending one out. It's my opinion that the people that organize these should also keep track of who sends gifts and who doesn't. The people that don't send a gift out shouldn't be allowed to sign up for future gift exchanges.

Man trust me I was kicking myself after I realized I had lost the list of exchangers and had deleted some in my inbox to make space for inquiry.....I Don't even know who I got but I never recieved it either. I felt so bad for those who didn't get theres either... :/

That is the last time im encharge like that. I made quite a few mistakes. :(
but at least there was giving :D even if nothing was recieved :)
who knows maybe a person who thought they could join, did and something tragic happened ( ticket, lost job, something unessacry and too embarassing to tell people they dont even know in real life) and them recieving that little gift was a pick me up, a little something that showed not everything is agaisnt them.

idk just saying :)


New Member
surrey bc canada

who knows maybe a person who thought they could join, did and something tragic happened ( ticket, lost job, something unessacry and too embarassing to tell people they dont even know in real life) and them recieving that little gift was a pick me up, a little something that showed not everything is agaisnt them.

idk just saying :)

I think in these times we can all understand if something like this happened , but at least contact your person and wish them a merry christmas or whatever ,Its not the money or materialistic part of it I think it is just nice to be able to make someone smile with something simple.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Oooh geez. Wish I'd seen this thread bad, guys :/

1) If you haven't received anything yet, now is the time to pm me so I can chck what's up.
2) I AM compiling a naughty list.
3) If it IS against the TOS I'll just keep it on hand for the next exchange and whether I or someone else organizes it, we'll be able to keep those people out of it.

Remember, the deadline IS February 1. The holidays are rough on some people and I allowed them enough time to recoup. However, if you have not gotten your gift, or at least been contacted, LET ME KNOW. On the other side, if you haven't SENT your gift, but still plan on it, let me know and I'll tell your recipient and keep you off my naughty list ;)


Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands
I am still polishing my patience virtue :) but I have trouble sending stuff too, due to eBay lousy responders. Because I have to send something from a random country to another random country, it makes it quite hard to get in contact. I did notify my recipient though :)


New Member
That is the last time im encharge like that. I made quite a few mistakes. :(
but at least there was giving :D even if nothing was recieved :)
who knows maybe a person who thought they could join, did and something tragic happened ( ticket, lost job, something unessacry and too embarassing to tell people they dont even know in real life) and them recieving that little gift was a pick me up, a little something that showed not everything is agaisnt them.

idk just saying :)

Haley don't be hard on your self you did a great job. and the fact that you even picked it up on such short notice and put your time into it was awesome. if it wasn't for you taking it on it probably never would have happened. so thanks to you a lot of people did receive some great gifts.

I just can't help but think that their might be some people out there that sign up so they can get free stuff or try and get a gecko with no intent on ever sending something out.(not saying my SEB's intent was that) but making a list and passing it on to other organizers might help eliminate those that do have that intention.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Hey guys, I posted on my SS threads, but imma post here to.

If you haven't gotten a gift remember to PM me. I'm making a list. I promised that I'd make sure you got a gift. If your SS doesn't follow through on their promise by February 1, I will send you something, personally. But I can only do so if you're on my list, ok? So PM me and I'll check up on your SS and add you to my list.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
If your SS doesn't follow through on their promise by February 1, I will send you something, personally.

Khrysty, I don't want you to do that. I'm fine even without a gift, if that's what it comes to. You being punnished for people not holding up their end of the bargain isn't right. So while I can't speak for everyone, please do not take it upon yourself to send me a gift, because I'll be just fine without one. OK?


New Member
Athens, GA
I agree. While it's really sweet of you to offer, Khrysty, there's no way you should take it upon yourself to make up for people. Just keep the list of naughty and nice, and that'll eventually ensure nobody gets skunked in the future!


New Member
Oregon, IL
As far as I know, the list of people who haven't received a gift is relatively small compared to the amount of people who signed up. It wouldn't be putting me out any to send a little something for all they've done for the exchange.

Though, those who don't want anything need only to tell me and I'll respect that. I still encourage them to PM me so I can compile the naughty list.


New Member
Ugh I ordered my SS gift a week ago and still have yet to get a confirmation.. I've emailed them a bunch of times and still nothing, I'm getting very frustrated.

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