Dog Shrink
Lost in the Lizard World
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- NW PA.
I'm not even going to comment on that.
Heyyy... was that a jab at me???
I'm not even going to comment on that.
I'm not even going to comment on that.
Like I said here earlier NO ONE is attacking you, we're all here to HELP. If you don't take it that way, there's nothing we can do about it.
Sorry we didn't see that you were doing your research, and that you have enough money to provide for your babies...if you decide to breed.
But most of us, (I can only speak for myself) don't like the first thing out of someones mouth 'how much can I make'. I personally don't like hearing that. I'm not sure what other questions you've asked about breeding, because I didn't see them. Only thing I saw that was close is if you can house a male and female together without getting pregant.
You're being extreamly rude to all of us that are here helping you...or at least trying to help you. If you don't want us, fine. But we're all here to help...that's what we're here for.
Wish you the best of luck on whatever you decide.
You're welcome and the reason I haven't been able to answer a lot of your questions about breeding is honestly because I'm clueless there myself as wellI don't breed, have no desire to breed, so I haven't done a lot of research on the matter.
I think what is getting people going is when they see amature questions like this one you posted "Could you tell me what... "Het" means? " or comments like this "or housed with my male. She was the first day I got her but they didn't even make contact after she shoved him away, a day later she was put into her own cage" As was said, always quarintine... even 5 seconds of exposure or contact with eachother is enough to pass deadly disease or parasites to eachother.
I'm not trying to be rude, but if you had done any research at all, you what know what "het" means. Looking through these forums and doing searches on the internet will help you to come up with questions that people have previously asked that are the exact same as the questions you have now.
I know it is tempting and very easy to just post a new thread asking your simple questions, but if you ask a simple question that has been beaten to death already by the experts they do not want to type out another long thread about the same topic, they will refer you to previous threads. This is why you are not getting many "spoonfed" answers like Dog Shrink is referring to them as.
There are tons of links at the top of this page of breeders. Look through their websites and see the prices on their normal het blizzard or hypo het blizzard babies. They probably won't be very high, but you can base your prices off of them.
I don't know how to say this without being blunt... you will NOT make an income. Maybe after like 10 years of breeding, but NOT in your first year. Think of everything you need to buy to breed...
Enough space. Females can lay about 10 clutches of eggs per season, that's 20 babies. Do you have 20 individual tanks? You must prepare to keep EVERY SINGLE baby if you can't find homes. This is worst case scenario thinking.
(although you said you had a ton of tanks from previous reptiles)
Substrate (Vermiculite for laying, Perlite, etc. for incubation)
Heating pads for all the tanks (20 tanks, at about $20 per heat pad... that's $400 right there)
Food for all babies and parents.
Hides for everyone (although these can be made free... start stocking up on tupperware)
These are just the basics. And selling your babies at $20 each AFTER spending all this money... You'll be LUCKY to make up for half of it in your first year.
EDIT: rereading that... you'll be lucky to make like 1/8 of your spending haha, not 1/2
Um just an fyi hon... Dog Shrink is a SHE![]()
Is meKellee
If I may... you might possibly want to stop putting up the things that people have said that pissed you off... move beyond that and just kinda start over... reboot... breathe... know what I mean hon? Most people interested in helping with this thread WILL actually read 99% of it, they'll see what was said, unless they get aggravated seeing you gripe about everyone's comments then you'll get nowhere...
THank you and I know what you mean... it does seem like a male dominated society and the hair... well it's shorter now but it will be back there by summer...
Can't believe I missed this but YES that IS a Flemish Giant he is holding... not too many people know what they are... kudos for you![]()
Yes, I said that. And quarantine... they're in separate cages, so. so you can chill... I am doing some research now by asking questions, am I not? Rofl.
Well, if you read thoroughly, I never said I was breeding them NOW, all I did was ask about how much they'd go for
so you can chill... I am doing some research now by asking questions, am I not? Rofl.
Small world aye reborn... I really don't want to tell you what happens to my bunnies that don't make show grade... it would likely make you cringe... Fortunately tho I do have a good pet outlet for some of the buns before I need to consider the "other" places. Also now that the ARBA has passed a standard of perfection on the lions... they're called Lion Heads...
"Tip to the OP. I havent read ALL the posts but most of them>.< Even if people take a shot at you, give you blunt truth, or "sugar coat" it, just thank them for the answer or ignor it. When you get upset and start being rude to them it really makes a impression on the senior members, ones who will give you the best imput as they've been doing it a while. If you sound like kid throwing a tantrum(not a shot at ya!) then they wont answer and will just ignor it."
Anyway thats all about qurantine... so when you said 'i put them in together when i first got them' ... that was a bad idea. But now you know better for next time.
I have to agree strongly with Jordan on the quarantine. Even if you know and trust the breed your getting from. You NEVER know. You cant predict the future. It'd be so troublesome to get rid of parasites in a colony>.> I dunno if you've delt with parasites but its just a nightmare. I take in rescues so I always quaranteen for 3 months MINIMUM! My "breeders" havent caught nothing and only one rescue has had parasites luckily. I quaranteen each rescue in seperate rooms even just to make sure a new one doesnt give old ones something. You can NEVER be to careful. If you really wanna open a shop then you will be quaranteen alot. You may have put her with him for a moment but that one second is all it take.
This forum is one of the greatest thing you will be using in your quest for knowledge! I studied for over a year on genetics, care, husbandry, everything i could get and even now im still finding out things. Like one of my babies hatched premiture...Nothing i read covered what to do or how to go about it. Luckily all my knowledge on care worked and the babys alive now(tho its 3 weeks and only 3 grams..small baby) I am fully willing to keep her for her life. I am choosing to breed enigmas(ones that do not spin) and im fully willing to keep them if need be...and cull the ones that cant survive on there own. Thats something your gonna need to come to terms with. Culling. Its not fun. Its not pretty. Its the worst feeling the first few times but you will need to do it to be a responsible breeder. To release defective babies into the world that may breed them, ones that may have gentic issuses is terrrible. Read, read, read, read, and readddddddddddddddddddddd read till your eyes itch, read till your head feels heavy, read till your thinking geckos all the time(lol) ask questions yes. I limit myself to a question a week(havent needed to ask that often) as ive found the answers out myself threw reading. You'll know if breeding is for you when youre learning everything you can. Either itll break you and or itll make breeding all the more worth wild.
This forum is one of the greatest thing you will be using in your quest for knowledge! I studied for over a year on genetics, care, husbandry, everything i could get and even now im still finding out things. Like one of my babies hatched premiture...Nothing i read covered what to do or how to go about it. Luckily all my knowledge on care worked and the babys alive now(tho its 3 weeks and only 3 grams..small baby) I am fully willing to keep her for her life. I am choosing to breed enigmas(ones that do not spin) and im fully willing to keep them if need be...and cull the ones that cant survive on there own. Thats something your gonna need to come to terms with. Culling. Its not fun. Its not pretty. Its the worst feeling the first few times but you will need to do it to be a responsible breeder. To release defective babies into the world that may breed them, ones that may have gentic issuses is terrrible. Read, read, read, read, and readddddddddddddddddddddd read till your eyes itch, read till your head feels heavy, read till your thinking geckos all the time(lol) ask questions yes. I limit myself to a question a week(havent needed to ask that often) as ive found the answers out myself threw reading. You'll know if breeding is for you when youre learning everything you can. Either itll break you and or itll make breeding all the more worth wild.
I'm not going to listen to someone who has no idea what they're saying or what I've stated.