Thank you! I assume by your question you are asking if they carry any other genetics? Some of the ones pictured have a small chance of being het for tremper albino from 4-5+ generations ago, others do not. Unfortunately, I can't test breed every single gecko in my collection. I have test breed the last few years with some animals and the offspring that resulted actually went backwards about 4-5 years (meaning the traits of carrottail and orange coloration were very decreased).
Oddly enough, carrottail genetics are so complex/polymorphic that certain pairings can consistently produce high percentage carrottails, while other pairings- even if both parents are high carrottails themselves, may not produce outstanding offspring. I have several older pairs that fit this example year after year. They carry this "hidden genetic combo match" and although they are only 50-60% carrottail, every single egg produced by some pairs is 75%+ carrottail? On the other hand, I have pairings with both parents close to 95% carrottail but the offspring produced are never more than 75%. Go figure...