I need to get this off my chest


Let's Go Bears!
I never like getting into politics. Too much drama. All I know is that I agree with everyone saying that kids these days have it different than we did. I catch my 8 year old son watching Adult Swim every once in a while. I don't think it's right but what can you do when a couple of hours ago, he was watching the regular citcoms?

Do we live in a messed up world, to a certain extent, yes. But let's think not think about that. We all have a whole world ahead of us. I prefer to think about my son's 8th grade graduation, his first girlfriend, college, marriage, grandkids and all that good stuff. Life is too short to be thinking about the bad things. Sure they're always going to be there but I just prefer to not let it get to me. Same goes when people are too serious and bitter as to people who always have smiles on their faces and like to joke around. I prefer being the latter.:D


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
gaparicio said:
Do we live in a messed up world, to a certain extent, yes. But let's think not think about that. We all have a whole world ahead of us. I prefer to think about my son's 8th grade graduation, his first girlfriend, college, marriage, grandkids and all that good stuff. Life is too short to be thinking about the bad things. Sure they're always going to be there but I just prefer to not let it get to me. Same goes when people are too serious and bitter as to people who always have smiles on their faces and like to joke around. I prefer being the latter.:D

Greg I agree that focusing on the good and positive are great! I'm a very positive person and try to see the good, even in the worse situations. But what is happening here with our childrens' future cannot be ignored, it won't just go away. And if we don't do something to change the path we are headed, we might as well be a third world country.


BalloonzForU said:
Greg I agree that focusing on the good and positive are great! I'm a very positive person and try to see the good, even in the worse situations. But what is happening here with our childrens' future cannot be ignored, it won't just go away. And if we don't do something to change the path we are headed, we might as well be a third world country.

Agreed Felicia, If we ignore it, it will only get worse, and I think that may be the reason that it's as bad as it is currently. Everyone thinks "oh, it'll pass, just let it go" It won't pass, lets take care of it now before you can't leave your house without dying....and I think that if some drastic steps aren't taken, that's how it's going to end up not to far down the road.


Honestly I don't have children, but I know for a fact that my little cousin who is 4 called her mom the B word in front of me the other day and I asked her where she learned it and said in school. She goes to a little daycare run by a mother in her own home. I doubt she learned it from the daycare lady who I know personally. The things people are teaching their kids or saying in front of their kids is outrageous. I hate to say this because I am not a parent, but I think so many parents are also to blame these days. They seem to not care as much. My neighbor lets his child play in the street til all hours of the night. I think people are getting lazier and watching a child is hard work. I do not say this to bash all paretns because I also know parents who are great and love their children and are involved to the point of almost suffocation. I just know I see more crappy parents than good ones.

On to the child molesters. I know this sounds bad and I am sorry if I offend anyone, but I believe in the death penalty. I think if you touch a child in a sick and perverted way you should be put to death. It's wrong and immoral and if you don't agree that it is a wrong thing than maybe you should look at what you stand for. I believe some people need to make their feelings heard. If more people would grow a spine and stand up for the children we wouldn't have to live next door or down the street for rapists and child molesters. I for one will not sign a paper saying it is ok for a rapist to live by me. "Sorry bout your luck, guess you should've thought about where you wanted to live before you raped a little kid."

Sorry I got off on a tangent but it disgusts me to see the things that go on like this.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Agreed there are a lot of bad parents out there, I'm surrounded by them myself. There are close to 40 kids on my small street, ranging from toddler to high school. These kids have no respect for others property, or person. I agree they are lazy and/or have their priorities mix up.

But.... there are some children that have parents that do their best and still have kids like that. They do pick up a lot from other kids at school, you don't even want to know what my son asked a girl because another boy in the class told him to. Lets just say the kid's parents let him watch the movie "Breakfast Club", this was two years ago in 2nd grade. My son didn't get in trouble at school, thank God, because it was known that the other boy was a trouble maker. However, my son and I had a very long talk about repeating something that he doesn't know the meaning of.

Then we also get back to the spanking issue. As I stated before we can't even spank our kids anymore out of fear of allegations of abuse. I'm sorry I don't spare the rod at all in my house. If my kids do something wrong and they know it's wrong, you better believe it their butt is going to be sore! If we are in a public place, I do wait till we get home, not like when we were kids and got the crap beat out of us no matter where we were. There are too many people out there saying look she beats her children, while their child is out killing other children. I don't leave marks on my children, I don't break bones, and I don't call them names, but I do teach them respect and love.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
Although I am not a parent and do not plan to be one for many years, I can sympathize with many of the things you are saying. In the void of children I have many young cousins who I also feel the need to protect and educate.

But you can't protect them forever, or rather you can, but shielding them from the truth can make them weak. I am in no way saying tell them how it is when they are young, but rather they need to learn the truths of the world eventually. Its kind of hard to put what I'm trying to say in words.

As for the media, they will always be exposed to such things. Even if it isn't in your own home. Hiding them away from these things isn't the way to protect them from them. That is how I feel anyway. However letting them blatantly watch it and trying to figure it out on their own isn't right either. You have to know when that time is whether it is now or later.

[/QUOTE] Do we live in a messed up world, to a certain extent, yes. But let's think not think about that. We all have a whole world ahead of us. I prefer to think about my son's 8th grade graduation, his first girlfriend, college, marriage, grandkids and all that good stuff. Life is too short to be thinking about the bad things. Sure they're always going to be there but I just prefer to not let it get to me. Same goes when people are too serious and bitter as to people who always have smiles on their faces and like to joke around. I prefer being the latter.:D[/QUOTE]

Amen to that dude, amen to that.


pawsfoot said:
I hate to say this because I am not a parent, but I think so many parents are also to blame these days. They seem to not care as much. My neighbor lets his child play in the street til all hours of the night.

I agree, there are some parents that just don't seem to care, they feel that the child is more of a hindrance on their lives, so they don't bother. UH OH Guess what, next time keep your @*^$ closed. It's not the fault of the child that it was brought into this world, but since you thought that you were adult enough to do the actions that created that child, time to grow up and face your responsibilities. There's a lady down the road, who by the way is a crack head, prostitute, and wears her 10 year olds clothes. Her children are both out till all hours of the night, the latest I witnessed was 4 am. the police don't do anything about it when you call, they take an hour or more to respond....by the way, I live 3 minutes from the station.

pawsfoot said:
On to the child molesters. I know this sounds bad and I am sorry if I offend anyone, but I believe in the death penalty. I think if you touch a child in a sick and perverted way you should be put to death.

BRING IT!!!! If the governor supported that bill and I'll do my best to help it be passed!!!!!!! It would be nice to see harshed penalties for these actions, THEY ARE STEALING THE INNOCENCE OF OUR CHILDREN!!!!!!

BalloonzForU said:
I'm sorry I don't spare the rod at all in my house.

Agreed on that too Felicia, I can remember a few times that my mom busted a wooden spoon over my rear....guess what, I don't do drugs, I don't sleep around, I'm not an alcoholic, and I don't smoke.....hmmm has anyone ever thought that maybe a little physical punishment is what these mouthy brats need??? I try not to spank my 2 year old, but I have, I'll admit it, if she hits someone else, I let her know how that feels. I bit my mom when I was 3 and she bit me back, harsh? YES!! But I never did it again. There is a very distinct line between punishment and abuse. And some people are terrified of going over it. The result? Psychotic kids.


New Member
GeckoStud said:
Although I am not a parent and do not plan to be one for many years, I can sympathize with many of the things you are saying. In the void of children I have many young cousins who I also feel the need to protect and educate.

But you can't protect them forever, or rather you can, but shielding them from the truth can make them weak. I am in no way saying tell them how it is when they are young, but rather they need to learn the truths of the world eventually. Its kind of hard to put what I'm trying to say in words.

As for the media, they will always be exposed to such things. Even if it isn't in your own home. Hiding them away from these things isn't the way to protect them from them. That is how I feel anyway. However letting them blatantly watch it and trying to figure it out on their own isn't right either. You have to know when that time is whether it is now or later.
GeckoStud said:
I see what you are saying. My parents did a very good job of shielding me from the real world. I was not locked in a room and not aloud to watch tv or have friends but I did have to abide by strict rules. There were tv programs I could not watch, there were children I was not aloud to hang out with because they were a bad influence. I could not wonder around my neighborhood with out an adult. I am glad I was protected in this way but as I grew older and started to realize how messed up this world is...it was a shock. The only thing I wish my parents would have done differently is warned me. Children don't need to be exposed to the dangers of the world but they do need to be aware that they exist.


Let's Go Bears!
When it comes to raising your kids, it all boils down to discipline, respect and above all closeness. My kids know when they do something wrong. They also know not to disrespect adults. When you have a tight knit family, most of the time, your children will pretty much come out ok. I also spank my kids when they really need it. Luckily it's not that often but I do.

It's a crazy world we live in folks. I don't ignore it at all. We all know there are sick people out there. All we can do is teach our children the important values that were taught to us and hope for the best.


Felicia I remember when my mom would beat me with spoons, tree branchs, god knows what else she could lay her hands on if I was doing something wrong. I once called my mom the B word and I got a slap in the face. Thinking back, not a bad idea on her part. I believe that some children just do not benefit from time out. It's always a nice idea to start there, but if you are having no luck a more strict punishment would be required.


No One of Consequence
pawsfoot said:
Felicia I remember when my mom would beat me with spoons, tree branchs, god knows what else she could lay her hands on if I was doing something wrong. I once called my mom the B word and I got a slap in the face. Thinking back, not a bad idea on her part. I believe that some children just do not benefit from time out. It's always a nice idea to start there, but if you are having no luck a more strict punishment would be required.
I don't think there would be many happy people, much less children, in this world in which you make the rules and decide what is required.

It's good too that you have such absolutes, without even a hint of doubt or awareness, that you may not know everything there is to know about childrearing at the ripe old age of 20 years. Yes admiration indeed should be felt for the very surety with which you preach that which you are unable, as a parentless person, to practice yoursefl. Thank GOODNESS itself that there are people just like you out there making sure that those who can't, do indeed teach.


Let's Go Bears!
When we were young, belts were the items of choice. Being hispanic, Timeouts never worked. If you weren't quiet, or if you were already warned and you still misbehaved, WHACK! That's what we got. I don't feel bad about it at all. That's how all of us were raised.

There is a difference however when my buddies parents would hit them with wet belts, extension cords and Hot Wheels racing tracks-those things leave marks! As a parent, I would find it extremely hard to hit my child and cause him to welt badly or bleed and act like nothing happened a while later (I say that because I have witnessed it). When my kids are punished, I let them know why.


No One of Consequence
Hitting a child merely knocks the mischeif in.

If the best you can do is beat a tiny human to get it to behave, YOU should not have that tiny human in your responsibility to begin with.

The words, "I'm very disappointed in you," should be devastating enough to make a child old enough to think that it has done wrong.

It doesn't mean mistakes won't be made by that tiny human or child but it DOES mean they have the basis to learn from mistakes and then build on that learning to prevent further mistakes.


Let's Go Bears!
wilomn said:
Hitting a child merely knocks the mischeif in

Not necessarily true. every child is different. I got hit, I came out ok. My family members are the same way. We're not scarred in any way in terms of emotionally or other. Everyone just has different ways of discipline. Noone is better than others. Again different children need different discipline.

If the best you can do is beat a tiny human to get it to behave, YOU should not have that tiny human in your responsibility to begin with.

Noone said anything about beating. I don't beat my children. Beating = Abuse. A smack on the hand or a smack on the fanny by no means is it beating.

The words, "I'm very disappointed in you," should be devastating enough to make a child old enough to think that it has done wrong.

That only works half the time. I agree that parents should always TALK to their children before anything else. Again, not every child acts the same way. Some kids will laugh in your face if you told them that. What would you do then?
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No One of Consequence
gaparicio said:
wilomn said:
Hitting a child merely knocks the mischeif in

Not necessarily true. every child is different. I got hit, I came out ok. My family members are the same way. We're not scarred in any way in terms of emotionally or other. Everyone just has different ways of discipline. Noone is better than others. Again different children need different discipline.

If the best you can do is beat a tiny human to get it to behave, YOU should not have that tiny human in your responsibility to begin with.

Noone said anything about beating. I don't beat my children. Beating = Abuse. A smack on the hand or a smack on the fanny by no means is it beating.

The words, "I'm very disappointed in you," should be devastating enough to make a child old enough to think that it has done wrong.

That only works half the time. I agree that parents should always TALK to their children before anything else. Again, not every child acts the same way. Some kids will laugh in your face if you told them that. What would you do then?
You completely missed every point I made. It's not about me and you, well obviously to you it is, but about the values taught and how the teaching affects the taught.


First of all I was not telling you or anyone else on this forum to hit anybody or anything. I was merely stating my opinion which apparently you do not value. I know I do not have children, but I grew up in a large family with brothers and sisters and cousins and I do know a thing or 2 about watching children. Before you doubt someones abilities to make decisions you should know about them first. Second, if I feel the need to spank my child (when I have one) or if anyone else wants to spank their child, who are you to tell anybody what they should or shouldn't do. You should not look down upon somebody for disciplining their own child in a manner that is not of your liking. Here's an idea: why don't you step back and mind your own business if you don't like it. I was spanked and I am fine as well. My brother would look at my mom and laugh when she spanked him. He would look at her and laugh when she yelled. He just laughed at her entirely. He thought she was a joke. He now is regretting the way he treated our mom because he has made some bad choices in his life. So it shows some things just don't work on some children. You can not look at a child like my brother and say talking to them is going to work. you are by nomeans an expert on children and even if you are you should know better than to assume that everyone is going to feel the same way as you.
No one on this forums "beats" their child (I assume) so you have no right to go all " I'm right and I'm special and you should listento me" on us. I personally have a problem with perfect strangers telling me what I can and can't say, especially when it is my opinion and I was not hurting anybody by saying it.



You live in the most violent country on earth. Take a good long look at the leaders you elect. You drop a nuclear bomb and kill 100,000(at least) innocent women, children and any life forms for miles around, and now get upset that someone else has developed that capabilty.

The death toll continues to rise in Iraq, and for what? Most Iraqis dont want the USA there, they were quite content when they had food to eat and hospitals to go to and utilities that worked. Your leaders fed you full of bullshit to further their own cause. Ever wonder why the rest of the world didn't join in?, besides the asskissers. Like father like son.

The soviets had to leave Afgahnistan, what makes anyone think the USA is going to make a difference.

The USA has no business in Iraq, Afgahnistan or anywhere else for that matter. Who designated them as the worlds cop. That is why they hated in many parts of the world.

The perception from the outside is that every American feels they have the right to bear arms, and I guess be law they do. The first time I evr encountered a gun check in the US I was absolutely floored that anyone would be carrying a gun into highrise office buildings because they could.

Now sit back and think about the effect this has on young people.

I have the right to have a gun.....
I can indescriminently attack and kill anyone who opposes me....
I rule the world....
MIGHT makes RIGHT......

There is very little manufacturing going on in America anymore and what is will soon be gone. The USA is spreading itself very thin these days, the Romans tried this and look what happened.

For answers to all the questions about why this stuff is happening, we only need to look no further than our back yard.
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I'm with you. I believe in the US and all that, but I think we need to mind our own business sometimes. Americans should not be giving their lives because our leader is War hungry


NaughtyDawg said:

You live in the most violent country on earth. Take a good long look at the leaders you elect. You drop a nuclear bomb and kill 100,000(at least) innocent women, children and any life forms for miles around, and now get upset that someone else has developed that capabilty.

The death toll continues to rise in Iraq, and for what? Most Iraqis dont want the USA there, they were quite content when they had food to eat and hospitals to go to and utilities that worked. Your leaders fed you full of bull**** to further their own cause. Ever wonder why the rest of the world didn't join in?, besides the ***kissers. Like father like son.

The soviets had to leave Afgahnistan, what makes anyone think the USA is going to make a difference.

The USA has no business in Iraq, Afgahnistan or anywhere else for that matter. Who designated them as the worlds cop. That is why they hated in many parts of the world.

The perception from the outside is that every American feels they have the right to bear arms, and I guess be law they do. The first time I evr encountered a gun check in the US I was absolutely floored that anyone would be carrying a gun into highrise office buildings because they could.

Now sit back and think about the effect this has on young people.

I have the right to have a gun.....
I can indescriminently attack and kill anyone who opposes me....
I rule the world....
MIGHT makes RIGHT......

1.) we are violent people, which by all means makes us the most powerful joined force the world has, and probably ever will see.

2.) our leaders have led us to independence, power, strength, hope, honor, and everything else anyone in the right mind would want.

3.) we droped two bombs to defend our own people. WE COME FIRST. a concepts wrongly lost in many people today. look over your own shoulder, not a strangers. that bomb (with a single hand) marked payback (the natural thought) for the thousands of men, women, and children they themselve killed in our own land. we stopped terrible people for not only our good. but your good too. please by all means, we'll let the killer stay alive and push him over to your country.

4.) i have friends, family, and other loved ones that have served in iraq. i know many who have died. by the fallowing statement "like father like son" ill gladly see you in hell.

5.) soviets are like canadians. in what have they ever taken a step forward in? (besides dog ****) sure you can take a step, its just the madder of placing your own effort into it.

6.) US world cops? i wouldnt use the phrase 'cop' rather than 'keeper'. we balance things out, i dont think your army would hold their own *** when push comes to shove.

7.) if you havent noticed, we've been bomb, and wrecked, and shot at by people you kill themselve and others by mear jelousy. i think many people have writes to hold arms. as its in our bill of rights. the enlightenment made our country, and wrote our laws. something you guys up north lack.

8.) my generation is said to be the most corrupt group of teens ever to face the earth. in my own eyes were not corrupt. its the corrupt situations the generation before me leaves behind. its the worlds problems we have to deal with. adults think before you act.

Sure were morally wrong, but were obviously a hell of a alot better than you.
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No One of Consequence
You know what nastynotch, and if that's not a play on vagina I've never seen one, real cool people use synonyms like that to say things like vagina or penis because they are not quite able to do so without cracking up but, I digress.

I didn't realize you were a 15 year old kid. I'm sorry, you simply have no idea what is to come and, unless you do parent, you simply never will.

All the best to you and I'll post with my glasses on more often.

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