I need to get this off my chest


Brian O

Wilomn, you need to get off your soap box. This is a place to rant and rave about anything you feel like. Not a place for people to force their beliefs on them.
So why don't you go watch some more episodes of Nanny 911.


No One of Consequence
Brian O said:
Wilomn, you need to get off your soap box. This is a place to rant and rave about anything you feel like. Not a place for people to force their beliefs on them.
So why don't you go watch some more episodes of Nanny 911.

Force. Interesting choice of words.

Are you, in fact, attempting to force me to go elsewhere?

Or was it merely an invitation to see the egress and what lies beyond?

Either way, mine was not to force anything upon anyone but to have a discussion with one with the prerequisite knowledge necessary for such a conversation and which a 15 year old simply does not, can not have.

I didn't realize the ages of the participants and thought I had made a fairly graceful exit, sincere in all the right ways, until you decided that I needed an upbraiding for.....what is it exactly that I have done that so irritates you?

Given my opinion, as have many others, on the subject at hand?

Disagreed in a vehement manner, as have several others, with a give stance?

I simply fail to see what it is that you feel I have done that warrants my banishment to Vapid Land.

Oh well, I reckon I'll survive despite it all anyway.

But thanks for your concern.

Whatever it was.


And thus, I see, by some of the posts on my little ranting pregnancy hormone thread about what is wrong with this nation that children are treated so cruelly, that I see....Everyone thinks that they are the ones right about rearing children....I don't care if you have any of your own or not, some of us have raised nieces and nephews, sisters, brothers. Being a parent does not give you the right to say that you know how to raise a child. I DON'T CARE HOW OLD YOU ARE. I knew more about raising children at the "ripe old age" of 17 when my mother decided to have my baby sister, who was born when I was 16. I helped raise her, took care of her, and GODDESS FORBID!! I learned early how children are.

I am now 25, with much more knowledge, but there are people out there who have had sisters and brothers younger than they are, much longer than I have, and I'm sure they know (or think they know, depending on the person) more than me. Here's my experience, take it with a grain of salt and don't get your panties in a bunch; my mother used a wooden spoon on me, sometimes to excess in my opinion, I have turned out decently, I graduated high school, I'm working on my degree, I don't use drugs, drink or smoke (nothing against anyone who does)...I also don't sleep around or get myself in trouble with the law.

My sister on the other hand, was raised on the "Time Out" method. She is now 9, granted she has not done any of the above mentioned things, but according to my family, she is 10 times the terror that I was at that age. She gets kicked out of school for being a bully, refuses to keep up with her school work, she hits my mother, step dad and abuses animals. The only person she will not attack physically is me, because I slapped her up for it 3 years ago when she did. She does however talk back, scream, throw things and one time pummeled my dog...I pinned her to the ground on this occasion till she stopped screaming. My German Sheperd limped for 3 weeks afterward and had a swollen eye, BUT! He did not attack her, tell me who's the human in that occasion and who's the animal?

I expect, and I'm gonna hear it about this I'm sure, that within the next 10 years, she will be doing drugs, drinking, smoking and sleeping around, because my mother adopted this method of "Time Outs" and refuses to truly punish her. Some kids need to have physical punishments, they've worked for centuries and now all of a sudden, because the law is trying to "protect" them from being beaten, they are also preventing them from learning how to behave properly.


Let's Go Bears!
wilomn said:

Force. Interesting choice of words.

Are you, in fact, attempting to force me to go elsewhere?

Or was it merely an invitation to see the egress and what lies beyond?

Either way, mine was not to force anything upon anyone but to have a discussion with one with the prerequisite knowledge necessary for such a conversation and which a 15 year old simply does not, can not have.

I didn't realize the ages of the participants and thought I had made a fairly graceful exit, sincere in all the right ways, until you decided that I needed an upbraiding for.....what is it exactly that I have done that so irritates you?

Given my opinion, as have many others, on the subject at hand?

Disagreed in a vehement manner, as have several others, with a give stance?

I simply fail to see what it is that you feel I have done that warrants my banishment to Vapid Land.

Oh well, I reckon I'll survive despite it all anyway.

But thanks for your concern.

Whatever it was.

Hey man, who learned you how to spoke!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Perefalcon said:
Some kids need to have physical punishments, they've worked for centuries and now all of a sudden, because the law is trying to "protect" them from being beaten, they are also preventing them from learning how to behave properly.


I don't beat my kids, if anything I give in a little more than I should. However my mother beat me, pulled chunks of hair out, broke my collar bone when I was 3, and I have a knot in my lip to this day from her back handing me with her fist when I was 15. I called child services on her two years ago to get my then 14 year old sister away from her. The government stepped in to our homes to protect kids from this type of abuse, however with their broad rules & regulations on what constitutes physical abuse we as parents can't discipline our children in ways that worked for years. When I was a kid, they still paddled in schools! I bet many of you posting in this thread don't even remember that. There is nothing wrong with physical discipline, as long as it doesn't become abusive. This country has coddled their kids for way too long.
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Nastynotch said:
1.) we are violent people, which by all means makes us the most powerful joined force the world has, and probably ever will see.

Then dont complain when the kids shoot up schools.....

Nastynotch said:
2.) our leaders have led us to independence, power, strength, hope, honor, and everything else anyone in the right mind would want.

MIGHT makes RIGHT.....

Nastynotch said:
3.) we droped two bombs to defend our own people. WE COME FIRST. a concepts wrongly lost in many people today. look over your own shoulder, not a strangers. that bomb (with a single hand) marked payback (the natural thought) for the thousands of men, women, and children they themselve killed in our own land. we stopped terrible people for not only our good. but your good too. please by all means, we'll let the killer stay alive and push him over to your country.

Who were the thousands killed in your own land? I agree it put an end to the war, did the cost justify the means, I dont have an answer to that.

Nastynotch said:
4.) i have friends, family, and other loved ones that have served in iraq. i know many who have died. by the fallowing statement "like father like son" ill gladly see you in hell.

I am not criticising the soldiers in Iraq as they have no choice in the matter and anyone who gives their life for their country deserves the highest honour.
The statement "like father like son" I am referring to your illustrious leader.

Nastynotch said:
6.) US world cops? i wouldnt use the phrase 'cop' rather than 'keeper'. we balance things out, i dont think your army would hold their own ass when push comes to shove.

Who the hell gives you the right? I didnt know we had an army.

Nastynotch said:
7.) if you havent noticed, we've been bomb, and wrecked, and shot at by people you kill themselve and others by mear jelousy. i think many people have writes to hold arms. as its in our bill of rights. the enlightenment made our country, and wrote our laws. something you guys up north lack.

Again - Then dont complain when the kids shoot up schools.....It's their right

You NEED GUN CONTROL period........yes there will still be guns on the street but a lot less of them for the kids to get a hold of. It seems to me, and I may be wrong here, but the kids shooting up the schools are not from the ghetto's.

Nastynotch said:
8.) my generation is said to be the most corrupt group of teens ever to face the earth. in my own eyes were not corrupt. its the corrupt situations the generation before me leaves behind. its the worlds problems we have to deal with. adults think before you act.

It has nothing to do with corruption or the world's problems, it's keeping your nose out of other people's business. I agree each new administration leaves quite a mess behind them.

The balance of power will ALWAYS shift, when it does all you can do is hope it shifts to a friendly force or look out.

Nastynotch said:
Sure were morally wrong, but were obviously a hell of a alot better than you.

I really didn't expect anythng different from you, you will carry on "Truth Justice and The American Way" just as generations before you. You are what is wrong with this generation.

Don't get me wrong, I am not on my high horse here bashing the USA, because our great leaders usually follow your lead like lemmings off a cliff. I am proud to say we did NOT follow you into Iraq. That is not to say I don't feel for the families that have been affected by it. There are Canadians being killed in Afgahnistan too, and for what.

We need to take a long hard look at what we do and allow. Parts of the USA remind me of the Wild Wild West. In my mind there is absolutely no doubt why our youth shoot up schools, they are only doing what they have been taught.

Take this as you may, but every time I hear George Bush talk I just cringe, I get the impression he couldn't string together 3 sentences without the help of his speech writers. and he is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth. Not that our leaders are much different.

As a 15 year old, the power to change the future lies in your hands. You have to have enough [edit]insight [/edit]not to make the same mistakes that are being made now or in the past. You need to learn from our mistakes not take the attitude "we are the strongest therefore we are right". God help us if we have another generation of war mongers. At least with the soviet union around there was a balance of power.
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New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I can count on one hand how many times I have spanked my kids. I distinctly remember every time I was ever spanked as a child (three whole times but I remember them vividly!). Spanking, in my opinion, is something that should be done sparingly, and only when you want to make sure that child never forgets it and that memory will keep them from making that bad decision again.

About the war in irag, afganistan... All I am going to say is this: Remember September 11, 2001? Imagine a terrorist attack 100 times worse than that. We have to kill them before they kill us.


KelliH said:
I can count on one hand how many times I have spanked my kids. I distinctly remember every time I was ever spanked as a child (three whole times but I remember them vividly!). Spanking, in my opinion, is something that should be done sparingly, and only when you want to make sure that child never forgets it and that memory will keep them from making that bad decision again.

About the war in irag, afganistan... All I am going to say is this: Remember September 11, 2001? Imagine a terrorist attack 100 times worse than that. We have to kill them before they kill us.


ill go read the rest of the posts now
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wilomn said:
You know what nastynotch, and if that's not a play on vagina I've never seen one, real cool people use synonyms like that to say things like vagina or penis because they are not quite able to do so without cracking up but, I digress.

I didn't realize you were a 15 year old kid. I'm sorry, you simply have no idea what is to come and, unless you do parent, you simply never will.

All the best to you and I'll post with my glasses on more often.

dont be sympathetic, just because of our differ in generation and age.

sure im 15 years old. but as i stand i have a full ride scholarship, a job, and I'm alot more responsable than most freshman teens you'll find in whatever far corner of the world you may be in.

a full ride scholarship
a job that pays 21.50 an hour
and a nice little file at school that says ive done no wrong doings in the last 9 years.

Ive been in love with one girl for almost 3 years now.

Ill even do communty service here and there just because i feel the need so.

If anything my checkbook, my achievements, and my future reference tops what ever you've done in your own life time.

sure you can bash and thrash on how immature i am. but in a few more years i could be the person feeding you your mashed potatoes. you wont even be able to reach for your glasses.

the bottom line is the fact that i dont need to parent to see the conflict of the world, or know how to raise a child. I'm experiencing it right now as we speak. my dads not even american, and hes thrown my brother and me into walls and spanked us on occasion. but its not abuse. considering the fact that you all know that me and my brother have turned out fine.

and wilomn....whos to say i havent parent?


Mind you I was never truly "beat". I had spankings, and good ones! I can remember what I did wrong to get those spankings, but when my mother would say "don't do that again" I just laughed in her face. At that point I knew it all and could never be wrong. My brother was 10 yrs old when I was born, my mother went through terror because I was a bad child doing whatever I pleased at 4 and 5 and my brother was doing drugs til all hours of the night. She did what she felt was right for em at the time and it turned out to be the right decision. She didn't leave marks or break bones. She just enforced her decisions on my behalf. My cousin has a daughter that she does not discipline at all, if it were not for me and a few other cousins who step up to the plate her child would already be doing drugs at the age of 4. Kids today start things earlier. I was at a 6th grade dance with my cousins other child watching them and their were kids having sex in bathrooms. That would never have happened when I was young, we were all too afraid of "cooties" and such. I didn't even go to the movies with a guy until 7th grade, I sure wasn't thinking about him getting into my pants. People need to realize that things are changing and not for the good. If we could go back to the "old" way of doing things and allow parents to discipline their own way, within appropriate means, then maybe our society would start to look a little better.

That being said I do not carry a gun nor do the people I know. I believe in the right to bear arms as long as you knwo how to use it in an appropriate manner. Children should not have guns. They have no idea the risk they are taking by just carrying a gun. I am all for the U.S. and I love my country and I do support the war in Iraq. I just do not support Bush and other leaders deciding to go to countries and fight them when they are not a direct threat to us. Yes it has been done in the past, WW2, and with good reason. I do not believe that if 2 countries want to tear each other apart that we should be the first to step in and say "we are here and we will save you,"

PLease keep in mind these are my opinions as I have stated before. I do not say these thigns to make anybody angry and if I offend your beliefs please do not tear off my head. You have the right to state your opinions as well, please do not bash me for mine.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
KelliH said:
About the war in irag, afganistan... All I am going to say is this: Remember September 11, 2001? Imagine a terrorist attack 100 times worse than that. We have to kill them before they kill us.

And to add to this, there are many people that have volunteered to go back to Iraq after their tour was over, NOT FORCED.

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words:







No One of Consequence
pawsfoot said:
Mind you I was never truly "beat". I had spankings, and good ones! I can remember what I did wrong to get those spankings, but when my mother would say "don't do that again" I just laughed in her face. At that point I knew it all and could never be wrong. My brother was 10 yrs old when I was born, my mother went through terror because I was a bad child doing whatever I pleased at 4 and 5 and my brother was doing drugs til all hours of the night. She did what she felt was right for em at the time and it turned out to be the right decision. She didn't leave marks or break bones. She just enforced her decisions on my behalf. My cousin has a daughter that she does not discipline at all, if it were not for me and a few other cousins who step up to the plate her child would already be doing drugs at the age of 4. Kids today start things earlier. I was at a 6th grade dance with my cousins other child watching them and their were kids having sex in bathrooms. That would never have happened when I was young, we were all too afraid of "cooties" and such. I didn't even go to the movies with a guy until 7th grade, I sure wasn't thinking about him getting into my pants. People need to realize that things are changing and not for the good. If we could go back to the "old" way of doing things and allow parents to discipline their own way, within appropriate means, then maybe our society would start to look a little better.

That being said I do not carry a gun nor do the people I know. I believe in the right to bear arms as long as you knwo how to use it in an appropriate manner. Children should not have guns. They have no idea the risk they are taking by just carrying a gun. I am all for the U.S. and I love my country and I do support the war in Iraq. I just do not support Bush and other leaders deciding to go to countries and fight them when they are not a direct threat to us. Yes it has been done in the past, WW2, and with good reason. I do not believe that if 2 countries want to tear each other apart that we should be the first to step in and say "we are here and we will save you,"

PLease keep in mind these are my opinions as I have stated before. I do not say these thigns to make anybody angry and if I offend your beliefs please do not tear off my head. You have the right to state your opinions as well, please do not bash me for mine.
Vicki, I've got to say, you're full of it.

4 year olds don't start doing drugs unless they are shown how or forced to. They may imitate, but that is the fault of those whom they, the 4 year olds, are imitating for showing such behaviour in the presense of a 4 year old.

Also, the almost certainty of kids, 6th graders no less, NOT having sex in the bathroom at a dance is far far far more likely than the almost certain LIE you told above.

IF you don't know it for certain, if you can't really prove it, and it's as outrageous a statement as that, you may just want to keep quiet and save a shred of credibility.

nastynotch, you're young, dumb, and full of pride.

Sure, you're on a great road, but hubris will kick your prideful ass from here to next tuesday. Hopefully, by then, you'll be able to understand why, but I have doubts that it will be so easy for you.

Oh, and by the way, check with ANY law enforcement officer in ANY town in America about "throwing a child into a wall" and see if they don't want to talk to someones parents about child abuse. That IS child abuse and the fact that you suffered it and are explaining to us that it isn't is more proof of how damaging it is.

IF someone threw a friend of yours into a wall at school, would that be considered a violent act?

If someone threw a friend of yours into a wall, at the mall let's say, would you look for a cop or security to report that person?

Just because it is your parent does NOT make it ok for such behaviour to occur.
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New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Well said Vicky. I have to agree with her last paragraph and add that we are all from different backgrounds, faith, and times. All these things have shaped our minds to think a little different as to what we believe, is write or wrong in this matter. We should not be bashing each others opinions, but keep an open mind. What works for some kids doesn't always work with others. I never had to spank my daughter, and never had to spank my son till he was about 5, not even a smack on the hand not to touch something, time outs worked very good until he started school. Then when I did go to spank him he laughed. I take care to make sure that I hit is butt and only his butt, I will not fallow through with a swing if he places his hands or feet over his butt, out of fear of hurting them. After the first time I spanked my son I went into my bedroom and cried, it was something I had hoped I would never have to do.

I'll agree this country is messed up right now, but it's My Country, Our Country, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.


wilomn said:
Vicki, I've got to say, you're full of it.

4 year olds don't start doing drugs unless they are shown how or forced to. They may imitate, but that is the fault of those whom they, the 4 year olds, are imitating for showing such behaviour in the presense of a 4 year old.

Also, the almost certainty of kids, 6th graders no less, NOT having sex in the bathroom at a dance is far far far more likely than the almost certain LIE you told above.

IF you don't know it for certain, if you can't really prove it, and it's as outrageous a statement as that, you may just want to keep quiet and save a shred of credibility.

nastynotch, you're young, dumb, and full of pride.

Sure, you're on a great road, but hubris will kick your prideful ass from here to next tuesday. Hopefully, by then, you'll be able to understand why, but I have doubts that it will be so easy for you.

Oh, and by the way, check with ANY law enforcement officer in ANY town in America about "throwing a child into a wall" and see if they don't want to talk to someones parents about child abuse. That IS child abuse and the fact that you suffered it and are explaining to us that it isn't is more proof of how damaging it is.

IF someone threw a friend of yours into a wall at school, would that be considered a violent act?

If someone threw a friend of yours into a wall, at the mall let's say, would you look for a cop or security to report that person?

Just because it is your parent does NOT make it ok for such behaviour to occur.

First, I know it wasnt 6th grade, but thats not far off.

seond, you obviously dont believe in enforcing regulations outside of the law, rather than your own beliefs and systems.

if your kid calls you a bitch, what do you do? give him a slap on the wrist and send him on his way?

if you catch your kid with alcohol, what do you do? take away his ipod for a week? IT WONT STOP HIM/HER.

because of my father ive kept fairly straight, dispite the fact that i have drank, and i have had sex. but its not because of my father. mearly is the fact that i feel mature enough to do so. because in reality im doing better than most adults older than the age of 28.

I drive highly expensive cars to school everyday, and my brother won 'rock artist of the year' as he sits on the UK branch of columbia records. And because of our sucess as young men my father (aswell as us) have full rights to fill our asses up with pride.

the bottom line is the fact that small circumstance punishments will do nothing for a childs behavior. 5.8% of middleschool students have behavior problems because of parents who can suck it up and slap them.

by all means im not telling you how to raise a child, or how to keep them out of trouble. Im just trying to prove that it wont do any harm to show them who's boss now and then. Forcing me to believe my father is a bad man by giving me ethics and respect is completely wrong to do. You'll have problems with your own children if you hold the two aspects away from them.

The law says that when i have sex with my girlfriend whom is 18 years of age, its legallly rape. if you dont understand, the rape is on her part.

The law also give exception that when my brother buys alcohol and give it to me, (because he is oath underbirth and over 21) its legal. morally wrong, but legal.

So the law has all sorts of twist and exceptions. whos to say my father abused me as a child?


No One of Consequence
Nastynotch said:
First, I know it wasnt 6th grade, but thats not far off.

seond, you obviously dont believe in enforcing regulations outside of the law, rather than your own beliefs and systems.

if your kid calls you a bitch, what do you do? give him a slap on the wrist and send him on his way?

if you catch your kid with alcohol, what do you do? take away his ipod for a week? IT WONT STOP HIM/HER.

because of my father ive kept fairly straight, dispite the fact that i have drank, and i have had sex. but its not because of my father. mearly is the fact that i feel mature enough to do so. because in reality im doing better than most adults older than the age of 28.

I drive highly expensive cars to school everyday, and my brother won 'rock artist of the year' as he sits on the UK branch of columbia records. And because of our sucess as young men my father (aswell as us) have full rights to fill our asses up with pride.

the bottom line is the fact that small circumstance punishments will do nothing for a childs behavior. 5.8% of middleschool students have behavior problems because of parents who can suck it up and slap them.

by all means im not telling you how to raise a child, or how to keep them out of trouble. Im just trying to prove that it wont do any harm to show them who's boss now and then. Forcing me to believe my father is a bad man by giving me ethics and respect is completely wrong to do. You'll have problems with your own children if you hold the two aspects away from them.

The law says that when i have sex with my girlfriend whom is 18 years of age, its legallly rape. if you dont understand, the rape is on her part.

The law also give exception that when my brother buys alcohol and give it to me, (because he is oath underbirth and over 21) its legal. morally wrong, but legal.

So the law has all sorts of twist and exceptions. whos to say my father abused me as a child?
Do you suppose you could turn down the Pride Light a bit. Oh, and if you would translate the above into English, I would be sincerely appreciative.


KelliH said:
About the war in irag, afganistan... All I am going to say is this: Remember September 11, 2001? Imagine a terrorist attack 100 times worse than that. We have to kill them before they kill us.


Out of curiosity, why is it that the USA is fighting a war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I'm still having a problem relating Iraq to 911. Is it blind faith that George says so, so it must be, although none of the WMD he said were there could be found.

Is it that the Al-qaeda live in Iraq?

What about the 1000's of innocent Iraqi's that have been killed. I would hazard a guess that the innocent Iraqi casualties far outnumber the US casualties. Is it possible that George fed the nation a pile of propoganda in order to go back and finish off Sadam.

I am not trying to belittle what happened but only trying to sort out in my mind the justification for invading Iraq. As I said, I fail to make the connection.

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