... and they look something like these:
Inspecting one of the boxes that arrived
Mack Snow Bold Stripe
Blood Hypo Enigma Het Bell
I always wanted a hot Bell Sunglow. And with dumb luck, I got this instead i.e. Bell Sunglow Enigma
Just look at her eyes. Ouch!!!
Things just won't be complete without any Gargoyles
Here's another one
I got some Diplos too. Let's start with some of my favorites:
A REALLY SMALL specimen. By the way can you pronounce Diplodactylus stenodactylus without twisting your tongue? I can LOL!
Of course, like any other shipments, I bought some snakes too:
Tangerine Albino Hondo
Hybino Hondo
And some Pyros
Don't you just love the name "Hondos" and "Pyros"? They sound so cool...well I am a nerd. So yeah! LOL!
Also bought myself some dragons
And these
And I got two batches i.e. "lemony" and "non-lemony" LOL!
That's all folks!
Inspecting one of the boxes that arrived
Mack Snow Bold Stripe
Blood Hypo Enigma Het Bell
I always wanted a hot Bell Sunglow. And with dumb luck, I got this instead i.e. Bell Sunglow Enigma
Just look at her eyes. Ouch!!!
Things just won't be complete without any Gargoyles
Here's another one
I got some Diplos too. Let's start with some of my favorites:
A REALLY SMALL specimen. By the way can you pronounce Diplodactylus stenodactylus without twisting your tongue? I can LOL!
Of course, like any other shipments, I bought some snakes too:
Tangerine Albino Hondo
Hybino Hondo
And some Pyros
Don't you just love the name "Hondos" and "Pyros"? They sound so cool...well I am a nerd. So yeah! LOL!
Also bought myself some dragons
And these
And I got two batches i.e. "lemony" and "non-lemony" LOL!
That's all folks!