Leopard gecko market


New Member
Man, this turned into something I completely didn't intend. For one, I am not in it to just make money, or I would have invested the cash into something a bit more lucrative - IE ball pythons.

I have a dedication and a passion to reptiles, there are many ways to get rich that aren't nearly as much of a hassle as this. I had geckos when I was young, always had an interest in breeding them, hell I even have a book somewhere around here about it. Either way, that's not the point. I enjoy keeping and breeding them, do I care if I produce top of the line morphs and market to other breeders? Nope, frankly if #1 gecko breeder doesn't like my geckos, oh well, my main market isn't designed towards fellow breeders/collectors.

I'm simply asking what people have noticed about their opinions of selling basic morphs (snow/super snow) in the PET market. I'm not asking to be spoon-fed anything, just simple opinions and observations. The same observations that the general public could care less about morphs of corn snakes, they are all generally worth $20 as pets to people. Many of you may not approve of me breeding geckos, or how I go about doing it. Doesn't phase me, the looks I get from some of the younger kids (of course with parents present!) brings me back to when I was a kid getting into reptiles. That alone is worth so much more than a group of internet guys approval of what I do.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
In my gecko breeding, I aim for 2 levels:
--mid-level geckos like stripes and snows. These are geckos that are more interesting than the basic ones but not so expensive that I have to sell them for many hundreds of dollars

--"basic" geckos - high yellow, blizzard hets and banded albinos: these are my $25 geckos and they're meant for people, usually kids, who want a nice pet and have no idea about morphs. What they get from me that they don't get from Petco is: a complete set-up at cheaper prices than Petco (obviously not included in the $25), a very detailed (10 pages) care sheet, my email and cell phone number and use of me as an indefinite resource.

One interesting anecdote: my first year breeding, a local pet store had a reptile auction and I provided 2 leopard geckos, one of which was a fairly run of the mill Tremper. I was selling my geckos for $20. Well, this gecko eventually went in the auction for $55! The buyer said she'd never seen such a healthy, bright looking albino. Of course, what she really meant was that shed never seen one as healthy and bright at that pet store!



New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Man, this turned into something I completely didn't intend. For one, I am not in it to just make money, or I would have invested the cash into something a bit more lucrative - IE ball pythons.

I have a dedication and a passion to reptiles, there are many ways to get rich that aren't nearly as much of a hassle as this. I had geckos when I was young, always had an interest in breeding them, hell I even have a book somewhere around here about it. Either way, that's not the point. I enjoy keeping and breeding them, do I care if I produce top of the line morphs and market to other breeders? Nope, frankly if #1 gecko breeder doesn't like my geckos, oh well, my main market isn't designed towards fellow breeders/collectors.

I'm simply asking what people have noticed about their opinions of selling basic morphs (snow/super snow) in the PET market. I'm not asking to be spoon-fed anything, just simple opinions and observations. The same observations that the general public could care less about morphs of corn snakes, they are all generally worth $20 as pets to people. Many of you may not approve of me breeding geckos, or how I go about doing it. Doesn't phase me, the looks I get from some of the younger kids (of course with parents present!) brings me back to when I was a kid getting into reptiles. That alone is worth so much more than a group of internet guys approval of what I do.

I started out years and years ago with a pair of normal leopard geckos and I bred them the first year I had them. I knew no one else that even had a pet leopard gecko at that time and I might have had one small book to reference.

There is nothing at all wrong with you wanting to breed your geckos. That's how we all started, and a few of us started way before there was a GeckoForums or any other website to offer detailed instructions on how to care for and breed leos.

It was mentioned above that "breeders like you" are the reason the market is so saturated with leopard gecko and I have to disagree. There have always been "breeders like you"; and lots of them. The reason the market is so saturated with leopard geckos is because you have these large breeders mass producing thousands upon thousands upon thousands of them every year, and then wholesaling them for a couple of bucks apiece to wholesalers, big pet store chains, etc. pushing them all out into the market.
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New Member
north east ohio
if you want to breed geckos, breed them. just do it for the right reason, be prepared and have fun...that is all i can say. i think this thread got a little out of hand for no real good reason. nobody starts off knowing much of anything, that is 100% correct. i just think that too many people are too critical to anyone trying to breed any type of reptiles...is it fear of competition? i dont get it...i would never discourage ANYONE who is looking to breed animals. i never said not to. i just gave you my own personal experience to educate you on the right reasons for breeding, because i almost ruined passion by getting sidetracked by the money. i think too many people are too arrogant about others trying to breed. its funny how so many people are so quick to judge...just try to learn as much as you can, and try to be prepared for anything. if you have bred reptiles in the past, you already know a little about how the hobby works...so just have fun. this is a good site to learn from, but it seems like alot of critical people sometimes. and i am not pointing fingers at anyone on this thread, im just sayin'. most of the people on here are incredible, but if you word something a little..."off", you are gonna know about it. dont take anything personally, and dont give up on your goals.


Shillelagh Law
I keep waiting for Seamus to make an appearance here.



New Member
Clearwater, FL
Seamus you crack me up

OP, good luck with the breeding project and have fun. This place is a good place to ask questions just everyone is very passionate (ok well most everyone) about geckos and their answers can sound harsh but they are just trying to help.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I see so much of people tearing each other down and trying to build up their own self esteem in situations like this. We all have been on both sides of the fence. The OP was just looking for some valuable information. I have done things worse then anything like this. I have put my foot in my mouth many of times thinking that I knew more then I did.

I started out the same way as the OP in only my second year of keeping leopard geckos. Wanting to bred not because of the money but because it was something that I got enjoyment out. I knew the important aspects of breeding but didn't know everything. I figured I would learn as I go. As long as my collections is healthy and thriving then I was going in the right direction.

Back to the OP's orignal questions, when it comes to pricing and selling locally you have to really consider what demand for geckos are in your area. That depicts the prices and numbers of geckos you can and should produce. If you are having trouble selling your hatchlings then you need to either need to advertise for a larger customer base or limit the number of offspring you produce. Start making fliers and post them in your area, post in free classifieds, and so on. Every single posted ad or flier could lead you to a potential buyer. Go from there and see what happens.


New Member
All serious breaders can be very serious about there passion. Lets face it how many people get rich from breeding any reptile you have to do it because you love it. And when you love something you are very opinionated on the subject. I've never breed gecko but breeding other animals I can somewhat understand, if I see another blue pitbull I'll scream. So don't take it personal. And in your original post you didn't explain and just sounded like someone who bought a breeding pair and started breeding.

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