
New Member
Oh, and I also want to say kudos for coming to this forum for help. It was a little late but better than never. You probably should've done quite a bit of research before getting him, but that's beside the point. Nothing can be done to change that. The only thing that can be done now is to try to remedy the situation. If you were completely irresponsible or worse, uncaring about your leo, you'd have just let him die.

It's very important for you to do the things people on here are telling you. Glad to hear you are taking him to the vet, I'm anxious to see what they have to say.

And like I said in the post above this, leos can survive in poor conditions for awhile, but it catches up with them eventually. That's why he seems to have done fine until now. Anyways, good luck.


New Member
His vet visit was a good one last night, and I am stratified, even my mom is and he should be well soon. It cost'd about 125.00 dollars, and he has another appointment next week for a checkup.


New Member
What was the diagnosis?

Okay, we went to the vet and he checked him out and he said the reason his genitals were swollen was because he couldn't poop due to an impaction. He also told me that the reason his eyes were closed was because he needed to be on his moist hide more often. They flushed his genitals out and gave him a shot, with some antibiotics for his genital, vent area. They also said it could have been because he was unable to ejaculate and it got all clogged up. They got all the stuff out of him and they had to make a small incision to finish it off but he's fine. Now He's got to heal and we have another vet appointment on the 14th of April. I am looking forward to this appointment because the vet was very nice and helpful.


My biggest concern is the UTH being on the side of the tank. Leos need belly heat; without it they can't digest their food. Some people here have said to just take the UTH off and place it underneath. I read somewhere that this can ruin the heating elements in it, but I guess if it has worked for some people it's worth a shot, especially if you can't afford another.

I used a spackle/ paint scraper to remove mine, slid it between the heater and the glass, and carefully scraped it off, if you aren't bending it and pulling on it, you should be OK.


I'm glad you got him the help he needed, and have the tank set up correctly now. I wish him a full recovery:) Thanks for the update. Keep us posted.


New Member
Good to hear the vet visit was good!! The vet seemed to do alot and for a good price!

The eyes thing I wouldn't worry so much about. Mine seems to close their eyes a all they do is sleep lol Now with the UTH on the bottom, the heat can reach the humid hide better...and you will probably see your gecko sprawled out on the warm side soaking up all the warmth in his belly. :) Mine do that alot.

Like I've said before, I don't have males but I hear they can get sperm plugs often so it's good to see that the vet suggested that that might be it.

Hopefully the follow up visit is free. The one vet here doesn't charge for a follow up and my other vet charges half the price for the follow up.


New Member
Good to hear the vet visit was good!! The vet seemed to do alot and for a good price!

The eyes thing I wouldn't worry so much about. Mine seems to close their eyes a all they do is sleep lol Now with the UTH on the bottom, the heat can reach the humid hide better...and you will probably see your gecko sprawled out on the warm side soaking up all the warmth in his belly. :) Mine do that alot.

Like I've said before, I don't have males but I hear they can get sperm plugs often so it's good to see that the vet suggested that that might be it.

Hopefully the follow up visit is free. The one vet here doesn't charge for a follow up and my other vet charges half the price for the follow up.

Surprisingly my lizard likes to stay in the middle of the tank most of the day, and doesn't really go on the warm side a lot but is ALWAYS on the moist side.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Surprisingly my lizard likes to stay in the middle of the tank most of the day, and doesn't really go on the warm side a lot but is ALWAYS on the moist side.

This is an onging issue with many. We at Designer Geckos buck the trend and conventional wisdom on humid hides.

We've found that humid hides can often create problems, as the geckos love how cozy they are and thus do not stay in their warm hides enough. This adversely affects their eating habits, digestion, and coloration...not to mention overall health.

We are located in Colorado which has a dry climate, and our geckos do fine without humid hides, in fact, they thrive and have great coloration. We monitor and handle all of our geckos at least once a day, and as soon as they get ready to go into shed, we put either a humid hide in, or put 1/2 of a paper towel crumpled up, soak it, and put it in the corner of their hides. That way each hide becomes a sauna for a day until the shed process is complete. We have had zero problems with this method and it assures our geckos spend adequate time in their warm hides during non-shed, normal periods.

Note that this is just our opinion and method based on hundreds and hundreds of geckos we have raised. This method has worked very well for us and our geckos.

Remember that in the wild conditions of the Middle East where leos are native, the climate is extremely dry and I don't think they get humid hides provided to them there.

Always be sure to examine your leos carefully after each shed, particularly the toes, vent area, eyes, and around the jaw line. Good luck.


I just want to say ks7777 I am really happy that he is going to be okay and very happy that you came to this forum for help. A A++++ for you all the way ya know like some of them said on this thread there is alot of people on here that will give you great advise. When ever you can take it becuase it will safe your leos life as you see. So keep up the good work and let us know how he is doing. ;)


New Member
This is an onging issue with many. We at Designer Geckos buck the trend and conventional wisdom on humid hides.

We've found that humid hides can often create problems, as the geckos love how cozy they are and thus do not stay in their warm hides enough. This adversely affects their eating habits, digestion, and coloration...not to mention overall health.

We are located in Colorado which has a dry climate, and our geckos do fine without humid hides, in fact, they thrive and have great coloration. We monitor and handle all of our geckos at least once a day, and as soon as they get ready to go into shed, we put either a humid hide in, or put 1/2 of a paper towel crumpled up, soak it, and put it in the corner of their hides. That way each hide becomes a sauna for a day until the shed process is complete. We have had zero problems with this method and it assures our geckos spend adequate time in their warm hides during non-shed, normal periods.

Note that this is just our opinion and method based on hundreds and hundreds of geckos we have raised. This method has worked very well for us and our geckos.

Remember that in the wild conditions of the Middle East where leos are native, the climate is extremely dry and I don't think they get humid hides provided to them there.

Always be sure to examine your leos carefully after each shed, particularly the toes, vent area, eyes, and around the jaw line. Good luck.

Well, I live in arizona and I believe it's pretty dry just not this year there's been a lot of rain. I am thinking about buying him a hide to replace the humid hide, because the first year I had him he didn't have a humid hide and he did better without one.

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