Mealies for beardys?


ok, I'm sorry, but this is driving me offense to you herpencounter but, it's SUPERS not suppers.....had you only did it big, but you repeated it and for some strange reason it's drivin me nuts LOL <<<<cranky woman this week hehehe

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Beta Carotene is the BEST way to deliver Vit.A to your reptiles since Vit.A is not a water soluble supplement in the body, and hypervitaminosis A (too much Vit.A) can create serious health problems. Beta Carotene in carrots is a great way to optimize the natural color in reptiles.

Also, I'd like to mention, that antagonism towards other members is a violation of this website's rules. If it doesn't stop, warnings will be issued. Disagreements are fine as long as they are kept civil and informative, and do not become personal conflicts.

Perefalcon said:
ok, I'm sorry, but this is driving me offense to you herpencounter but, it's SUPERS not suppers.....had you only did it big, but you repeated it and for some strange reason it's drivin me nuts LOL <<<<cranky woman this week hehehe

Yes I know I have said it that way for a while (I’m trying to catch myself before I do it :main_laugh: ).

Here is some info for you all....

times a week to add supplements to your Beardies diet.
Age or health status of Beardie (Multi vitamin <> Calcium)
Less than a year old 4 - 5 x <> 7 x
1 - 2 years old 3 - 4 x <> 5 - 6 x
Over 2 years old 2 - 3 x <> 4 - 5 x
Pre-breeding or gravid 2 - 3 x <> 5 - 6 x
Sick or emaciated and less than a year old 3 - 4 x <> 5 - 6 x

Zophobas Worms Ca:p unk Protein 19.0% Fat 17.0% Fiber unk Water 58% (suPers)
Mealworm Ca:p 1:25 Protein 20.3% Fat 12.7% Fiber 1.7% Water 62%
Cricket (before gut loading) Ca:p 1:12 Protein 21.3% Fat 6.0% Fiber 3.2% Water 70%


My baby dragons have always eaten meal worms and crickets and I have never had a problem with them digesting the meal worms and growing up to be fat and healthy dragons

Make sure to feed the appropriate sized insects to your baby dragons

Small super worms are fine for 12 inch babies and up as they do chomp them up but I always feed them one at a time at that size and more crickets and meal worms than supers until they get larger

The paralysis that can happen to a baby beardie from feeding too large of a prey item is no myth-it can happen and it can kill them

just my 2 cents

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