You shouldn't feel like you're going to be attacked, especially in this forum. We are all especially good-natured. We get in trouble if we're not.So be loud, and be proud!
I have a female with a tail kink who I am currently test-breeding. I plan on keeping one of the babies, and offering the other for adoption. I'm still not convinced that all "tail kinks and curls" are genetic.
Heheh. I will do my best, but like many critters, I am naturally timid around people. Especially over the net. I've had my back stabbed and bad advice handed out many, many times.
I am debating over what to do. I kind of like my fiance's idea of returning them. I sort of wish he hadn't bought them in the first place, and had let me pick out some geckos from breeders over the net.
At the same time, I don't want to return them to a place where they may suffer poor care. So that's also causing me to feel timid and meak... I am not used to situations where I cannot make up my mind (lol).
Oi vey, happy birthday :main_laugh: