Notes or letters to your geckos

60 miles south of Chicago
If you were to leave a note to any of your geckos, what would it say?
Someone made a thread like this on a dog forum I visit, and I thought it would be cute for the geckos, because I have so much to say to them.

Dear Joplin-
Yes, I know you are done laying eggs, FINALLY, and I know you are wanting to eat everything that moves right now. And I am grateful that your appetite is back.
BUT! it is unnecessary to attack your roaches the second they land in your dish and then drag them to your cool hide to "finish them off". No one is going to take your food, and you are not a lioness.
Glad to have you back, though!:main_laugh:

ur hooman.

Dear Jethro-
I luv u, too. If I had ALL THE TIME in the world, I'd be more than happy to rub your head because I know you LOVE it. And if I didn't have a dog that is interested in everything that's on four legs and moves, I'd love nothing more than to allow you to roam my house freely like I know you'd LOVE to do.

Hello, Cotten.
Yes, you are still rotten.
Think you could eat something more than just supers for once?
How about you try a roach?

hoping to feed you something else soon,
your hooman.

Dear Professor Orye-
I am just as curious about you as you are about me.
I, too, could stare at you all day.

keep being cute,
your hooman

You so fat.
You're another I have to assure that I will not steal your food.
--ur hooman

Dearest most beautiful Piper,
Thank you for being such a great eater.
Are you going to make me some pretty babies this coming season?
I like your fatty arm pits and perfect tail.
But, really, you CAN come out to see me occasionally.
ur hooman

Dear Godzuki,
I promise to make you a new humid hide that will allow you more privacy.
I wish you'd eat more often. You need to get bigger if you are going to make pretty babies with Piper in the spring/summer.

Aladdin Sane, Bowie, and Major Tom (my normal juvies)-
Seriously guys. Come on. Think you could calm it a bit?
What the hell are you guys doing at night when I'm not around???
Your paper towels are in disarray the next day, and I don't know if you all think I pay for your calcium with gecko poo or something, but I would appreciate it if you'd all STOP dumping your calcium caps over. Really, you need that stuff, and it's not cheap to keep buying! Especially when I have to order it online and pay shipping!!!
I'm going to put you all to work if you keep this up.

Yeah, I'll see you all in hell, too!:p

luv, your harmless hooman


New Member
Between two terrariums
:laugh: :laugh:

It's adorable how you always dangle your right hind leg out of the humid hide, even though it would fit inside just fine, and how you snuggle up against my knee and look up at me with one eye closed while I type. However, choosing to poop on me instead of in your cage is NOT COOL, man. Gecko musk may attract the lady leos, but it's not doing wonders for my jeans.
So, just hope you don't take it too personally that I move you off the beige carpet or dump you back in the tank whenever you get that "poopy" look about you.
You still da gecko.
Your secondary heat source. 8)


Gecko Newbie
Dear Duke Nukem
Start eating again I know it is winter and you are going threw brumation but eat something.

Dear Reptar
Stop pooping on your hide because it is a drag to make sure that it is clean.Also stop pooping in your water.

Stop chirping at me when I try to feed you,without me you would not get all those tasty mealworms.

Stop trying to escape at night I always hear you.Drop your tip of your tail because you bit it pretty nasty.

Love your hooman and your feeder.


New Member
Los Angeles, CA
Dear Tank 2:
Will whoever keeps pooping in the water bowl quit it? That's nasty. You have a 20 gallon tank to poop in, why the water bowl? Jeez.

Dear Artemis:
You'd be a lot less skinny if you attacked your food with the same zeal you attack the glass when you see the cats walking by.

Dear Falcor:
No, the ladies are not interested yet. Doing a little dance when you see them will not change this.


New Member
Barrie, Ontario
Dear Monty:
Seriously. Can you please stop rattling your tail and doing nothing about it. The girls are interested in you, honest. You get half way and chicken out. Man-up big guy, it's your time to shine. :D

Dear Giselle:
I get it, you're a great hunter. A really great hunter. But seriously, save some food for the others, will you?

Dear Trinket:
We both thought it was hilarious, me more so than the Dad; but seriously, you poop on me I'm not going to be impressed. Pooping on Dad, that's cool, so long as you give me enough time to run and grab the camera. :)

Dear Indigo:
Please please please use your lay box, ok? You're making me stressed, very stressed.

Dear Rocky:
We know you're a little touched with the whole "water-on-the-brain" thing, however, please stop pooping in your mealie dish, water dish, and whatever other dish we put in your little hacienda. Seriously. It irritates the mom. Mkay?
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New Member
Lilly, Would you please eat out of the worm dish. I know I have been spoiling you by dropping worms right in front of you, but its time you do it on your own.

Chloe, Please pick a poop spot!!! You change your mind every other day. I noticed you have been going on top of the humid hide lately, and that works perfect for me so don't change it up tomorrow. Also could you please teach your sister to eat from the worm dish? I know she is 2 years older than you but you are very good at it and she needs some help.


Mufasa, I really am friendly and won't hurt you... so how bout crawling on me more :p.... also... thanks for running to meet me when you want food... dont look so sad after you eat all your worms though


New Member
If you were to leave a note to any of your geckos, what would it say?
Someone made a thread like this on a dog forum I visit, and I thought it would be cute for the geckos, because I have so much to say to them.

Dear Joplin-
Yes, I know you are done laying eggs, FINALLY, and I know you are wanting to eat everything that moves right now. And I am grateful that your appetite is back.
BUT! it is unnecessary to attack your roaches the second they land in your dish and then drag them to your cool hide to "finish them off". No one is going to take your food, and you are not a lioness.
Glad to have you back, though!:main_laugh:

ur hooman.

Dear Jethro-
I luv u, too. If I had ALL THE TIME in the world, I'd be more than happy to rub your head because I know you LOVE it. And if I didn't have a dog that is interested in everything that's on four legs and moves, I'd love nothing more than to allow you to roam my house freely like I know you'd LOVE to do.

Hello, Cotten.
Yes, you are still rotten.
Think you could eat something more than just supers for once?
How about you try a roach?

hoping to feed you something else soon,
your hooman.

Dear Professor Orye-
I am just as curious about you as you are about me.
I, too, could stare at you all day.

keep being cute,
your hooman

You so fat.
You're another I have to assure that I will not steal your food.
--ur hooman

Dearest most beautiful Piper,
Thank you for being such a great eater.
Are you going to make me some pretty babies this coming season?
I like your fatty arm pits and perfect tail.
But, really, you CAN come out to see me occasionally.
ur hooman

Dear Godzuki,
I promise to make you a new humid hide that will allow you more privacy.
I wish you'd eat more often. You need to get bigger if you are going to make pretty babies with Piper in the spring/summer.

Aladdin Sane, Bowie, and Major Tom (my normal juvies)-
Seriously guys. Come on. Think you could calm it a bit?
What the hell are you guys doing at night when I'm not around???
Your paper towels are in disarray the next day, and I don't know if you all think I pay for your calcium with gecko poo or something, but I would appreciate it if you'd all STOP dumping your calcium caps over. Really, you need that stuff, and it's not cheap to keep buying! Especially when I have to order it online and pay shipping!!!
I'm going to put you all to work if you keep this up.

Yeah, I'll see you all in hell, too!:p

luv, your harmless hooman

please write a letter to loo rea?


New Member
Sandhurst, Berkshire
Dear Thelma and Louise,

I'm sorry you are called Thelma and Louise; even though you are both male :S
This was not my choice as you probably know, were owned by someone else before me who named you :)

Why don't you eat anything? I have had you for over 2 weeks now and are only eating miniscule amounts.......fatten yourselves up please!

Furthermore, you are both too lazy.......make the effort to walk around and actually attempt to grab your food more than once! I love you both lots and want you to thrive but i can't if your just being lazy hunters!



60 miles south of Chicago
Dear The Devil, er, I mean, I mean, RE-LOO,

My finger is not lunch, k?
K. You ARE a gargoyle gecko, NOT a crested gecko, so while your feet are kind of sticky, they are...not so much.
You WILL fall in your food when jumping in that general direction from across your enclosure.

No. No matter HOW many evil looks you give me, it does NOT weaken my soul.
So sorry to disappoint you there.

Let go of my finger.

Unfortunately, yes, I still luv u.

Be a lover not a fighter,
your hooman.


Happy Gecko Family
I'm loving this thread! LOL

Dear Jil (levis),
I know I may seem like a wild beast to you when I digged you out from your burrow last time, but please understand that I really love you and I swear I will not eat you. So please don't hide from me!!

Dear Marly,
Can you please stop digging you nose on my hand? I'm your momma, not female gecko; so you will not pick up a female scent from me. And it was quite scary when you mistaken last time and nip my hand; so please don't do it ever again.

Dear Twilight,
Can you please eat something for me? I know you're probably very stressed out from shippings and the new enviroment; but your momma is getting as stressed as you are now!

Dear Hardee,
You need to eat more, you're too slim! And stop pooping underneath your cage carpet, its very hard to clean! Don't forget what momma told you - a good kid will not bite their momma, okay?

To all my geckos,
Please stay healthy, eat more and live a looooooonnnnnng life!



New Member

i refuse to address you as "dearest". you and i must come to an understanding. your evil ways are making me love you even more. you bite me, run away and give me the stink eye.
when you grow up those little bites will become big bites and you will surely draw blood. this is something i do not want to happen.
i hope you grow into a sweet big bottomed girl but i fear you will only be big bottomed.
i do not like to call you foul names, you know the ones. sometimes i have no choice.
you treat me terrible and all i want is your love and affection.

so please consider this and if not, piss off (i will still love you though)

yours always,

the one that feeds you and cleans your enclosure.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Dear Demon(the tokay),

Those eggs, while you did fertilize them, you did not lay them. No matter how hard you try you will never be a mommy. And despite what the voices may be telling you, I, and your girlfriend do not want to turn them into mini-omlettes. So please stop launching yourself at me whenever I mist anywhere within 3 feet of them. And please allow Hellfire to visit her children, I'm sure she's willing to work out a custody agreement and will accept weekends and holidays. Oh yeah, and please stop eating all the roaches, you're losing your figure, and I'm sorry but the girls just don't find that all that attractive. I know you are the spawn of Satan and all, and have a reputation to keep, but I wouldn't mind it if the spawn of the spawn of Satan would get a better example to grow up by. And my girlish cries whenever you tag me are starting to make the cats look at me funny. And you are making me look bad in front of the other geckos. So if you would just lighten up a little, I'd appreciate it. But I know you won't, so I'll just have to remember to pick up more bandaids tommorow, the industrial sized box.

Please ignore the blood spatters on the page, I'm out of bandages and using duct tape.

Love and kisses,
The Evil Hand of Doom


New Member
Dear Guinivere...err... Vlad?,

Please pick a gender... You seem to be female now... but in a week or so... you will change... again. Also, please eat again. You used to like food so much you'd eat until you could barely walk. I even had to have Khrysty post a thread on here because I thought your little belly was messed up. I'm glad you like to cuddle, but please stop cuddling with your poop, that's gross and it makes you smell really bad.


Dear Camille,

I'm so happy you enjoyed coming home with me, but I have a few complaints. You're dumb as a box of .... you know. I know you like to climb to the top part of your new two story gecko flat while I'm asleep, but you need to learn (after time 5 or 6 would have been nice, but 14 is pushing it) that if there is no more ground you should stop walking. I know you like to think your ancestors evolved after the jurassic and now you have beautiful wings, but this is not the case. Every time you plummet to earth, bouncing off of the screen an inch in front of your face, you make a wonderful little fleshy "plat" noise and a very loud chirp that wakes me up. I know you're an idiot though so I try to ignore it until you writhe wildly in terror, chirping like you're being attacked... throwing cheap hides and entire sheets of paper everywhere. Then, running in rage around your new home you up root everything you can and bite your sleeping, temporary roomie. Just know, she hates you and this behavior must stop. I also suggest you stop eating everyhing that isn't nailed down. for being only 15 cm I should think eathing 15 giant mealies in half as many minutes is not cool considering in the 12 hours previous you ate nearly 30 and are now dragging your impossibly full tummy because you're a FAAATTTYY! I'm taking away your food privileges until you digest that.




Whoever pooped in the meal worms... you suck. Also, quit hiding under the paper, I'd HATE to think I lost you. You both need to learn that cold things are cold and warm things are warm. Your hides on the top floor are cold and you love warm things... GO TO THE BOTTOM FLOOR! I assure you all the hides there are warm.



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