"Pops" A Tribute to the R2 Bold Stripe line

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
My beloved 'Pops' passed away last night. I am so very sad, and I guess it hasn't fully soaked in yet that I will never see his sweet face again. Pops was the original R2 Bold Stripe male. He was the founder of the R2 line legacy, and I was privileged to have had him in my collection when Robin and Russ Struck (that's were the 'R2' comes from) gave him and Moms to me several years ago. We never really knew how old the pair was (well over 10-12 years), or where they originated... probably from Tremper's line and I suspect he has E. m. afghanicus influence. The R2 Bold Stripes are characterized by the black band across their nose, and I can spot an R2 line gecko in a heartbeat. I know Kelli has some of the pair's original offspring, so I hope the bloodline will live on. It breaks my heart that I no longer have any pure R2's in my own collection.

Anyway, I wanted to post a tribute to "Pops" and the R2 line of Bold Stripes. I will start by posting some pics of him, and if any of you have any R2 geckos, please post some pics here so we all can see the legacy Pops created in this community.

Good bye, Papa... I'm going to miss you my sweet boy.




lisa s

New Member
ohh woaw he was beautiful, I wish I could tribute with some R2 line, but unfortunatly i cant, I wish though.
sorry for your loss Marcia

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
Marcia i feel so much for you. But attempting to see that silver lining he couldn't of had a better life then with you. You're so caring and loving to your babies. Just remember all the love that he was able to give to the entire community and that he may be gone but will never be forgotten.


Hey Marcia - I'm saddened tremendously by your loss... I loved Pops, he was a huge inspiration to me as a breeder... I will continue to do work with my R2's and crosses. It's my hope that you will be able to acquire some of your original R2 offspring... and maybe even some crosses too, so his legacy can continue to live on with you in your collection.

I started this photo tribute on my Flickr account - here is the direct link - please PM or e-mail me if you would like to join the group and post images.


Again, Marcia... I'm so so sorry for your loss, I hope this album helps bring a smile to your face - and as Ryan said, "remember all the love that he was able to give to the entire community... he will never be forgotten".


Marcia I cannot even express how I feel at this very moment... You will be in my thoughts :(

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Britt, thank you so much for creating a great place to show the R2s as a tribute to Pops and this amazing line of Bold Stripes. I will be able to see Pop's sweet face in all his descendants. What a wonderful thing to do...


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I'm sorry about Pop's. He was an awesome boy. Not sure if i ever told you this but Pops created some of the first Double het Bell Stripes I produced so his legacy extends to the Striped Bells as well.


I thought this thread deserved a bump - if you would like to contribute photos to the R2 photo gallery, please contact me and I'll be happy to add you as a member of the flickr group. :)

I would love to see the gallery reach over 100 photos, so please, be a part of sharing Pop's legacy.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Here's something kind of sad and funny at the same time. I thought Eenie (one of Pop's daughters) was not ever going to produce good eggs any longer (I had her with Toughie for a week or so several months back and no good eggs all season), so I didn't really search her moist hide when I would moisten it. Well, a few weeks ago when I went to moisten her hide guess what was in there? A baby pure R2 Bold Stripe! You can imagine my surprise lol. I'll post some pictures soon but I thought it was one of those "meant to be" kind of deals.


New Member
oh wow kelli! an eenie/toughie baby?

i bet you messed your pants a little. i bet it's a gorgeous baby!

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