Python huntimg season opens in FL


New Member
here are a few quick questions that page answers. they also answer some others but i think this will cover what most people are looking for

"Who is eligible to participate in the program?

Applicants must have a valid Reptile of Concern license, a digital camera, and a GPS unit. Applicants must also be Florida residents and have experience handling large constrictors, catching wild snakes, euthanizing reptiles and working in remote conditions."

"Does the permit allow the take of other reptiles?

All Reptiles of Concern may be collected under this permit, which includes the Indian python, reticulated python, African rock python (both northern and southern), amethystine or scrub python, green anaconda and Nile monitor lizard."

"Where can the permit holders search for the Burmese python?

Authorized locations to search for and remove pythons are Everglades and Francis S. Taylor Wildlife Management Area, Holey Land WMA, Rotenberger WMA and Southern Glades Wildlife and Environmental Area."

"What are the requirements for capture?

Firearms and traps may not be used. The snakes can be captured by hand, with nets or snares. Pythons may be euthanized onsite by approved means, deposited at a location for euthanizing by a veterinarian, or transported to an approved facility to be used in research."

I know of a guy south of me that catches them and eats them. From what I understand snake is suppose to taste pretty good. Never have tried it lol.

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