R.I.P. Aries - a death that should not have happened **warning graphic pics**


Lake Worth, FL
...So i got home from work today, and went in to my gecko room to check and see if one of my females had laid her eggs yet, and i notice that one of the tubs was halfway slid out of the rack, and all torn up inside. I immediately knew to expect the worst, because i have 2 cats aswell... one inparticular is always the troublemaker.

This is what i see when i go into the room.. the tub halfway out with no gecko in sight (sorry for quality of the pic, taken with cell phone)...


So i looked everywhere in the room, hoping that just maybe it was able to get away and escape and hide somewhere... but no gecko. Looked everywhere. Finally, i went to go look in the bathroom on the other side of the hallway, and this is what i find on the floor with pieces of the gecko's tail everywhere (i picked up the parts of the tail that were on the ground before i snapped the pic, so those that are a little squeemish would not have to see it)...



After i found the tail, i was hoping there still mite be a chance maybe she was still alive, because maybe she was able to drop her tail and still get away, but i couldn't find her... finally, i gave up looking for the time being, and then i noticed the cat playing with something under the kitchen table. It was the gecko's torso. No legs and no head were on it. Just the body. Poor thing. I was so sad, and mad all at once. Anyway, it really sucks because i really did like her... she had such a nice personality, and was so pretty!

She will rest in peace, and now, so will my cat (not really, but believe me when i say that from now on, that door will be closed when i am not home!). I cannot blame the cat, because the cat did not know any better, and was only doing what a cat would have done when seeing a lizard... but i do kind of blame myself, because i should have known not to leave the door to that room open, esp. when i have a cat that just loves to get into trouble and get into things. Or i should have even put like a piece of tape or something on the tubs closer to the floor, from the tub itself to the side of the rack, just to hold the tub in place so it can not be slid out when i am not in the room.

RIP Aries (came from Bryan @ Jett Exotics)
3/31/09 - 3/14/10
(...almost a year old :()



New Member
Miami, FL
WHAT a horror story. I am SO sorry beyond words. I couldn't even begin to think about what I would do in that situation. Man, Chris. My heart goes out to you. I'm sorry you had to see that.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm so sorry. I lost some hatchlings last season when my cat figured out how to pull out the drawers on my hatchling rack. I had a big Tera-top screen (it's a piece of mesh with velcro around it that is used as a tank cover) which just fit over the front of the rack. I'm also switching to a different set of tubs that will fit more tightly.



Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Oh, Chris, I'm so sorry. That is truly horrific.

An option to prevent something like this from happening again (to you or anyone else) might be to put pegs in front of each tub. Our RBI racks came with peg holes and pegs mostly to secure venomous snakes but might be helpful for cat proofing as well. It's something that anyone could add to their current rack with pegs and a drill.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that. RIP Aries.


New Member
Virginia, USA
This is so sad. =( I'm so sorry for your loss. This is the reason that my cats are in a completely different level of the house. Mine would tear them up. =( Poor thing. I'm so sorry.


Lake Worth, FL
Thanks, every1.

Oh, Chris, I'm so sorry. That is truly horrific.

An option to prevent something like this from happening again (to you or anyone else) might be to put pegs in front of each tub. Our RBI racks came with peg holes and pegs mostly to secure venomous snakes but might be helpful for cat proofing as well. It's something that anyone could add to their current rack with pegs and a drill.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that. RIP Aries.
Yeah, i'm deff. going to figure out something. I mite just try something like that, but i can assure you, that this is not going to happen again. For now, i'm going to put a piece of packageing tape from the tub to the side of the rack to make sure the tubs are held in place, and when i am not in the room, i am deff. going to be keeping the door shut from now on.

Its the Vision V-35 rack, and those tubs do fit in there pretty snug. I can only imagine how long my cat sat there working on getting it to slide open a little bit to be able to get in it... must have taken hours while i was at work.

Yeah, it deff. was NOT a pretty site tho, thats for sure. I was really hoping when i saw pieces of the tail that she got away. Atleast she'd still be ok, and re-grow her tail.


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Im really sorry Chris. I can totally imagine what you are going through because I have had the exact same thing happen to me. I was horrified and tramautised all at once and I kept blaming myself. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to make these mistakes to prevent them happening in the future again.
I am really really sorry! It is a terrible thing to have to see and I really feel for you and Aries. =/


New Member
I am so sorry for your loss. Our cat is 18 1/2 years old and blind. She was never a hunter even in her younger days. She would lay and watch a mouse run around 3 inches in front of her face.


:( that almost made me cry. Im very sorry for your loss. I remebered one time when my cat was kitty. He did killed my pet crabs. But You are right , i dont blame him for that. :(

got spots?

leo lover
foglesville PA
Its not your fault. It is just nature really. Yes it could of been prevented but it was defintally not your fault. I hope the cat isnt in trouble lol..
rip, shes in a better place now


New Member
Ontario Canada
I'm so sorry for your loss :( I have a cat (siamese, and a nasty one), and always keep my door closed, but there has been the odd time I've accidentally left it open, so I know it can happen. I don't have tubs, just a tank with a good strong bar cover, so she'd never get in, but she might tip the superworm tank and cause an infestation, which would suck. If I have my way (and can convince DH), I may start breeding on a small scale at some point in the next year or so, and I'll have to be sure to use pegs or something to keep her out in the tubs in the case that she gets in. Again, I'm so sorry.

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