Secret Easter Bunny!


New Member
Oregon, IL

I live in canada.I'm assuming I'm responsible for any added costs like Duty which I normally get charged.Just a suggestion for the people sending to Canada.If they can mark "gift"on their shipping papers then we do dont have to pay duty charges.

Last time I mostly paired people within countries with each other. This way we could avoid all of that. But your advice is good if, for some reason, I don't have enough people within the same country.

Thanks for the heads-up :)


Pensacola, Fl
I've messaged you about it as well, with the requested details attached. Not sure what is thought about it, but maybe amending your original post to include things such as gift certificates to large retail stores that most may have access too or paying part of a deposit towards a new order from your secret easter bunny partner... for those who may not have gecko's available to ship out or any other really useful items. This allows folks new to the hobby to participate on an equal level as those who are able to gift out some of their reptiles or other pieces of equipment.


New Member
Oregon, IL
I've messaged you about it as well, with the requested details attached. Not sure what is thought about it, but maybe amending your original post to include things such as gift certificates to large retail stores that most may have access too or paying part of a deposit towards a new order from your secret easter bunny partner... for those who may not have gecko's available to ship out or any other really useful items. This allows folks new to the hobby to participate on an equal level as those who are able to gift out some of their reptiles or other pieces of equipment.

This is a general rundown of the items that are most often asked for:
hides, moss/coco fiber, dishes, thermometers, thermostats, incubators, reptiles (of course!), posters, gift certificates to lllreptile, paper towels, etc.

This exchange doesn't really favor anyone. Big breeders, small ones, new hobbyists and old are all able to participate equally. The reason I have questions on the guidelines that ask whether you can give reptiles or big items is that I like to match people who want big things with people who can give big things--so that everyone has the greatest chance of getting what they want. But everyone's list contains something within an affordable range, so there's no need to worry about that. You simply pick the items you're able to send, and send them out.

I got your PM, though and I'll go ahead and add you to the list :D


New Member
Oregon, IL
Nope, Arnie, not a problem at all. :D I PMed you back. :main_thumbsup:

But for all international people's sake, let me reiterate..

If I can't match you with someone in your country (because no one else in that area signed up for this exchange) you can send an electronic gift certificate to reptile stores or buy something online in the country of your match. That way no one has to pay international shipping :)

This is kind of upsetting, I know, for those of you who want to give reptiles. All this means is you have to get people to join! lol The more people that sign up, the better chances everyone has of getting and giving what they want.


New Member
Oregon, IL
can I promise a gecko that hasnt hatched or wont hatch until after May 1st?

Yep :D

What'll have to happen is you (or I, if you want to remain anonymous) will let your recipient know that they can either have a voucher for a free hatchling from you, or something else on their list. 9 times out of 10 the recipient will choose the voucher


New Member
Oregon, IL
I had a clever photo to post, but I lost it :( Anyway, no signups in the past day or so. I'm beginning to think no one's that interested in an Easter exchange...

If you have friends on the forums (and most of us do), convince them to join. The more people who join in the exchange, the more likely you are to get what you really want!


Pensacola, Fl
We're planning to send a gift cert of some sort or prepay part of an order for someone since we don't actually own any geckos yet :)

So sign up folks. I've talked to a few people who have had bad luck last year I guess, being on the end of not receiving anything after sending things out. My kids are just excited to send something to somebody, they aren't even caring if anything comes back!.

be more like the kids ;) Sending gifts is a great feeling, whether you get something back or not (though I'd hope most do what they sign up to do!)
Well I just PMed you! Hopefully I just made us pass the 20 mark! I missed out on the Christmas one so hopefully we get more people for this one!

Maybe you can get this on the main page. Or have a mass message sent out for you? Its not like people would be pissed about a message for free gifts!!!! :)

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