bitterbeauty said:I usually don't tell my parents and I just go and get them and then when my parents realize I have a new animal they are are kinda mad but they don't make me get rid of it. I know how far I can push the envelope though. No snakes or anything like that.
Green_Snake said:My parents let me, but it is a painful process. They have a limit (currently of 3 terrariums), and when I ask what is wrong/why can't I have the new reptile, they give me reasons that don't make sense, such as they drive too much. I take care of my reptiles, and they have nothing to do with them. The only really good excuse they have, is that I am going off to college soon, and will need to find somewhere for my reptiles, as most colleges don't allow them. However, over time I hope to convince my parents to let me continue to expand my collection. My dad should understand. He had lots of snakes as a kid.:main_huh: :main_rolleyes:
Green_Snake said:I hope to live off campus, but that depends on where I go. I'll be getting a rough idea next year, so that will probably help. I got in to reptiles last august, and the restrictions my parents put on the number of reptiles I could have made me want to move out ASAP for the first time. lol. I hope that I can bring some of my reptiles with me when I go to college, but I doubt that I can bring them all. I have two tanks that are 3'X2'X2', one for my beardie and one for my cornsnake, and a 2'X1'X1' for my gecko(s). I always swear that each reptile is my last, but I can't seem to keep my word in terms of reptiles :main_rolleyes: lol. I understand that electricity can be an issue, but my parents don't talk about that when giving me reasons I can't get whatever reptile I want. I am moving in Aug. though, so my space will be limited and expanding my collection will be out of the question :main_angry:
fallen_angel said:My parents wouldn't let me have any of my own reptiles (or cats) when I was growing up and living with them (mom's allergic to cats and just didn't want any reptiles in the house). They compromised and let me get a dog, so I just never really tried to get anything after that.. my fiance Mike is the same way, he was never able to have any reptiles or cats (his mom has a highly irrational fear of any reptile and is allergic to cats).. so I think that's a reason why we have so many cats and reptiles now, to make up for our teenage years LOL![]()
I ended up moving out at the age of 18 because my parents were moving out of state and I was finally old enough not to have to move with them (I have moved around the country my whole life and HATE moving). I got my first leo when I was 18, my very first cat when I was 19, and first beardie at the age of 21! So I think it's REALLY cool that all of your parents at least let you get some reptiles![]()