
New Member
My dad said to make my own mistakes..and my mom went a long, after about 1 month of having my leo, she loved them..i have to pay for everything though


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
I'm 19 almost 20, my parents actually like ALL of our reptiles. my mom was even cool with the shipment of roaches we got in today. lol. But I am just lucky to have parents like that. As long as I keep my grades up and am nice at home, they don't mind the animals.

The Sunset Gang

Well, my mom LOVES my animals. She thought it was weird to ship a gecko from the other side of the country; but she has truly fallen in love with them.
My parents only concern is...... what happens when I got to college. Yeah it is a little over two years from now, but it is something that each one of us who plan to go to college needs to worry about.
I pay for everything except feeders. My mom makes that her contribution; which i am grateful for.
As far as age...... when I bought my first gecko from Marcia, she did talk to my mom. Just to make sure that my mom was fine with it. So, yeah I do get asked my age, but with parental consent(sp) it isn't a problem.


My parents are worried what they will do with my gecko once I go to college as well.....and I still need to figure that out...


Happy Gecko Family
Ok, I'm nowhere near teens now...but I recall my mom don't let us (I have 2 younger sisters) keep any sort of pets in her house while we are still living together. She is afraid of all creatures besides human, she believes they will bite and carry all sort of germs and bacteria. So we never had any pets when we were young. After I got married and moved out, I bought 2 leos and fell in love with them, and the number is slowly increasing. A few years later, my 2nd sister also got married and then she got 2 chinchillas. My youngest sister, who is 20 now, wanted a rabbit and begged my mom for YEARS and my mom stands firm that she can have a rabbit when she moves out.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
bitterbeauty said:
I usually don't tell my parents and I just go and get them and then when my parents realize I have a new animal they are are kinda mad but they don't make me get rid of it. I know how far I can push the envelope though. No snakes or anything like that.

LOL, push the envelope, watch it bend!! You remind me of myself when I was younger :main_laugh:


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Green_Snake said:
My parents let me, but it is a painful process. They have a limit (currently of 3 terrariums), and when I ask what is wrong/why can't I have the new reptile, they give me reasons that don't make sense, such as they drive too much. I take care of my reptiles, and they have nothing to do with them. The only really good excuse they have, is that I am going off to college soon, and will need to find somewhere for my reptiles, as most colleges don't allow them. However, over time I hope to convince my parents to let me continue to expand my collection. My dad should understand. He had lots of snakes as a kid.:main_huh: :main_rolleyes:

I didn't know that colleges didn't allow reptiles, but you don't have to live on campus, you can just live in some apartments nearby, that's what I do :) they don't cost as much and apartments don't have reptile regulations that I've ever seen, just usually rules about dogs and cats


Staff member
Somerville, MA
My kids have no interest in my reptiles, but they are interested in other things and I try to learn about their interests and accommodate them. For example, one of my sons was building k'nex roller coasters and I pretty much gave up my dining room to roller coasters for about 2 years.

That said, here is a variety of reasons why a parent might say no, from a parent's perspective:

1. Can't afford electric bills and other related costs. There are some people where an extra $10 a month in bills is a problem

2. Past history with a kid being interested in things and then losing inerest (I'm not saying that people are on this list are like that, but sometimes the parents think they are, or they were and have changed)

3. General anxiety about new stuff and change. Some people just are that way

4. Dislike of "clutter" (the parent's perception) of the tanks and other equipment

5. Fear of reptiles, worries about college (these have already been mentioned)

6. Tendency to say "no" before saying "yes". Believe me, "no" seems a lot easier sometimes, rightly or wrongly.

7. Worry about "too much too fast". We joke about reptile addictions, but on a more serious note there are some people who have admitted they are a bit out of control with adding to their collections. If parents have issues with this themselves (having a hard time knowing when to stop) or feel that their kids do, this can make them very reluctant to allow their kids to expand their collection.

8. Worry that reptile interest and care is going to interfere with school, sports, or something else that they feel is more important

I'm sure there are other reasons, but these are the ones I could think of. It might be interesting for some of you to show this to your parents and see if they are aware of which of these is operating for them. Some parents really think about why they do what they do, and others aren't used to being introspective at all, so the responses may be interesting.



My parents dont mind my reptiles. They dont really want me getting more but im convincing:D My mom doesnt like my snakes but she will hold them. My dad likes them since he had a ball python and a red tail whe he was younger. The only thing that sucks is that about a month or 2 ago i bought a water dragon that passed from mouthrot and now i have to stick with leos....Dont get the wrong idea, i love leos and now breed them but it sucks i cant get into any more species of reptiles.

And yes, i pay for EVERYTHING. Food, cages, the animal, lighting, everything. Unless in the case of a gift which isnt to often(Birthdays. No one buys me reptiles for x-mas :( Actually just last week i had to pay a 100 dollar vet bill for my leo. It sucks but if i think about it its good for me no matter how much i hate it lol. Teaches me responsibility.


New Member
I tricked my father into letting me get a small snake at 13... a baby retic:main_evilgrin: The rest were actually small compared to her.. ;)


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
My parents wouldn't let me have any of my own reptiles (or cats) when I was growing up and living with them (mom's allergic to cats and just didn't want any reptiles in the house). They compromised and let me get a dog, so I just never really tried to get anything after that.. my fiance Mike is the same way, he was never able to have any reptiles or cats (his mom has a highly irrational fear of any reptile and is allergic to cats).. so I think that's a reason why we have so many cats and reptiles now, to make up for our teenage years LOL ;)

I ended up moving out at the age of 18 because my parents were moving out of state and I was finally old enough not to have to move with them (I have moved around the country my whole life and HATE moving). I got my first leo when I was 18, my very first cat when I was 19, and first beardie at the age of 21! So I think it's REALLY cool that all of your parents at least let you get some reptiles :) :D :sweetheart:
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I hope to live off campus, but that depends on where I go. I'll be getting a rough idea next year, so that will probably help. I got in to reptiles last august, and the restrictions my parents put on the number of reptiles I could have made me want to move out ASAP for the first time. lol :D . I hope that I can bring some of my reptiles with me when I go to college, but I doubt that I can bring them all. I have two tanks that are 3'X2'X2', one for my beardie and one for my cornsnake, and a 2'X1'X1' for my gecko(s). I always swear that each reptile is my last, but I can't seem to keep my word in terms of reptiles :main_rolleyes: lol. I understand that electricity can be an issue, but my parents don't talk about that when giving me reasons I can't get whatever reptile I want. I am moving in Aug. though, so my space will be limited and expanding my collection will be out of the question :main_angry:


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Green_Snake said:
I hope to live off campus, but that depends on where I go. I'll be getting a rough idea next year, so that will probably help. I got in to reptiles last august, and the restrictions my parents put on the number of reptiles I could have made me want to move out ASAP for the first time. lol :D . I hope that I can bring some of my reptiles with me when I go to college, but I doubt that I can bring them all. I have two tanks that are 3'X2'X2', one for my beardie and one for my cornsnake, and a 2'X1'X1' for my gecko(s). I always swear that each reptile is my last, but I can't seem to keep my word in terms of reptiles :main_rolleyes: lol. I understand that electricity can be an issue, but my parents don't talk about that when giving me reasons I can't get whatever reptile I want. I am moving in Aug. though, so my space will be limited and expanding my collection will be out of the question :main_angry:

It all just depends on the size of the place and everything. We have two beardies in 65 gallon cages each, two 20 gallon long cages for our adult leos, plus all of our bins and stuff for hatchlings (which is in a seperate room) plus SIX cats! We do technically have a two-bedroom apartment and one room is used for reptiles, so you'll want to look into that ;)

Electricity is a pain in the butt!! Our bill is ridiculous, but that's because it gets SUPER HOT here in AZ (up to 118 degrees everyday in August, our hottest month) and we have to run the AC at 70 degrees constantly during the summer (summer bills are $200 per month and winter bills are $100 per month). You can find places with electricity included in the rent price, though. We lived in a place with electricity included and it was much cheaper that way. Needless to say, we are moving back to that same place in January.
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Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
You all know I am a Mean Old Gecko Lady. My grandchildren are aged 13 and 15. Neither one of them have a leopard gecko! Why??? Well.... because they are not mature or responsible enough to have one. They could have free geckos, set-ups, and all the support they need for their pets, but I will not give them one until they can deal with crickets and mealworms without going, "Eeeewwwww!!!.

I think most parents worry about their teens and kids losing interest in their animals, and then they get stuck with caring for them. There is no way any parent can even count the number of times their kids want something on an impulse, only to blow it off after the novelty wears off.

The BEST way to get your parents on-board is to do your homework on the facts and care of a reptile pet, and let them know how much you really know about them. Be willing to earn the bucks to buy them, and care for them... including feeding. This way, your folks will know that YOU will be the one that pays for them, their care and upkeep, and then they won't be paranoid about getting stuck with the responsibility of the animal.

LOL, I have the opposite problem... I am the one that wants the reptiles, but no one in my family shares the enthusiams I have for them!


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
That is very great advice, Marcia!!

Life definitely has it's ironic moments LOL.. I feel for you, though, I am the only one in my family that has a passion for geckos.. Everyone is supportive, but they don't really get excited about any of the stuff I tell them about, and I know they have never actually read our website because of the questions they ask me ;)
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Tampa, Florida
fallen_angel said:
My parents wouldn't let me have any of my own reptiles (or cats) when I was growing up and living with them (mom's allergic to cats and just didn't want any reptiles in the house). They compromised and let me get a dog, so I just never really tried to get anything after that.. my fiance Mike is the same way, he was never able to have any reptiles or cats (his mom has a highly irrational fear of any reptile and is allergic to cats).. so I think that's a reason why we have so many cats and reptiles now, to make up for our teenage years LOL ;)

I ended up moving out at the age of 18 because my parents were moving out of state and I was finally old enough not to have to move with them (I have moved around the country my whole life and HATE moving). I got my first leo when I was 18, my very first cat when I was 19, and first beardie at the age of 21! So I think it's REALLY cool that all of your parents at least let you get some reptiles :) :D :sweetheart:

This reminds me of myself. I wasn't allowed to have the animals I wanted as a child. Now I have a few hundred leos, boas, ball pythons, and bearded dragons. We just added veiled chameleons. :D

My son is spoiled. He is 15 and has three pixie frogs, two pet rats, 3 dumpy tree frogs, a fish tank, and a red ear slider. However, he is very responsible and give them very good care. He even cares for many of our boas and ball pythons.


I have always been animal person, and have been lucky enough to have dogs, sheep, chickens, cockatiels, rabbits... I have also had 2 horses over the 9 years that I have been riding, and I was the sole person responsible for them. My parents have nothing to complain about in the responsibility arena. My grades are good.... Looking back, I do have to say that my parents are pretty good about letting me get most pets. I just wish that when they say no, they give a reason that makes sense.


New Member
My parents don't really care if I want new pets, but they don't really like any of my reptiles and they make me wait after getting one for like a year before I can get another. Mom thinks my gecko is cute sometimes. My dad is kind of just there, he doesn't say no or yes to getting new pets... except getting a dog (no was his answer), lol, but that's different. They make me pay for them, they pay for food sometimes though. I actually just asked about breeding leos, and to my suprise they were both supportive, so I'm in the market for a female! Yay!:p Can't wait!

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