The Petco Jem- TAIL....

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DeKalb/Wheeling IL
LeosForLess said:
I never said that you doctored it...

He didn't say anything close to that. Which was my previous point. He stated that in the pic your sink looked white and you come back saying we are all blaming you for using "trickery" in your photo. It was a simple observation that, apparently, all of us noticed as well. It is always good to stand up for yourself. My point is, you got pissed when someone made an observation that as WE all see, is very true. A simple "the sink is actually blue, maybe the colors got enhanced a little" would be enough. And as Steve said, just because we had a question about a color doesn't mean you need to come back at us with how great your equipment is, and what your degree is. I didn't respond before trying to get into a "fight" here, but I feel you went over the top with how you handled such a simple issue.


New Member
Im just not giong to reply to this, i said lol because i try not to sound like a jerk and i didnt kno if i was color blind or what. I thought the sink was a much darker blue than you said ,i just wondered od the gecko was really that bright, you could have easily said yes without the sink comment, or just not replied or somthing like that. I have taken pics of geckos that make them 2X as nice without even trying to doctor it. So i wasnt acccusing you of snything, i just wanted to kno if it was really that bright, ppl would pay 700 dollars for a gecko like that


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
nicolenadia said:
no but it sure was implied with the "lol" I have something up my sleeve....

See, I don't think that is "implied" by saying lol. Stuff like that is so subjective over the internet. Like someone said before, "we should use sound bytes on here". You need to keep in mind that just because that was your first inclination, does not mean that is what he meant by it at all.


Deliriously Random
Calm down..

Whoa whoa whoa. Everyone needs to take a step back and chill out. He never said "I can't believe you doctored that photo!"

LeosFor Less said:
WOW does it really look like that or is it the camera?

In this quote he is asking if the gecko really looks like that. Note that I put in bold the "WOW". He was in awe, it's a pretty gecko. No where did he ask if you doctored it.
nicolenadia said:
She really is that bright under normal light. She had just shed a few hours before, but yeah the flash intensifies the color especially on light blue sink.

You yourself admitted that the flash intensified her color. Note the words I put in bold. On my monitor the sink is white.

LeosFor Less said:
So the gecko looks like that? The sink looked white sort of, lol

Again he specifically asked if the gecko looked like that and justified his question with "The sink looked white sort of, lol". Lol doesn't imply anything, he was merely implying that he found humor that the sink was supposed to be light blue, but he saw it as white. In fact -- I think LOL has lost it's true meaning, and is used merely as a transitional acronym.

nicolenadia said:
Do you think Im up to some sort of "trickery"?.....the sink is a very pale blue....water reflects light...flashes bounce off of non pourus shiney surfaces...i'll photographer her in front of the window tomorrow with "natural" sunlight....then you can poke fun at me all you want when you see she looks the same.

Then you jump on the defensive for no reason, saying that everyone is trying to "poke fun at" you. No one is trying to make you look bad or hurt your feelings, he was asking a question.. Simple.

LeosForLess said:
lol no, its just that i thought the sink was blue and there was somthing with your camera

AGAIN he restates his first response. No antagonism, nothing but a simple statement of words.

SteveB said:
If that sink is light blue, and was color corrected to appear white by your camera, your camera achieved that by warming the entire image, which would have exaggerated the coloration of your gecko.

Steve then restates what Paul had said previously with a little more articulation and tact.

Now I'm going to break down one of your last post....

nicolenadia said:
I really don't think I would get a hard time from any of you if I had bought her from somene on this forum, but since she was found at Petco..."oh no, it can't be real"....YES, she really is that bright..

Where you got her from is no difference. Be it Pet Co, Kelli Hammack, Albey, or TUG! She looked amazing in that picture, thusly you were questioned if she looked EXACTLY like that or not -- no inquisition, just a question. If you were to say "Yes", you would get 10 more posts about how lucky you are for owning her. Not just because she's from Pet Co we set out on a witch hunt.

nicolenadia said:
No I have manual white balance....

Yet the blue still turned white....

nicolenadia said:
I just took a quick snap on auto with the on the camera flash. I didn't have the time to get my real camera and flash , and bounce the light or set up my strobes...I only took her pic because I was quickly getting a pic of these injured geckos that i posted in another post.

So is it an Auto white balance or a manual white balance? Okay, I'm being a little harsh here, but you're lashing out at friends for no apparent reason. You got your feelings hurt, that's okay, but that doesn't entitle you to degrade the rest of us by telling us how horrible we are.

nicolenadia said:
The camera I use every day for my job is a Canon 20d. I have a small little elf I use for stuff like this. I'll remember now not to post pictures anymore, since I keep getting a hard time....

Again, you state you were getting a hard time, which I have just disproved to you, no reason to restate it (although this thread does have a ton of redundancy).

nicolenadia said:
I went to college for 4 years for photojournalism... this is only a forum, so I didn't expect to get a bunch of wannabe photo editors getting on my case....jeeze

Then you go ahead to throw around your education. I'm glad you got your education, I mean, really I am. I'm not being fesicious or sarcastic, I love to hear about the good that happens in people's lives. However, to go right back around and tell us what a [sorry] "bunch of wannabe photo editors" we are was uncalled for. We did not insult you or call you names.

nicolenadia said:
Also, everyones monitors are calibrated differently. I have a new MAC cinema display, and if you don't, its not going to look the same.

It's been my experience that blue is blue on any monitor, and white is white on any monitor if they are calibrated to the factory specifications.. Whether it be a MAC monitor or a PC monitor, Plasma or other -- color hues don't change too drastically. I'm not saying you're a scammer or that there is "some sort of trickery".. Flashes wash things out, it is part of living and taking pictures of our most wonderful friends and loved ones.

nicolenadia said:
What it comes down to is, 2 of you made it seem like I had doctored the photo and it hurt my feelings....I didn't pull out all the stops on that photo, it was a quick 2 sec photo and I get a hard time about it like I made it up. Im assuming you have a PC....Different monitors have different calibration you work in RGB or CMYK....seriously, your post screamed, "My poo smells better than yours". Undertsand how that made me feel and the fact that I defend myself, now you make me feel something is wrong with defending myself, like Im a 12 year old for doing so. Do you want the PSD file so you can check out the histograms? YES, peoples monitors look different...different brands produce different results. I don't know why you think your monitor is superior, and you act like mine is a peice of junk. I already said like 3 times, I used a straight flash...i didn't bounce it, I didn't diffuse it, and I didn't softbox strobe it....It is a straight on and I never once said it was perfect....

I didn't just fabricate the gecko. If you look at the top photo, the geckos colors are still bright yet my hand looks as normal as it always does. if I had jacked up the satuation or bumped up contrast, my hand would have gone blood red.....All i did was crop low res for screen viewing.

You don't have to be a scientist to know why the sink looks so light....THE WATER...light refraction....light bouncing off of shiney ceramic....I didn't bounce the on camera flash off of the celing.Its not an SLR, its just a point and shoot. I was giving her a soak to get the skin off her toes.....i didn't set up all my stuff.

Then you go on the attack once more, making excuses about how your equipment as not set up.. We're not expecting a professional photoshoot, just a few answers! No one said you were a fake, no one said you were a hack, no one said you manipulated the photo. Colors burn due to flash -- I didn't go to school for four years for Photo-anything and I know that.

And finally, just to wrap up my post before it gets a little lengthy....

LeosForLess said:
I never said that you doctored it...

Redundancy at it's finest. Calm down! No one said you were doctoring your photos.


Black Velvet
Using the flash is not to doctor... don't feel that way.
Look at my pic. A sht male with falsh:


the same sht. Daylight:


It's just the fact, no tricks... don't feel hurt *kiss*

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New Member
Ummm...I don't really want to get in this seemingly pointless argument, but your whole point was that she over-reacted...not answering a simple question. HOWEVER...when she answered a simple question and said:

She really is that bright under normal light. She had just shed a few hours before, but yeah the flash intensifies the color especially on light blue sink.

She got a response of:

So the gecko looks like that? The sink looked white sort of, lol

Maybe I'm super sensitive, but I would have taken that a bit harshly as well, considering she just answered the question. Color of the sink aside she said:

She really is that bright under normal light.

So why ask again? Asking twice does sound like an accusation.

Ok, 'nuf said...I think this whole thread got out of hand. I would just like to say, blue sink or not, you have a great looking gecko.

-Andrea ;)


New Member
It just sort of confused me more that they said it was blue....

Since the gecko is that coloe they shouldnt have to get so defensive

Ont, canada!
ok, this is what i was thinking also, if the "blue" sink looks like a white sink to everyone else, wouldent the gecko look different to? imo i dont no if a flash could do that to a sink....


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
This is just going to keep going back and forth. I think everyone (including myself) said what they felt and needed to say. No one feelings were intended to be hurt and I'm sure if anyone said something hurtful, they are sorry about it. With that being said, let's just get back to the actual meaning of this thread.


Deliriously Random
Just for the heck of it --

She didn't answer the question concisely the first time. Saying that "it did look that color under normal light", but then saying the flash intensified it? Which one is it? Plus she states it was a blue sink -- but it's white to everyone else? Thusly the requesition "So is it or isn't it that color?" We could have all saved ourselves a ton of trouble and heartache if the question was just answered concisely the first time around.

Anyways -- either way, the gecko is pretty.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
ByRandom said:
Just for the heck of it --

She didn't answer the question concisely the first time. Saying that "it did look that color under normal light", but then saying the flash intensified it? Which one is it? Plus she states it was a blue sink -- but it's white to everyone else? Thusly the requesition "So is it or isn't it that color?" We could have all saved ourselves a ton of trouble and heartache if the question was just answered concisely the first time around.

Anyways -- either way, the gecko is pretty.

Lol, I agree Josh, but this got way out of hand and needs to be dropped now.


JOSH- you are absurd!!!! and the continuous harping on me just makes you look jealous and silly. get off your high horse. I admited over and over that the flash blasted out the color and the mixture of light and water (light refration, look it up) caused the flash to bounce and make her seem neon and it lightened up the sink. And yes, she did absorb a lot of the flash because she didn't bounce it. My pale bluesink is almost white. Why do I keep defending myself against you people, who are just being immature? Do I need to explain the science of photography lighting, Kelvin Temperatures and so on...Do you really think you are qualified to go head to head with me on that course? So stop harping on me already.... What is it going to take for you to get that....JOSH- you have been, by far, the rudest person to reply to this thread, so much so, I doubt I will post on this forum ever again or buy rom any of you. Was this a trial? You are treating me like im on trial. You all were just on your high horses, and I merely posted a pic becuase I was excited about my gecko, but you all blew it UP and made it negative. Im in utter shock.

"She didn't answer the question concisely the first time"

Yes she does look like that to me under normal light. Maybe not as neon, but very bright, spotless and deep orange. If i cared about anyonr of your jabs, I would take the time to get my sick butt out fo bed, set up my studio light and even photograh her on slide film, print a ciba print and drum scan it, getting as tecnically profficent as possible, just so you will shut up. Her carrot tail is no joke either.
Perhaps because I mentioned the cameras I normally use, you all thought I was being snobby, but you forget, photograhy is my carreer and those cameras are merely my tools to get a paycheck and do what I love. I have seen so much name dropping on this site its rediculous.

"I work for a vets office"
"I worked at a pet shop"
"I have over 100 geckos"
"I used to know this herpetologist"
"I've been doing this for 10 years"

Its crap like this that I'v see made as justification for telling a newbie what to do or why they can't do this.....
I work with guys who have been taking pics for 30 years and they get additude with me when they ask me how to do something new....they get rude with me when really they are just jealous that I walked in fresh out of college and I know more than them and Im the age of their grandkids....becuase they neglected to keep up with modern technology, they get behind and have to ask the 25 year old....Sound familiar Josh...maybe your just jealous. Maybe you just think that geckos this spectacular can not be found at a PetCo. I just got lucky, I never said I was better than anyone...I don't even breed to sell. Its just a hobby so I don't have to think about work in my off time. I even volunteer at a public aquarium on the weekends, for no pay, just to learn all I can.

So why doesn't anyone get on these people? I''ll tell you why, becuase a lot of you are friends and as I have seen it on other threads, will come to the defense of each other even if it means putting someone down.
No one cares if you worked at a reptile shop, it still gives you no right to tell me what to do and tell me that I can't keep geckos.
And Steven came onto another thread I posted and did his "know it all" bit and spewed out more negative babble just to try and put me down again. Im done.

As rediculous as Steven sounded when he made it seem that his computer was far more supior than mine, you made it worse by picking apart everything I wrote and analyzing it. And Nikki, you were not too nice either. Actually, really rude...and yes adding an lol is a "semi nice" way of being sarcastic. Get a backbone and say what you really mean instead of hiding behind an "LOL" Do you all like the smell of your own farts? I bet you do?

All that gave me a hard time and put me on "trial", think about how silly this was and how you hurt my feelings, and drove me away from this forum...

Heartache Josh? You were the one trying to "put me in my place"....I've been in bed with a 101 temp, vomiting and feeling like death, and everytime I check my computer, just more crap from you people...I don't get you all? I was going to forget about this and go back to bed but Josh had to keep going with his self rightious additude and dig deeper, just poking and picking. Why do you all think you are so superior? And I can tell you, some of those avitar pictures are mute and lacking true life color....if your going to harp on my photo skills, take a look at your own also, before you start telling me what Im doing wrong...Josh, want to call the editor at the paper i work at and tell him I SUCK!!!! becuase of a picutre I tookw ith a cheapo point and shoot...and posted on a forum.

Anyone know how I can delete my profile from this forum?

Let the poking commence, since Im sure Josh, you will not be able to help yourself now...go ahead and give me sure someone else will feel the need to "put me in my place"
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I would like to thank those of you who are objective and not rude. I appreciate the nice words and I was merely excited about an awesome gecko that I paid $24 for. The people who shared my enthusiasm with out having to put me on trail and question it, are true adults. Thanks you.
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Just read the thread in this sitting... what was the thread about again? LOL

Very nice find.


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
nicolenadia said:
JOSH- you are absurd!!!! and the continuous harping on me just makes you look jealous and silly. get off your high horse. I admited over and over that the flash blasted out the color and the mixture of light and water (light refration, look it up) caused the flash to bounce and make her seem neon and it lightened up the sink. And yes, she did absorb a lot of the flash because she didn't bounce it. My pale bluesink is almost white. Why do I keep defending myself against you people, who are just being immature? Do I need to explain the science of photography lighting, Kelvin Temperatures and so on...Do you really think you are qualified to go head to head with me on that course? So stop harping on me already.... What is it going to take for you to get that....JOSH- you have been, by far, the rudest person to reply to this thread, so much so, I doubt I will post on this forum ever again or buy rom any of you. Was this a trial? You are treating me like im on trial. You all were just on your high horses, and I merely posted a pic becuase I was excited about my gecko, but you all blew it UP and made it negative. Im in utter shock.

"She didn't answer the question concisely the first time"

Yes she does look like that to me under normal light. Maybe not as neon, but very bright, spotless and deep orange. If i cared about anyonr of your jabs, I would take the time to get my sick butt out fo bed, set up my studio light and even photograh her on slide film, print a ciba print and drum scan it, getting as tecnically profficent as possible, just so you will shut up. Her carrot tail is no joke either.
Perhaps because I mentioned the cameras I normally use, you all thought I was being snobby, but you forget, photograhy is my carreer and those cameras are merely my tools to get a paycheck and do what I love. I have seen so much name dropping on this site its rediculous.

"I work for a vets office"
"I worked at a pet shop"
"I have over 100 geckos"
"I used to know this herpetologist"
"I've been doing this for 10 years"

Its crap like this that I'v see made as justification for telling a newbie what to do or why they can't do this.....
I work with guys who have been taking pics for 30 years and they get additude with me when they ask me how to do something new....they get rude with me when really they are just jealous that I walked in fresh out of college and I know more than them and Im the age of their grandkids....becuase they neglected to keep up with modern technology, they get behind and have to ask the 25 year old....Sound familiar Josh...maybe your just jealous. Maybe you just think that geckos this spectacular can not be found at a PetCo. I just got lucky, I never said I was better than anyone...I don't even breed to sell. Its just a hobby so I don't have to think about work in my off time. I even volunteer at a public aquarium on the weekends, for no pay, just to learn all I can.

So why doesn't anyone get on these people? I''ll tell you why, becuase a lot of you are friends and as I have seen it on other threads, will come to the defense of each other even if it means putting someone down.
No one cares if you worked at a reptile shop, it still gives you no right to tell me what to do and tell me that I can't keep geckos.
And Steven came onto another thread I posted and did his "know it all" bit and spewed out more negative babble just to try and put me down again. Im done.

As rediculous as Steven sounded when he made it seem that his computer was far more supior than mine, you made it worse by picking apart everything I wrote and analyzing it. And Nikki, you were not too nice either. Actually, really rude...and yes adding an lol is a "semi nice" way of being sarcastic. Get a backbone and say what you really mean instead of hiding behind an "LOL" Do you all like the smell of your own farts? I bet you do?

All that gave me a hard time and put me on "trial", think about how silly this was and how you hurt my feelings, and drove me away from this forum...

Heartache Josh? You were the one trying to "put me in my place"....I've been in bed with a 101 temp, vomiting and feeling like death, and everytime I check my computer, just more crap from you people...I don't get you all? I was going to forget about this and go back to bed but Josh had to keep going with his self rightious additude and dig deeper, just poking and picking. Why do you all think you are so superior? And I can tell you, some of those avitar pictures are mute and lacking true life color....if your going to harp on my photo skills, take a look at your own also, before you start telling me what Im doing wrong...Josh, want to call the editor at the paper i work at and tell him I SUCK!!!! becuase of a picutre I tookw ith a cheapo point and shoot...and posted on a forum.

Anyone know how I can delete my profile from this forum?

Let the poking commence, since Im sure Josh, you will not be able to help yourself now...go ahead and give me sure someone else will feel the need to "put me in my place"
Jeeze, you don't need to rip all these people a new one. You said the sink was light blue, on my MAC it appears to be white. All they were asking was if the gecko really looked like that since the sink changed colors.

As for the gecko, it is amazingly beautiful and looks just like one of the geckos from TUG. Congrats on your Petco find.


Deliriously Random

I came to this thread to get the facts straight. You're the one being IMMATURE throwing around your education like YOU are better than everyone else here. You keep harping about how we are saying you can't take a photograph.

Maybe you should go back to bed, I think your fever is affecting the way you read.

I was sticking up for PAUL who you were degrading for absolutely no reason. The fact that you keep throwing around insults -- I wouldn't SELL to you, much less be hurt by your "I'm not going to buy from you" tirade.

Everything you said to Paul, before you hopped up on your "I have a better education than you, so shut up"-High Horse, severely contradicted itself. To actually think that someone is jealous of YOU because of a gecko you found at PETCO? That's pathetic and a stab into the dark about the whole thing. People were inquiring about the COLOR of the gecko, not the quality of the picture, what setup you used to achieve the affect, nothing!

It was a quick snapshot, we understand that, but Paul just wanted to know if the gecko looked like that. Instead of answering the question you danced around it.

Why would you come onto a forum and ask advice from the people that have been doing it for years, and then mock them about it? No one is telling you what to do, but giving you suggestions. You really are a head-case.

I had nothing against you .. until now. You are absolutely the most childish person on these forums. Grow up, act your age.

You, NICOLE, are the ABSURD one. You know how crazy people think everyone else around them are crazy..? Think about it.

Oh yeah, one last thing -- maybe deleting your profile from these forums should be the first step. I'd recommend not going out in public where you might actually be around civilized people -- seeing as you can't even put up the charade that you are one.
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