The Petco Jem- TAIL....

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nicolenadia said:
Josh, if someone said, "Your geckos really look like that LOL" wouldn't you feel like they were laughing at you and really thinking in their head, "Right....."I can understand saying, "Yeah thats a wild looking gecko, you got lucky because not everyone stumbles on a gecko like that at PetCo"...but he added an LOL which made me think he was laughing at me like Im full of .....

Do you understand now how I felt and why I felt the need to defend myself? Maybe I like this forum, and now I have to delete my profile....maybe I don't want to leave, but I kind of am being forced to because I took the route of defending myself and I should have just let it go and not taken you seriously.......
[sarcasm]I said "lol" because i thought i may have been half as crazy as you for seeing a white sink[/sarcasm]
Im younger than you an i get crap all the time and ppl sumtimes need to learn to deal with it


The issue is not that you defended yourself......the issue is that you AGGRESSIVELY defended yourself. you could have just said smt like "If you are suggesting I doctored the photo, I didn't...but the flash may have changed the color a bit." and this whole mess never woudl have started.


Paul has a point... you're 25, a grown woman! You're threatening to delete your profile (we'll miss you) because you misinterpretted wht a 16 year old CHILD (no offense, Paul) said to you as being a personal attack.

You can't rise above the maturity level of a child... a 16 year old child...

When some of us came here to try to mediate, because we all know Paul and that his intentions are good and his statement was well meaning, and you prove to be the one who could not rise to a level of maturity that should be expected of an adult.


Kotsay1414 said:
You see it as everyone is out to get you, when really all these people just want to know does the gecko really look that bright. Then someone is trying to help mediate the situation, and you second guess them. Have a little faith and trust in people that they actully mean well. Everyone out on this forum is nice... give them the benefit of the doubt that they mean the stuff they say in a good way.

Really, everyone is nice....maybe, but calling me mental isnt very nice....And really, would you ever take the word over your boyfriend/husband or girlfriend or wife, over someone on a forum? Don't say you would, because we all know we would.


I pick the side I believe in.....I've sided against many a loved one....ask them.


Oh Paul is 16......I had no clue, i didn't even bother looking...problem solved Thanks!!!


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
nicolenadia said:
Really, everyone is nice....maybe, but calling me mental isnt very nice....And really, would you ever take the word over your boyfriend/husband or girlfriend or wife, over someone on a forum? Don't say you would, because we all know we would.
When provoked, even a tame loving dog will bite. People asked about your gecko because they were in awe about how beautiful it was and you jumped on them because you interperted it as them thinking you doctored it.

As for the second part of your post, did her side of it sound anything like Steve's? She was obviously trying to calm both sides and mediate the situation.


Uh.... you don't know Stina very well... she puts me in my place when I deserve it... which is often.


New Member
nicolenadia said:
Oh Paul is 16......I had no clue, i didn't even bother looking...problem solved Thanks!!!
So you admit that you couldnt tell by the way i talked online that i was 16, how could you tell that i was offending yo?


nicolenadia said:
Oh Paul is 16......I had no clue, i didn't even bother looking...problem solved Thanks!!!

Well, your real problem is that you couldn't rise even to a 16 year old's maturity level and now us adults are the ones taking issue with your behavior.

Feel free to stay here, your contributions do count and are appreciated (yes, even by me). But don't think for a second many of us will put up with a grown woman acting like a child.


No i just didn't look at your info under you avitar to see that your age in infact 16. And steve, do you really think anyone will talk to me....since you all are sort of a clique of friends, I doubt it....I am just trying to figure out how to delete my profile, and I can't.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
SteveB said:
Feel free to stay here, your contributions do count and are appreciated (yes, even by me).

Honestly, that is the bottom line.

I tried 5 pages ago to end this and it just kept going and blew up yet again in the time it took me to run to Blockbuster. Nicole, the fact of the matter is, you felt someone was making fun of your photo. Because of that, you jumped to conclusions when Josh tried to explain the situation to you. He was trying to help YOU and he gets snapped at. I don't blame you for feeling "ganged up on" here, because you missed a point that others caught and took it out on everyone for that. I can't speak for everyone, but Steve, myself, and I'm sure many others do not want you to leave the forum. They want you to be able to take a step back, analyze the situation, and react responsibly instead of lashing out. I really think this post needs to be deleted so everything can start over. Try not to think we are all out to get you. We are all here to help anyone and everyone that shows us the same respect in return. I am NOT saying that you don't, but posts like this can't keep happening, no matter who's fault it is. In the month and a half I have been here, I've gotten to know many people and I am sure this can all be worked out.
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Oh did anyone think that they played a role in pushing me to the edge, or am I so insane that I made myself think this whole thing......I think everyone thinks that they arenot at fault, but some of you sure did provoke me, and you can't deny that.


no one initially attempted to provoke you...and here I'm going to side with one is going to tolerate a grown woman acting like a child. If you would just calm down and move on everyone else will too.


LOL...I actually only just put it up there like an hour ago.....


Please tell me you've at least caught on to my sig and that it is a reply to Marcia's sig? :)
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