The Petco Jem- TAIL....

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nicolenadia said:
I admited over and over that the flash blasted out the color and the mixture of light and water (light refration, look it up) caused the flash to bounce and make her seem neon and it lightened up the sink. And yes, she did absorb a lot of the flash because she didn't bounce it. My pale bluesink is almost white. Why do I keep defending myself against you people, who are just being immature? Do I need to explain the science of photography lighting, Kelvin Temperatures and so on...Do you really think you are qualified to go head to head with me on that course?

So how exactly is admitting your white balance was incorrect a justification for your claim that the gecko really is the color it appears as in the photo?

Nicole... how about this, why don't you correct the white balance in your photo to match the Kelvin Temperature of the light used in your photograph.

Do you know what will happen to the orange on your gecko when you adjust the white balance so that your blue sink no longer appears white?

I'll go ahead and for the sake of this argument pretend that I am not "qualified to go head to head" with you on that course. So YOU tell me what will happen.

No one is trying to insult you. No one is accusing you of altering your photo. Paul was impressed by the color on your beautiful gecko and asked if it really looked that good. You effectively replied "yes, even though the colors are off in that photo, the gecko really is that color" and have since been asked to explain yourself.

You're standing by the color of your gecko even while admitting the white balance in your photo is wrong. You can't have it both ways and that's what people are questioning.

You then tried to qualify your ability to make that statement be true by claiming to have better equipment and better education than all of us, even though you stated that you didn't use your better equipment in the first place. Just owning expensive equipment is apparently enough to make you an expert on how you can have accurate colors in a photo with an inaccurate white balance.


Josh you are not even worth my breath....You have a serious complex.

Steve its a point and shoot- I don't even have the manual capablilities that you speak of on this camera-I admited over and over that she isn't crazy neon- but infact she is really orange...What else do you want...would you like me to bend over so you can kick me in the butt? Why can't you grow up and realize that there was obviously a miscommunication along the way and we all got carried away. Why am I on trial....I guess you all have nothing better to do but gang up on someone who was excited about their pet for "Technicality" purposes. Its really LAME. Remeber you get back what you dish out and Im not a spinless woman who is going to bow down and let someone talk smack about someone they don't even know.
This hasn't been ALL MY FAULT- i didn't start the accusations....
I never claimed to be any better than you all. If you breed reptiles and sell them and thats your career, aren't you going to think that you know more than Joe Schmoo? YEP!!! and since my career is photography I tend to think that I know my way around a camera( and before you talk one word of smack about what you think my photograhy looks like, you better be careful. But it shouldn't matter becasue the photo was taken with a crapo elf....I didn't set up a 4x5 on rails and the strobes to take a picture of my gecko bathing....some high horses you BOYS ride on.
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I'm sorry, but Nicole, you seriously need to step back, chill and not be so up in arms about everything. And GET SOME REST OMG do you think that stressing yourself like this is gonna help your body fight whatever you have? No it's gonna make you feel sicker


Im not a spinless woman who is going to bow down and let someone talk smack about someone they don't even know.
You seem to be expecting others to do that.....


What, I have no right to defend myself now when someone tells me never to go out in public and that Im insane when they don't know me? Seriously, how would you feel?...Ive been on this forum for like a month an enjoyed it for the most part and met some cool I am being run out over someone on high horse? Yeah, I'll just sit here and let people who don't even know me, tell me that im insane and I need to seclude myself from the public....yeah thats real nice.


New Member
nicolenadia said:
Josh you are not even worth my breath....You have a serious complex.
Well that would be a waste of webspace and it isnt

Since the gecko is so nice you really dont have any reason to be argueing us. Im sorry if i offended you to begin with, i saw pics of it before and always thought it was nice and wondered how it just became awesome like it did in that pic. IF you took the time to go back and look you may see u were unclear.


You insulted josh before he insulted you.....not that he should have said those things....but all the are doing no different than you are expecting others to do.


nicolenadia said:
What, I have no right to defend myself now when someone tells me never to go out in public and that Im insane when they don't know me? Seriously, how would you feel?...Ive been on this forum for like a month an enjoyed it for the most part and met some cool I am being run out over someone on high horse? Yeah, I'll just sit here and let people who don't even know me, tell me that im insane and I need to seclude myself from the public....yeah thats real nice.

It takes a bigger person to walk away than it does to retaliate


you sure about that? I don't think I have said anything but how absurd he was for picking apart my thread. Its not very objective to only talk about me like I was the only one doing everything wrong. That was insulting, don't you think?


I don't think anyone started by saying anything insulting until you started calling everyone immature and whatnot for simply asking you a couple questions.


but taking a defensive approach on everything that is being said and feeling like you have to do the same as others and resort to name calling is?

Just let it die, and don't think on it anymore, like you's just a forum, why make a big deal about what someone said that you don't know and prolly will never meet.


I was only referring to the people who are giving me a hard time and calling me "mental" and telling me not to go outside or that I don't know what Im doing" none of my posts have been directed towards anyone who hasn't previously given me a hard time.
Its easy for people to dance around what they say with other words not realizing how its going to be inturn they can come back at you and say, "I never said that".....but you did, just not in those exact words, but its clear what you meant. There was a whole lot of mud slinging and I apologize for what I said....but really, the first post that starrted this made it seem like I faked this and I painted my gecko in photoshop, and even if it wasn't said out right, Im not the only one who picked up on the underlying words.


no one EVER made it sound like you faked your are the only one who thought that...or at the most one of a few.


Deliriously Random
You seriously just don't get it. My first post was to help YOU understand what others were saying, and why THEY didn't understand what you were saying. My intentions of picking apart your thread was to help you understand what points that Paul (and others, including myself) had such a hard time comprehending.

Anyways, I'm done with this thread -- there's so much more I should be doing right now....

Nicole, calm down, take a break, get some rest, recooperate... Chill out.


I see your boyfriend/husband is Steve....I can't expect you to be objective now can I?


New Member
nicolenadia said:
I was only referring to the people who are giving me a hard time and calling me "mental" and telling me not to go outside or that I don't know what Im doing" none of my posts have been directed towards anyone who hasn't previously given me a hard time.
Its easy for people to dance around what they say with other words not realizing how its going to be inturn they can come back at you and say, "I never said that".....but you did, just not in those exact words, but its clear what you meant. There was a whole lot of mud slinging and I apologize for what I said....but really, the first post that starrted this made it seem like I faked this and I painted my gecko in photoshop, and even if it wasn't said out right, Im not the only one who picked up on the underlying words.
i definately never said anything like that.......i even said "WOW" because i thought it looked nice...... then you even went on to admitting that it was wrong, after saying tat it was 100% correct. Dont post pics of geckos that dont look liek they are and i guess yo uwont have these problems will you? Why couldnt yo uhave said, oh sorry i think the lighting and flash made it a lil bit different than it should have, hers a pic with my stand and everything blah blah blah


he found out about this thread after me, and his opinions in no way affect mine.


Josh, if someone said, "Your geckos really look like that LOL" wouldn't you feel like they were laughing at you and really thinking in their head, "Right....."I can understand saying, "Yeah thats a wild looking gecko, you got lucky because not everyone stumbles on a gecko like that at PetCo"...but he added an LOL which made me think he was laughing at me like Im full of .....

Do you understand now how I felt and why I felt the need to defend myself? Maybe I like this forum, and now I have to delete my profile....maybe I don't want to leave, but I kind of am being forced to because I took the route of defending myself and I should have just let it go and not taken you seriously.......


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
nicolenadia said:
I see your boyfriend/husband is Steve....I can't expect you to be objective now can I?
You see it as everyone is out to get you, when really all these people just want to know does the gecko really look that bright. Then someone is trying to help mediate the situation, and you second guess them. Have a little faith and trust in people that they actully mean well. Everyone out on this forum is nice... give them the benefit of the doubt that they mean the stuff they say in a good way.
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