Even if you are a hobbist with a smaller collection it still costs money to keep up your hobby. So to some degree whether you are a business or a hobbist it doesnt matter you would still enjoy having your costs break even. Im sorry i did not know you have been in the business for decadeds i do not know your name and have no clue who you are. So how could i possible know you vast knowledge on the subject, when i have never heard of you???
My guess is that your ASSumptions about me were not the first of yours to turn out erroneous.
Perhaps it's difference of definitions. While it is "nice" to cover costs for you hobby, you are not a hobbiest. Correct? If you are not a hobbiest then you are a business. Correct? If you are a business, then bitching about competition is much akin to whizzing into the wind; while part of you is relieved a larger part must now deal with the consequences your actions, ie becoming a business in need of income to support what was once but is no longer a hobby.
You can't have it both ways.
A hobbiest will not be concerned with market values because he is not in it for the money.
I wonder if there are any true hobbiests out there.