"They will rebuild"


New Member
I noticed tonight that the MS has a particle of some sort in its eye. I plan on getting some saline to get it out. Maybe this has been the cause of his loss of appetite.

The other one keeps his eyes open, but both have slowed down when it comes to eating. They both ate a waxworm 2 days ago. Ill get some pictures up for you guys to check out, because i think they may have an impaction.


New Member
Here is the pictures I said I would post...






New Member
Yes its horrible looking... Just imagine all the little kids reaction and what there parents thought, when they saw them being blasted by a bright over head light.

Does that look like an impaction to you guys? I have never seen one, except in a few pictures. The first 3 pictures are of the Mack Snow who has been the worst eater. The last one was of the other, he was laying in his moist hide that has vermiculite or what ever the other kind is (Cant remember at the moment).

I have been trying to soak them every other day, but recently found out I should rub the area. I havent tried mineral oil yet and im wishing I would of earlier. They havent been backed up, so I was wondering if it was an impaction or not.

Whats the best way of giving them mineral oil? Do I need to syrenge it to them and let them lick it, or do I need to rub it on there belly and vent?


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Black stomach usually means parasites or crypto. These guys need to see a vet.

You would want to feed the oil to the geckos so they can ingest it... so yeah syringe. From what I understand impaction usually involves bloated stomachs, which these geckos do not have.

What makes you think impaction? Have they been going to the bathroom? Is it green and/or runny?


New Member
They have been pooping every 2-3 days, but depending on wether or not they ate its either a small normal poop or puddle with a little white build up. I cleaned one up today that was long and narrow, he may of just dragged it while he was pooping.

Ill call the vet right now and get an appointment set.


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
I concur with Michelle, most likely parasites due to the darkish stomaches and "puddle-like" stools you mentioned. Both geckos have abysmally thin tails, which is a common symptom of the deadly Cryptosporidiosis parasite. (also called "stick/pencil tail disease"). These geckos definitely need veterinary care as soon as possible.


New Member
Well one of them passed away overnight. I could tell he looked far worse than he did a couple days ago. This leads me to think it was in fact "Crypto", and there was nothing I could do about it.

He should signs of improvement, then completely went off feed. The purple on his stomach was covering 1/2 his underside, poor little guy. He was getting his vitamins and everything, but the parasites won.

I honestly dont know what to think about the other one as well. I know he hasnt eaten in a week, unless he ate a roach. I cant remeber if I put an injured one in there our not. He hasnt comsumed much of anything, because he always wipes it off. So unless he's eating behind my back, I fear he may be soon.

The feeling of losing a Leo is horrible, even though I knew he had a slim chance of making it.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I'm so sorry one of these unfortunate little geckos passed away. Without a necropsy, you may never know if it was infected with crypto. Keep in mind that sick and starving geckos have enlarged livers, which will look like a big blackish-purple mass in their abdomen. Also, a deceased gecko will have blood that pools by gravity (lividity) at the bottom of it's body depending on how it lays when it dies.


New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
there was nothing I could do about it

I have avoided posting in this thread but cannot let this go.

Yes, there is something you could have done. You could have taken them to the vet. You had them for over two weeks and spent a lot of time posting here while they suffered.

The one that is still alive is still suffering. Have you taken it to the vet?

Even if the vet said it would be best to put them down the same day you got them, at least the suffering would have ended.

It doesn't matter if they were free or hundreds of dollars, if you can't or won't take them to the vet then you shouldn't take them home. This goes for anyone, not just you.

I'm sorry, but this thread is upsetting and frustrating. People are telling you to take them to the vet and you keep posting the home remedies you are trying. Meanwhile, geckos that would have benefited from a visit to the vet slowly die.

I really, really hope you decide to take the living one to the vet or give it to someone that can.


New Member
I have avoided posting in this thread but cannot let this go.

Yes, there is something you could have done. You could have taken them to the vet. You had them for over two weeks and spent a lot of time posting here while they suffered.

The one that is still alive is still suffering. Have you taken it to the vet?

Even if the vet said it would be best to put them down the same day you got them, at least the suffering would have ended.

It doesn't matter if they were free or hundreds of dollars, if you can't or won't take them to the vet then you shouldn't take them home. This goes for anyone, not just you.

I'm sorry, but this thread is upsetting and frustrating. People are telling you to take them to the vet and you keep posting the home remedies you are trying. Meanwhile, geckos that would have benefited from a visit to the vet slowly die.

I really, really hope you decide to take the living one to the vet or give it to someone that can.

You said exactly what I was thinking. Thank you.

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