Tired of anwering questions


New Member
Miami, FL
Can I use sand for my leo?

What morph is this?

How hot should the warm side be?

What do I feed my gecko?

Does my dragon need uvb?

Sorry, I'm too stupid to take 30 seconds out of my life to google this or do a search through the forums. I'll just bug the crap outta you. ;)


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Can I use sand for my leo?

What morph is this?

How hot should the warm side be?

What do I feed my gecko?

Does my dragon need uvb?

Sorry, I'm too stupid to take 30 seconds out of my life to google this or do a search through the forums. I'll just bug the crap outta you. ;)

I can see I'm not the only one thats bothered by all the stupid questions LOL
Why is my leo not eating? has anyone kissed their leo?? God someone actaully asked that stupid question.Why the %$#& would u want to kiss your freaking leo????


New Member
I really get tired of answering the same questions time and time and time and time again.....

it's part of being on forums. if you do not like people asking questions do not answer them or do not read the thread. just remember you, me and everyone else asked a lot of questions at one time too and if it wasn't for the people we would not know nearly as much as we do now.

roger i seem to remember you asking many questions not too long ago ;)


Happy Gecko Family
I can see I'm not the only one thats bothered by all the stupid questions LOL
Why is my leo not eating? has anyone kissed their leo?? God someone actaully asked that stupid question.Why the %$#& would u want to kiss your freaking leo????

Yea I kiss my geckos ALL THE TIME because they're cute and it's my own business. What I don't get is why the need to freak out when someone give their leo a little kiss.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I still feel like I'm on the "asking the stupid questions" phase, but I've often wondered how you "in the know" folks remain so patient and just keep answering the same questions.

Speaking of grammar and the suchlike, how annoying is "an overuse of quotations marks"? Ever get tired of that?

From my wee tad of experience in the herp forum world, it's helpful to remember that each forum takes on it's own personality. This one is pretty much "the leopard gecko forum", so you're gonna get more of those eleven year old breeders who know everything and yet nothing, etc. Leos are the gateway herp, everybody knows that. So I think there's a connection between the herp being discussed and the general experience of the keeper, thus determining the stupidity of the questions... Generally.

There's just one thing I've been wondering still though:

Can I keep my female leo in the same tank with my male tokay?


Ghoulish Geckos
I still feel like I'm on the "asking the stupid questions" phase, but I've often wondered how you "in the know" folks remain so patient and just keep answering the same questions.

Speaking of grammar and the suchlike, how annoying is "an overuse of quotations marks"? Ever get tired of that?

From my wee tad of experience in the herp forum world, it's helpful to remember that each forum takes on it's own personality. This one is pretty much "the leopard gecko forum", so you're gonna get more of those eleven year old breeders who know everything and yet nothing, etc. Leos are the gateway herp, everybody knows that. So I think there's a connection between the herp being discussed and the general experience of the keeper, thus determining the stupidity of the questions... Generally.

There's just one thing I've been wondering still though:

Can I keep my female leo in the same tank with my male tokay?

Only during breeding season.

I do get annoyed at the same questions, so I just don't answer them. What really annoys me is all the e-mails I get from people who ask a million questions and then go buy somewhere else. Or the people who e-mail to ask me which gecko they should get from a retail store.:main_angry: It's not bad if I've already done business from this person or I think I will in the future, but I get a lot that I can tell won't buy from me. (PM's here are a different thing. I'll answer anything for forum members.)

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
What really annoys me is all the e-mails I get from people who ask a million questions and then go buy somewhere else.

:main_rolleyes: Or they stop responding after a shipping quote, or tell you after half a dozen messages that they are broke but maybe in a month or two, or the money order has been in the mail for the last month, or...

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
Stop guys, please... I just put my first ad in the classifieds. You're gonna depress me.

I haven't had any responses at all so far, so maybe I'm just lucky. :)


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
I couldn't agree more with Kristi on the e-mails. I also don't like when people send me pics of another breeders geckos asking if it looks good or if the price is right. I never say anything back because that's bad business if I did, but I seriously don't know what people expect when they shop for geckos sometime.

I don't mind questions on the forums one bit, as long as they learn from it and put forth effort to learn more from the links. I asked a metric ass ton when I first came on. The only thing I don't like is when people ask what morph they have and the pics are beyond terrible, non existent, or they know nothing of the lineage and want to know specifics like what line of tangerine it is.

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
In all honesty answering those e-mails is great for PR as well as for marketing. Those people may not buy from you but they will know you have great customer service and very knowledgeable.

How about not making yourselves look like fools on a public forum by complaining and be more proactive about it help a person out and try to get a potential sale.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
The biggest problem I have is with shear laziness. If you honestly don't know and can't find the answer(learn the search function, people, seriously it works) with some effort then sure, go ahead and ask. Or if you've gathered as much info as you can and need input beyond that. But seriously, if it's a simple question that is easily answered via the MANY caresheets, websites, books etc out there, just take the time to do some research on your own. I have no problem helping people, I just find myself much more patient and willing to help if they've already put a bit of work in and learned some basics on their own. Part of being a responsible reptile keeper is putting the work in to learn the species you keep. If you're not willing to do that, how willing are you to spend time keeping things clean, using the right feeders, etc? There's plenty of info on reptiles on the web, some of it is bad, some of it is good. Use some common sense and ask key questions when you need to. We all love talking about our animals, but really the basics are things most of us learned through good old fashioned research. The rest came with trial and error and experience.

I don't want to bash any new keepers, just try figuring some stuff out on your own first, then, when you get stuck, fire away with the questions. :)


New Member
Miami, FL
I dont mind questions in general. I actually get enjoyment out of sharing my knowledge. But like Ted said.. there is a search button for a reason. I'm sorry but it gets old telling people that their petstore leos are hypos and telling them what to feed. Sometimes I just dont respond when I'm tired of it. Another danger to people being lazy and not wanting to do their own research is that you know they take everything they get at face value. Without the research and time to back something up, a persn may as well toss their leo up in the air because some twit on a forum said it would be fun for the leo.


The biggest problem I have is with shear laziness. If you honestly don't know and can't find the answer(learn the search function, people, seriously it works) with some effort then sure, go ahead and ask. Or if you've gathered as much info as you can and need input beyond that. But seriously, if it's a simple question that is easily answered via the MANY caresheets, websites, books etc out there, just take the time to do some research on your own. I have no problem helping people, I just find myself much more patient and willing to help if they've already put a bit of work in and learned some basics on their own. Part of being a responsible reptile keeper is putting the work in to learn the species you keep. If you're not willing to do that, how willing are you to spend time keeping things clean, using the right feeders, etc? There's plenty of info on reptiles on the web, some of it is bad, some of it is good. Use some common sense and ask key questions when you need to. We all love talking about our animals, but really the basics are things most of us learned through good old fashioned research. The rest came with trial and error and experience.

I don't want to bash any new keepers, just try figuring some stuff out on your own first, then, when you get stuck, fire away with the questions. :)

:main_thumbsup: WELL DONE! BRAVO!

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I'm in the construction industry, I used to be a professional whitewater river guide and my degree is in theology. Now I'm getting into reptiles, so I have those four VERY different fields to compare. Peoples is peoples, and peoples is stupid no matter what the venue. It's a pandemic... of which I'm afflicted from time to time myself. :) I think we see it in the forum format more because it's so easy to access, no matter how retarded you are.

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