URGENT, im not sure to put thead in right section. Read... please


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Take the animal to a vet. If you can't afford to take her to a vet, adopt her out to someone who can, or contact a local herp rescue, etc. Dosing the animal yourself(and I am agreeing with Alex, those are not pin worms, pin worms are microscopic and can't be seen by the naked eye) is only going to do more harm than good. You either overdose and kill the gecko, underdose and don't kill the parasites, or treat with something that doesn't affect the species of parasite in question since you don't know what it is. Cough up the hundred bucks or so it'll cost for a vet exam, fecal and treatment. If you can't afford that you shouldn't have gotten the animal in the first place and you need to get her in the care of someone who can.


New Member
South West
Take the animal to a vet. If you can't afford to take her to a vet, adopt her out to someone who can, or contact a local herp rescue, etc. Dosing the animal yourself(and I am agreeing with Alex, those are not pin worms, pin worms are microscopic and can't be seen by the naked eye) is only going to do more harm than good. You either overdose and kill the gecko, underdose and don't kill the parasites, or treat with something that doesn't affect the species of parasite in question since you don't know what it is. Cough up the hundred bucks or so it'll cost for a vet exam, fecal and treatment. If you can't afford that you shouldn't have gotten the animal in the first place and you need to get her in the care of someone who can.

+1 :main_thumbsup:

That was well said, and the truth. I was going to suggest in my earlier post that she adopt out the gecko, but I thought I would leave that to somebody else. But thank you for saying that the best choice may be just to adopt her out to someone who can afford her.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I have gone to a nearby vet with a stool sample and the leos weight, and they checked it and dosed four different leos that way. It cost me almost nothing. I think it was aroun $30 total.


Happy Gecko Family
Yes these are. I found google pictures. I knew it was pinworms. cause i knew they look like them.

I have seen live pinworms with a microscope at 100x; I would be VERY suprised if any normal human being can see it with their naked eye.

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