Very scared about what I will see



I had purchased an enigma from a guy a month ago and this is how long it has taken between the run around to get him to ship. A week and a half ago I get an email from him that says instead of the one enigma he is sending everything he has which is 10 or so total. I said to him whatever you want I just want the enigma with hets so I can get him for late this season. I get an email with the tracking number and then a question that has me a little concerned and the question is "I put hand warmers in the box because I couldn't find heat packs". I have a buddy at our UPS terminal that I called late yesterday when I heard this and he has agreed not to put it on the truck when it arrives this A.M. but will put it in the hottest area in the building which he said is about 80. So the question will be is what will I find when I open the box and by that I mean the health of the animals he shipped. Not looking forward to what I may find.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
i hope they are safe and healthy. if they are not i would ask the breeder for a refund. if they are not prepared for shipping they should not be shipping reptiles. if they refuse, i would post something on BOI on Fauna about it. I can see waiting if the weather was bad too ship ... but just waiting for no reason is uncalled for. let us all know how they are when you pick them up or when they arrive at your house.


Probably the worst transaction I have had buying and selling. I can see delay shipping but a few weeks ago it was almost 60 and I tried to get him to ship then and told him it was perfect weather and he still dropped the ball. I will pick them up at 8:30 A.M from the UPS terminal so we will see. I have packed some heat packs to bring just in case they are cold to get them a little heated up.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If they seem to be dead, they may just be in a cold coma. It's important not to heat them up too quickly, so don't put the heat packs on them. They need to come up to room temperature slowly. Good luck. I'm awaiting a gecko this morning in Boston and it's snowing.



-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Telling you he is off-loading 10 geckos on you sounds sketchy to begin with. I mean I like to give away an extra or 2 ocassionaly, though I always ask the buyer if they would like an extra or 2 and if they have the means to care for multiples. I don't want to burden someone with more then they can handle. unless weather or his health did not permit shipping their is no reason to take that long.

Did you happen to get pictures of the other geckos he is sending?


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Hopefully they made it to you safely. Very nice of your friend at UPS to help you out. I'm sure you're already planning on it but I'd keep them in a extra long quarantine. The whole story is pretty sketchy.


New Member
Sacramento, CA
I hope they make it ok! I have one I'm waiting for too but my seller is waiting for it to warm up a bit--which I totally agree with! Poor things.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I hope they come in good shape. Got mine this morning with no problem (outside temp was in the 20's).



Hey everyone. I went to UPS this morning at 8:30 to the terminal and recieved the box and I tell you my heart was pounding as not to know what I was about to open. I opened the box and they were all alive, alert and well a little skinny to my likeing but overall well. The hand warmers were still warm although it was a little on the cool side but overall not bad. I just settled them in to their bins and here is what the containers were labeled.
3 were labeled Urban Sunglow females they are close if not breedable once they are fattened.
2 were labeled male enigma raptor but they are not enigma I know maybe someone who deals with maybe bell could tell me if they are. They are more brown spotting than black.
1 female aptor close to breedable with fattening
3 females label DH Blazing Raptor they are juvenile
1 enigma aptor female juvenile
I will post some pics eventually but right now I just want to let them settle in just wanted to say thanks to everyone who wished luck.


Most have eaten the 4 or 5 mealies I put in their bowls so I knew they were at least eating. Refilled them so we can beef them up.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
thats good that they were alive even though they are skinnier than you would like. hopefully they will pack on the pounds fast. Supers are good option too for fattening i know mine all jumped in weight when i went to supers by 10-20 grams fast but mine are also pigs well right now most are doing their winter fasting but no weight loss which is awesome. I hope they thrive for you they sound like very pretty geckos and should get prettier when fed a healthy proper diet

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