What are your "pet peeves"


Aussie Reptile Keeper
telemarketers and tele surveyors, will these people ever quit calling me, if i wasn't interested yesterday then im not going to be interested today. jeez lol

And what is the deal with operator/ Directory-Assistance, its a machine, you have answer questions and speak real slow and clear for it to understand you and even then it gets it wrong. what ever happened to speaking to humans? lol speaking to a machine that cant understand you is real impersonal and annoying.


New Member
Since we're on the subject of kids. Those obnoxious children gliding through the grocery store with thoe stupid "Heelies" shoes.

I just wanna trip 'em!!!! Where are their parents??? :veryangry:

You have no idea. :main_laugh: I've been knocked over (and nearly knocked over) more than once while browsing a target or the mall.

Another one is walmart. I hate that place! They might as well put a sign that says "Welcome to hell" on the front door. :main_laugh:

plus people that start fights for no reason.


New Member
*annoying litttle kids
*people who chew gum like a horse
*self centered people
*people that ALWAYS stare at you
*soccer moms and their big suv's and "you call that a foul"!!! right in your ear lol.

i have so much more!
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New Member
In my apartment with a roomie.
Oh my goodness! This thread has brought me so much joy and laughter!

LOL!! this made me think of another thing I hate;

people who give a fake sounding little "laugh" at the end of
every sentence, even when it's clearly NOT funny!!
are these people retarded, or what??!! :main_huh:
I have to agree with you on that one and I currently have a friend that does that....sorry B!

1) People that think that you are really buying thier like of *BULL*!
2) Papercuts!
3) People who only do things to show off and/or be "cool"...That one deserves a story!

My roommate just got 3 cornsnakes (1 on impulse!) and didnt even READ the cornsnake book that i bought for him! Then he has the nerve to not only ask me why one of them is retaining part of its shed, but also wants me to approve of him trying now to BREED them and mice! FURTHERMORE, certain people in our building dont like him as he talks enough to be in Guinness so what does the moron do?!?!?!?! He PARADES AROUND A "NO PET" BUILDING WITH NOT 1! OR EVEN 2! BUT 3 #$*^ING CORNSNAKES!!!!!!

Almost done...4) Having too many people over at 3 in the morning when you live with a roommate
5) Having people over when your place looks like a war zone....Clean up!
6) When people call you once, you can't answer because you are AT WORK and get mad at you because you didnt call back....If it was an emergency, leave a blooming message!
7) Having lunch with friends that either eat WAY too slow or "...will only have a salad."
8) People who look like tall skinny Oompa Loompas.....Tanning is overrated. (also falls into the girly girl category)
9) People who stand and try to have a conversation with you when you are trying to pull blood from a fractious cat with its daggers 2 inches from your throat! (Vet Clinic)
10) People who think that I have no experience in ANYTHING cuz i am "only" 20 and are surprised when I actually know more than they do about something!
11) People who NEED to know every word of a conversation even if it wasn't thier business!
12)People who dont realize that they actually have it pretty easy! If you woke up today with both arms, both legs, and all your senses and organs working and your junk (if you're a guy) still in place, then you're in pretty good shape!
13) The endless array of names for different leo morphs....sorry guys but i like to keep it to the point
14) People who think that we should all be friggin English majors and properly spell, punctuate, and structure EVERY post for blogs, forums and chat rooms!
15) People who call you in the middle of the night, ask what time it is, and STILL want to have a meaningless conversation even after finding out that you were asleep!

And P.S......I have clipped a kid on heelies before, it was satisfying and i like to slow down when people tail gate me....:)


Sideshow Freak
Alpharetta, GA
Sorry if this offends someone but it has to be said....

Fat people who order the entire menu from a fast food joint and get a small diet coke.


People there not like ROCK AND RAP/HIPHOP, but listening to love songs and all like that.

People there dressing like there going to some beauty contest all the time, and dress so nice in shcool like some little perfect kid.

(Sry if i hit someone but this is my oppinion.)


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
there are only 5 things will make me open my mouth and say something....

5) people telling me im wrong with out trying to prove it... "your wrong about that", "why, please explain?", "because you just are"

4) trash that will let their kids do what ever they want, screeming, yelling, throwing temper tantrems.... you guys know what i mean....

3) people who where hats at a dining table while eating (in a resturant or at a home)

2) people who chew thier food and smack their lips like they are cows

and the number 1 thing that i will get into a physical fight over.... talking in a movie theator. especially since it costs so much these days.
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Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
Sorry if this offends someone but it has to be said....

Fat people who order the entire menu from a fast food joint and get a small diet coke.

dude, that halarious!! cuase i order soooo much food, then ordre a ex large diet soda. ( cause im diabetic) and the looks i get from people when i get to the window are almost always.... :main_huh: :main_no::main_no:


Sideshow Freak
Alpharetta, GA
dude, that halarious!! cuase i order soooo much food, then ordre a ex large diet soda. ( cause im diabetic) and the looks i get from people when i get to the window are almost always.... :main_huh: :main_no::main_no:

Hahaha, at least you have a good reason....i just wonder if they people have any idea how stupid they look. If you just ordered 3 taco salads, extra cheese, sour cream and lard why not just live a little and get yourself a normal soda? I typically order a ridiculous amount of food as well as a huge mountain dew to top it all off....but i weigh 160 lbs soaking wet.


Sideshow Freak
Alpharetta, GA
and the number 1 thing that i will get into a physical fight over.... talking in a movie theator. especially since it costs so much these days.

I'm totally with you on this man, talk about a good way to piss me off. I remember a couple years ago me and my buddy went and saw Hills Have Eyes 2 and these 4 teeny boppers came in and were chattering like little mice on meth....i lost my mind, if someone were to have come into the theatre at the time it would have been filled with me and my bud yelling obscenities & threatening to have them kicked out (can't exactly fight them, they were minors lol). I just don't get it, why go to a movie if you're just gonna sit there and talk? That's what Starbucks is for, don't ruin my movie just cuz you have the attention span of a 3 year old.


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
I'm totally with you on this man, talk about a good way to piss me off. I remember a couple years ago me and my buddy went and saw Hills Have Eyes 2 and these 4 teeny boppers came in and were chattering like little mice on meth....i lost my mind, if someone were to have come into the theatre at the time it would have been filled with me and my bud yelling obscenities & threatening to have them kicked out (can't exactly fight them, they were minors lol). I just don't get it, why go to a movie if you're just gonna sit there and talk? That's what Starbucks is for, don't ruin my movie just cuz you have the attention span of a 3 year old.

lmao!!! just last year when the movie "Shutter" came out, rated pg13 it was filled with teenies. the movie started and i was in the very top row like normal. this group of kids were down at the bottom purpously laughing obnoxiously during a very quite part and you could tell i wasnt the only one getting mad. so i said very loudly..... "hahaha SHUT UP" and the theator lost it and laughed for a good two mins, and then i didnt hear anything from anyone the entire movie. i dont care about age. i just use my age as intimdation. lol


People there not like HATS AND CAPS, whats wrong about that its still.


New Member
Maryville, TN
1. outsourced customer service to other countries that barely speak your language.
2. If you live in my country, please learn my language. I would try my HARDEST to learn yours.
3. you dont have to chew every bite of food 300 times. That little 1/4" piece of french fry isnt going to choke you.
4. If the constuction sign says "lane ends merge left"... please dont race me and then try to cut me off when you could have hit your brakes and went right behind me... I was in the CORRECT lane FIRST
6.blatent bad grammer such as in texting "OMGHI2U WTFBBQ" or "Txt me bck whn u gt ths plz, i nd 2 tlk 2 u". How hard is it to add ONE more letter? (refer to number 5)
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People there againt Anarchy!

People there says ¨please take your cap off, your inside¨!

People there says ¨What the hell are you wearing¨

People there says ¨Why do you like to have blue stripes in your hair!¨


New Member
I work at an animal hospital, so mine all pertain to work. You can't even imagine the things i've heard & seen

~People who ignore their scheduled appointment time & show up 30 minutes before we close, with an animal that's been vomiting & had diarrhea for 7 days. They then INSIST it is an emergency and frantically tell me that it OBVIOUSLY needs to be dealt with immediatly.

~Being screamed at for our "outrageous" prices. And then, being screamed at because they are the uncles-mothers-brothers-grandmothers-sisters-aunts niece of the owner, and that THEY, of all people, should receive a discount of at LEAST 60%.

~People who let their pet roam around my lobby freely with no leash or box...and then get very upset when Cujo, the 180lb Italian Mastiff that's here for vaccines, goes after "snowball". The REALLY fun ones then continue with, "that dog shouldn't be allowed here..."

~Children. Just children. They scream when i'm listening to a heart patient, stick their fingers into the WRONG cages, "pet" the birds (not a good idea), and color with crayons on the benches.

~People who bring children to their appointments that are so sick, you could swear they have some Ebola-like disease.

~Owners that bring me a deathly-ill animal, and then are as vague as possible when i'm trying to obtain a history ("I don't know" "I wasn't there" "I'm really not sure" "I didn't see it happen")


~When you complain to me about your bill, right before you get into your BMW M5, and talk on your Blackberry with "bluetooth" connection, so you can drive home to your comfy-cozy mansion that's worth a half a million dollars. Poor you. kiss my @**.

~People that don't tell me their dog is aggressive before I handle it. Even worse, people who DENY IT, as Fluffy (who hasn't been vaccinated for Rabies) punctures my jugular vein...("She would NEVER do that!")

~People who expect an exam, treatments & medication....and then only bring $20 with them.

~Counting inventory (ALL the pills...every last one...in the pharmacy)

I'll stop now. I could go on forever.

Just about every one of those is a pet peeve at my work (also at an animal hospital). I'm a kennel attendant at the hospital I work at so I'm essentially the lowest paid person there and I get the dirtiest work. Here's a few of mine both work related and non work related.

- When people bring all their kids and all their kids' friends with them to Fluffy's checkup. Seriously, a vet visit is not a family affair.
- When people are like "Oh, she tinkled a little" and there's a freaking noah's ark flood on the floor.
- When I find things I would expect in the treatment room trash can in the HUMAN BATHROOM. Seriously, some of these people are more grimy than their pets.
- People who don't fix their animals if they aren't breeding them and then when they bring their dog in for a pregnancy test and the dog starts popping puppies out right then and there their excuse is "oh well we thought they were too stupid to know how to mate..."
- People who do stupid things and their animals have to suffer.
- People who are doing something they KNOW is wrong and then try to rationalize it to the receptionists and try to make them seem like the victim here. No, your animal is the victim, don't you dare try to act like Jesus near me. Seriously, when I hear people doing this I get sick to my stomach and have to walk away.
- Little kids arguing.
- People telling me, "Hey that's dangerous" when I'm doing something that mildly dangerous. (Normally my boss when I'm cleaning the fish tank because he thinks I'll electrocute myself.) If you tell me that while I'm doing that I'll get nervous and therefore the danger level goes up.
- People trying to make me eat something I know I won't like. I'm a very picky eater (comes from being a good cook and growing up on Grandma's cooking). If I'm over someone's house I'll be polite and try to food. But when my mom's trying to force her newest concoction down my throat I draw the line. (grilled pluots anyone?)
- People assuming that since I wear a lot of makeup that I'm a shallow person. It's just an artistic expression to me. It's not like I'm trying to rearrange the features on my face using shadows and highlights like some people that have the nerve to call me shallow do.
- Fake orange tans.
- When I'm on the phone and I tell the person to "hold on" and they keep talking.
- Racism. I have to deal with this a lot because my boyfriend's black. People need to get over themselves.
- Scene hair. Sometimes it can look good in pictures but it person it's just annoying. I especially hate it when guys are freaking turning themselves into a circus act trying to get their hair to stay in the "flip".
- Jehovah's Witness coming to my door. I normally will do something to scare the crap out of them. I hate people trying to convert others to their religion.
- People that harass me for my religious choice that know absolutely nothing about the religion I chose. There is a lot of ignorance about my religion so I'm not exactly open about it.

I could go on and on but I'll stop now.

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