What are your "pet peeves"


New Member
Miami, FL
I work at an animal hospital, so mine all pertain to work. You can't even imagine the things i've heard & seen

~People who ignore their scheduled appointment time & show up 30 minutes before we close, with an animal that's been vomiting & had diarrhea for 7 days. They then INSIST it is an emergency and frantically tell me that it OBVIOUSLY needs to be dealt with immediatly.

~Being screamed at for our "outrageous" prices. And then, being screamed at because they are the uncles-mothers-brothers-grandmothers-sisters-aunts niece of the owner, and that THEY, of all people, should receive a discount of at LEAST 60%.

~People who let their pet roam around my lobby freely with no leash or box...and then get very upset when Cujo, the 180lb Italian Mastiff that's here for vaccines, goes after "snowball". The REALLY fun ones then continue with, "that dog shouldn't be allowed here..."

~Children. Just children. They scream when i'm listening to a heart patient, stick their fingers into the WRONG cages, "pet" the birds (not a good idea), and color with crayons on the benches.

~People who bring children to their appointments that are so sick, you could swear they have some Ebola-like disease.

~Owners that bring me a deathly-ill animal, and then are as vague as possible when i'm trying to obtain a history ("I don't know" "I wasn't there" "I'm really not sure" "I didn't see it happen")


~When you complain to me about your bill, right before you get into your BMW M5, and talk on your Blackberry with "bluetooth" connection, so you can drive home to your comfy-cozy mansion that's worth a half a million dollars. Poor you. kiss my @**.

~People that don't tell me their dog is aggressive before I handle it. Even worse, people who DENY IT, as Fluffy (who hasn't been vaccinated for Rabies) punctures my jugular vein...("She would NEVER do that!")

~People who expect an exam, treatments & medication....and then only bring $20 with them.

~Counting inventory (ALL the pills...every last one...in the pharmacy)

I'll stop now. I could go on forever.


New Member
Miami, FL
I figured I'd throw these last two in to lighten the thread

-When my boyfriend dutch ovens me
-When my boyfriend farts in the car, then locks the windows so I cant get air

Man...he has the worst gas, let me tell you! Haha

My husband seems to really enjoy doing BOTH of these things as well...

My hubby gives wet willies. It's beyond gross and disgusting. lol

And if I don't react to the above, he attempts this as well. Ughhh....(*shudders*)


Phoenix, AZ
Screaming kids(especially in shopping centers).
I Hate it when i email a someone to inquire about something and they either don't bother to reply or leave it a week or to before doing so. that bugs me.

Traffic is number one on my list along with taxes

People who dont work hard, just do whats necessary to get by thinking that they are owed something.....#$Q%&)#Q%&)#Q%&)#Q&%_#Q%&(_#Q...actions speak louder than words!!!


Puzzle is my 2nd love.
Upstate New York
Stickers on stuff you buy that don't come off easily. (Seriously, on my cross country skis? Like I really want to look at the lifetime guarantee sticker the ENTIRE life of the skis?!)

Stupid people. (Unfortunately, this is most people.)

People who don't use blinkers when they drive.

There are more.


New Member
I have friends that aren't stupid. Therefore, they are not included in the "stupid people" pet peeve.

LOL!! I here that :D
They are getting harder and harder to find too, arent they!

Of course, I cant expect everybody to be as smart and perfect
as I am!! ;) :main_rolleyes:


Happy Gecko Family
I have one more, when people stand still and start brain storming whether they should turn left or right right after they got to the top of the escalator. Then the people behind them will have to dance like tippy toe to avoid bumping onto them!!


People who ask the same question 10 times, thinking they will get a different answer...


and Disgruntled UPS Employees.

I`ll add more when I get time ;)


Aussie Reptile Keeper
When i go grocery shopping and people stand in the middle of the isle staring at the products like their are in a trance. Blocking the entire isle,.

Damn it, people pick what you want and move on. If you need to look at it pull your trolly up to you in the inside so people can still get thru.

And allot of the times people stop right in the middle of the isle to talk and block the isle with 2 or more trolleys. That really bugs me. I have to go grocery shopping every wednesday, sometimes every other wednesday and i just like to get it done as fast as possible. In and out but its never possible because people walk around in a trance blocking the isles.

Another thing about supermarkets that bugs me is the checkout clerks.

Why are they so damn slow? its not like its a hard physical job, they are like zombies. That or they get in to full blown conversations with people and your standing there waiting and waiting and waiting. When they ask the usualy check out cleck question" hi, how are you" i just say, good thanks. if you were to say im good thanks and you? i guarantee youl end up having to hear about their day and what their doing later.

Another thing about supermarkets. The trolleys, whats the deal with the trolleys. buckled wheels that always make it go in one direction or the wheel that makes that annoying kachunk kachunk kachunk noise or the bent steel frame. What are people doing with these things? playing bumper cars. i mean c,mon lol.


Aussie Reptile Keeper
people that are so naive, they get ripped off or something then wonder why?

Having to shave every other day...... gets real annoying, especially when you've ran out of blades for your razor so you use an old one and you end up with razor burn.

And whats with the prices of razors? so many brands, so many variations. I now stick with Schick titanium but come on, They make ones with like 6-7 blades now lol what next 10 BLADES coated in a new solution to give you an even smoother shave lol.

Soon there will be so many blades that you will only need to do it once on each side of your face lol.

The prices of razors heads are so high now that its cheaper to just buy a whole new razor and you usually get 2 free razor heads with it, bargain.


New Member
LOL!! I dont know why I didnt mention this first thing, because
this is really my number one peeve;

GROCERY SHOPPING!!! :main_thumbsdown:

Where I live in Maryland, we have way too many folks with crappy
and nasty "attitude"!! they are slow, rude, and inconsiderate.

The store is always loaded with little obnoxious brats being pushed
around in their little "kiddy carts" by their equally obnoxious parents.

Then, there are the brats that are allowed to run free, racking things
off the shelves, and running up and down the isles!!

I practically need a handful of valium to make it through!!
And my family wonders why I need a stiff drink when I get home! :main_lipsrsealed:


Aussie Reptile Keeper
LOL i feel your pain Stanley, i hate it too. I always end up with a bad headache after grocery shopping.


Think of how those of us pushing the obnoxious kiddie carts feel having to not only deal with the kids but have to take them home too!

Seriously though, I feel the same way and I have kids and babysit. It boggles my mind that I can take 4 or 5 kids to the grocery store and they will behave, stay with me and not get in the way yet other people can't even take one.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Since we're on the subject of kids. Those obnoxious children gliding through the grocery store with thoe stupid "Heelies" shoes.

I just wanna trip 'em!!!! Where are their parents??? :veryangry:


Let's Go Bears!
I have a few;

* People who LOVE to sigh and exhale passionately while a foot away from you and you get to smell their AWFUL breath.

* People who always stare at your food during lunchtime and like to ask what it is you're eating.

* When you allow a driver to merge into your lane and they don't acknowledge you.

* People who love to talk loudly even though the other person is right in front of them.

* Parents who think their kids are saints.

* Kids getting TIMEOUTS! What is that? Never worked for me.lol.

* Kids with runny noses and the parents who don't look after them.


A few here :

-Parents who think they're kids are amazing and talking about it too while the kid is braking something
-loud talkers ( i sit beside one in class :( )


is behind you.
Prince George, BC

-People who drive large trucks or SUVs. No offense to those who do on here though, but for whatever reason in my area, I've been tailgated, cut off in traffic, and nearly hit by gigantic trucks barreling down the middle of the road. I especially hate the tailgating part. I usually slow way down just to piss them off. Mwahaha.

-People who come to a full stop in the merge lane. Although, I know sometimes it's unavoidable. For whatever reason, in my area there are several merge lanes right after stop lights. The road is only two lanes, but most people don't seem to be aware of trying to get over to others can be let in. Granted, you're not really supposed to change lanes in the middle of an intersection. I guess it's really more of the way the roads are laid out here than anything.

-People who won't stop for pedestrians at PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS. This happened all the time to me in VA. In parking lots, when I'm on a crossing and trying to cross the street, it's very seldom someone will actually stop. Then again, this is in a country where you could probably sue whoever you hit for walking out in front of your precious SUV. It's a bit better up here in Canada, where you can get seriously charged/fined for hitting a pedestrian on a cross walk. But I have had people who actually SPEED UP as I'm walking across the cross walk and barely miss me as they zoom by. I thank them with a middle finger.

-Tailgaters, period.


-I have to agree with the others regarding obnoxious kids and their obnoxious parents. When I worked at the pet store, I actually witnessed a small child - but still old enough to know better - drop an aquarium ornament on the floor. The parents were standing right there and instead of making the child clean it up or even acknowledge it, they just said 'lets' go now' and grabbed the child and left. I guess they were afraid that I was going to charge them for it.

-People who don't take responsibility for their actions; see above.

-The Wal-Mart here doesn't have express lanes, and when it does those are the only ones open. There are thirty cash registers but usually only five or six are opened, even during the holidays. I had to stand in a line that went all the way to the jewelery section.

-Speaking of express lanes; people who try to use them even though they clearly have a full cart.

-People who like to stand uncomfortably close to you in line so that you can hear and feel them breathing on the back of your neck. As if standing any closer to me will get them to the register faster.


New Member
A Couple of my Pet Peeves -

-People who make unkind remarks about others, when they DON'T EVEN KNOW THE PERSON
-People who seem to have it embedded in their minds that shy and quiet people absolutely can't talk....Ever
-When people always say "Burn the geckos!"
-When people unnessecarily start yelling orders when you're three feet away...HELLO, I'm RIGHT HERE!
-I absolutely hate it when people judge you by appearance, sure, you could look like Scarlett Johansson, and be a real witch.
-People who absolutely believe that the world revolves around them and them only
-People who always mope and complain, try to be emo, goth, never try to help themselves...
-Parents who won't shut up their kids when they're acting up right in the middle of an aisle or movie
-When I get angry at people for no reason, and I actually take it out on others
-Whenever people are just downright vindictive

And I know this is a little off topic, but what I really like in people, who don't get on my nerves
-If they're brave enough to just go up to your face and say "Hey, I never liked you, always thought you were an annoying little kid, stay away"

Okay, sorry, went a little off topic, I think I'll go in rant and raves now...


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Automated systems "for your convenience."

Even worse,when your phone rings, you say "Hello" and a recorded voice says, "Hello. Please stay on the line for the next available representative."


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