what do i do when i have a....



perhaps your school will take the Gecko on as a class pet and you can teach your classmates about them and the most important lesson you've learned Ask First.


New Member
Miami, FL
First of all, i'm going to say this like it is. You should NOT have obtained an animal without your parents approval first. That was your first mistake.

Second of all, DO NOT MAKE YOUR GECKO A CLASS PET. Just don't. The animal ends up going home with a kid for the summer, because the teacher doesn't want to care for it, and then it dies. It's always a sad story. Don't do it.

Third of all, if you are seriously concerned that your father is going to kill your gecko, you need to find someplace else for the gecko. End of story. Post on the classifieds here, on other forums, in the paper, call your friends...DON'T call a pet store. It's your responsibility to either care for that gecko for the rest of it's life, or find someone who can.

I'm sorry if i'm coming on strong, I deal with animal neglect on a daily basis and I never take it lightly. I feel as if this is a bad situation waiting to happen, and I am concerned for the gecko.


New Member
Miami, FL
In fact, if you can't find someplace for the gecko, and it's LIFE is at stake...PM me, and we'll talk about having him shipped to me, here in South Florida. I'll cover it.

If either of your parents needs to talk to someone, i'd be more than happy to give you my cell phone number.
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i did ask.. i asked him twice. but i dont think he understands what a "gecko" is.
im located in malaysia. its sad but my mom found a guy who wants to buy it. he's my moms friends, friend.


New Member
Miami, FL
I'm glad that your family found a spot for the gecko. I'm sorry your family doesn't agree with keeping these lovely pets, but this new home might be the best gift you could have given him. Good luck.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I think its funny that everyone is telling the guy that he should of asked his parents first. I'm not saying he shouldn't of asked first but who hasn't done something without the acknowledgement from their parent? I'd say everyone has. How many people have or have had things hidden from their parents in their room? I'd say everyone has! I bet everyone telling him he should of asked first has had something hidden from their parents that they didn't ask about first or did and they said no.

You tried and your dad won't let you so now your going to have to find a good home for him.

I remember I came home, when i lived with my mom, with my eyebrow pierced. My mom threaten to kick me out if I didn't take it out but I reasoned with her.


New Member
surrey bc canada
I came home with a rooster and thought i could hide him , even built him a house and run outside my parent s window lol (we were on a farm) until it started crowing at 3 am lmao ...and YUP it ad to go hahahaha


if anyone is from malaysia, let me know. cause you might just get a new gecko


New Member
Quaker City, Ohio
I think its funny that everyone is telling the guy that he should of asked his parents first. I'm not saying he shouldn't of asked first but who hasn't done something without the acknowledgement from their parent? I'd say everyone has. How many people have or have had things hidden from their parents in their room? I'd say everyone has! I bet everyone telling him he should of asked first has had something hidden from their parents that they didn't ask about first or did and they said no.

You tried and your dad won't let you so now your going to have to find a good home for him.

I remember I came home, when i lived with my mom, with my eyebrow pierced. My mom threaten to kick me out if I didn't take it out but I reasoned with her.

I honestly have never hid any animals from my parents of course my dad is a big softy like me when it comes to animals lol but i always brought home stray cats and dogs for my dad to find new homes for them. Some times we kept them. My brother got into trouble when he was in school and had to stay after school to work off paying for a window and found a baby ring neck snake in the school and brought it home and my parents let him keep it (and my mom is scared to death of snakes im trying to get her to warm up to them :D )but my sister lost it (She is NOT good with animals).


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
I think its funny that everyone is telling the guy that he should of asked his parents first. I'm not saying he shouldn't of asked first but who hasn't done something without the acknowledgement from their parent? I'd say everyone has. How many people have or have had things hidden from their parents in their room? I'd say everyone has! I bet everyone telling him he should of asked first has had something hidden from their parents that they didn't ask about first or did and they said no.

You tried and your dad won't let you so now your going to have to find a good home for him.

I remember I came home, when i lived with my mom, with my eyebrow pierced. My mom threaten to kick me out if I didn't take it out but I reasoned with her.

Well, you are correct to a certain point. I think it all depends on the parents. Obviously, this person is from a completely different culture than we are and his parents arent just making him get rid of it because they just dont want it... It has to do with beliefs. And honestly, the kid should respect his parents beliefs, whether he believes in them or not. He lives in his parents house...
Yes, I brought home numerous animals without my moms consent, BUT I always knew should would let me keep every single one of them because she has a huge soft spot for animals and she wouldnt let anything terrible happen to it. If not, she would at least let me keep it long enough to find a nice home for it. I knew my boundaries with her and I would never have put an animals life in danger...
A piercing and an animal are not quite the same thing.
I think that this person definetely should have confirmed with both parents before purchasing, as they put it, an $80 animal so they wouldnt have to waste their money... It sounds to me like they were being pretty neglegant on their purchase if they didnt know they could keep it...
I really hope this new home works out and I am really sorry that you cant keep your gecko, but by checking first with your parents, you wouldnt have had to have gone through this hassle... Sorry.


New Member
Argentina, Buenos Aires
well....my dad found out about my gecko about 3 months later. and it was because i went to the kitchen with my gecko on my shoulder. he said: WHAT'S THAT? hahaha. so i told him. he thought i was crazy. i went from a little dog to a "lizzard".
then i brought a male to the house and he realised it wasn't the same lizzard like a month later!! hahaha. as i kept them in my room, and fortunately he doesn't go in there, he never knew abouth them.
but them something funny happen. the female put some eggs, so i told my dad. he was like: oh, really?? that's good news!! when will the little guys come out??? LOL


Active Member
Yep... should always ask your parents first, if that dosent work, then pester the heck out of them untill they cave LOL.

Vision Geckos

My best advice would be to try to adopt it out using craigslist. I know it exists for southeast Asia and there are so many people who like leopard geckos as pets. I've had so much success selling on craigslist.


New Member
United States
Ahh this is so interesting! First of all, remember to always ask your parent before buying a pet, especially since you're still young, that way it can save the hassle of trying to adopt it out and it can also show your father respect as well.

I think the best way to attempt to keep the gecko is to try and understand where your father is coming from. Ask him why the gecko will mess up the spirits in the house. When he tells you, try to explain to him that geckos are different from whatever particular lizard he is describing. I know it's hard, but try to be understanding of him, even though it may seem crazy, to him it is total reality. Maybe you guys can make a compromise, as long as you sit down and really explain everything to him (patience is a key here)! If you show that you really care about his reasoning, maybe he will let you keep it, as long as you play your words right.

If not, definitely see about adopting, chances are if he says he'll kill it, he probably seriously means it.

Good luck!


Wow, good thing my father loved my gecko. He could go ask me to handle her. But Jackie's little fiesty she gets scared when she didnt know who was handling her. she barely knew my dad. Hahah. :) im so sorry about your dad :( But i guess they are your parents.

ps. my mom wont let me own spiders. haha.


he cant kill it...thats wrong...maybe if he doesnt see it maybe he wont get mad....put it in a closet in ur bedroom


this is quite an issue especially in the reptile community with underage/young people purchasing pets without the consent/support from their parents. I am not here to bash however i must say that it is absolutely unfair to any animal to go through such a process that is caused for it to be re-homed or mis properly cared for due to the lack of judgement on the purchaser. Any one of any age needs to think twice about purchasing and make sure that they have full support from members of their house hold, have the money to support it and the proper set up.
With that being said there isnt much you can do to change someone's mind on the subject even if they have such a strong irrational opposition to something. You can certainly try but if the life of the animal is in danger you need to immediately either adopt it out or give it to a pet store to sell.


I WAS one of the children that bought the classroom pets home for the summer. I went
from eww,oh ick and they eat what to having had Guinnea Pigs,Aquatic Frogs, Anoles
Turttles,Salamanders, Tropical and Freshwater Aquariums Dogs and Cats in my lifetime,
I am now into Dart Frogs and that has led me into a new intrest,Isopods. During my tenure as caretaker and with my parents help and encouragement I learned a great respect and love of animals. While I will admit that classrooms are not ideal situations
some children will never see a live LG and evry situation has a potential for abuse. If
I am not mistaken I lost one animal an anole that got out of its enclosure.

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