What is the point....


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Eventually people that truly want to learn figure out whose advice is worth listening to. It's hard to wade throught the other stuff but I try to stay detached.



lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
The following is an oversimplification.
Internet communication comes in three forms.

aggressively nasty/trolling

The trouble is no one has any flippin' visual or voice cues to go with the words.

I think that's the heart of the trouble, and leads to passive-aggressive...since we're not sure if we've been offended or whether defense is necessary...sometimes the most innocuous of statements get taken awry, due to one's moods, stressors, surroundings. I think a lot of misinterpretations, including the ones I'm guilty of, happen when I'm projecting myself into statements made.

And I don't know if you meant that the OP was being passive-aggressive or not, so I will NOT assume that. I will say I don't think she was being so.

Rants and Raves section is the right place to vent, we should give everyone a little more breathing room/objectivity in here, because that's what one comes here for.


New Member
Clearwater, FL
He is saying that he WAS saying I was being passive aggressive. Which I wasn't I venting and since this is the RANTS & RAVE section I posted it here. Otherwise it would have been in the wrong section. This is where you go to vent. What I dont know is the reason you feel the need to antagonize me?
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New Member
Apache Jct, AZ
You lost me. Say what?
Eh, never mind.

I am not being passive aggressive I am posting a post in the correct category. Vents are to be made in the RANTS & RAVES section. I was venting. What I want to know is why you feel the need to antagonize me?

Not sure where anyone said you were posting in the wrong place.

I don't feel the need to antagonize you.

EDIT (since you changed your post): Why does everyone always assume I'm male?


Desert Snow Gecko
Mesa AZ
Wow I didn't realize I hit a nerve with you Sunshine? I'm sorry if I offended you. I don't think any of my comments were directed at you though. I think my background has some to do with why my definition of cull differs from the norm of this thread. I just turned 30, so Wild West and Im Faster, I am not a "little girl" lol. I have been raising herps since I was about 13 (I even bred my own feeders-mice and rats) and I raised geckos from about 2001-2006 on a small scale. Around that time a SHTCT baldy, which is what we bred, was all the rage and sold for about $250 and up for a nice one. Now, getting back into geckos a few months ago, I was very surprised to learn that they sell for about 10% of that for the same quality. The better ones sell for more, but that just goes to show how fast things change. From about 2004 to 2010 I bred Netherland Dwarf Rabbits. In that ring to say cull is more appropriate than kill because Peta would come to shows and read message boards similar to this and you know how Peta People react. While I do understand that killing is a form of culling, from my time as a rabbit breeder know that is not the only form of culling. I would rather not say how I plan to cull my hatchlings, as I am trying to avoid future devestation to my reputation as a breeder and heated debates. I will say that I do NOT plan on introducing to the breeding population. On the other hand, I also value life of all my geckos and don't know why certain individuals assumed I don't. In retrospect, some things could have been left unsaid, but when I was basically being labeled as a Pet Store buyer, I took it personally and things went down hill from there. I'm not going to go through my reasoning for purchasing my "Super Snow Bell" again, but I will say I had a difficult time locating that particular morph and they can be pricey. The dealer I purchased from, Christian Koleta, is a ex-breeder of leos and still breeds varieties of snakes. He knows his stuff and he has experience with different morphs. His store is about 50% leopard geckos, it's pretty wild. Nothing like it back in Idaho where we are from, but I guess by definition it is a pet store.
As far as test breeding her, I thought, and still believe, it was the right thing to do and after going public with it I was thinking maybe some of the forum members would like to know the results. I wasn't trying to pat myself on the back whatsoever. I didn't just go to the forum to seek advice either. I also talked with Ryan Jarosek, Rob Wegner, Justin (Wizards of the OZ) ,and a few local breeders about it and the test breeding was the practice recommended.
I also want to say that as far as having Pet Store geckos, my husband can attest that it just is not true. We spared no expense and have about 5k in our breeding stock. Our lines are primarily Steve Sykes and Ryan Jarosek, but we have other "big name" breeders in the mix as well. My husband and I are currently working on getting our website up and running, so the quality of the geckos we have aquired can be shared and credit for our breeders can be given as it is most definitely due.
I am not trying to start fights, and yes this is my second one. I will try to use my words more carefully, but I will also not take anything lying down :). I hope we can put an end to all this silliness and I will continue to breed my "pet store" gecko lol!


New Member
Clearwater, FL
I didnt meant to assume your male. My apologies. You said I was being passive aggressive and I was saying I wasn't. I posted a post in the rants and raves section as a vent. I dont see that as being passive aggressive. If you do thats your opinion and your free to think so.


Desert Snow Gecko
Mesa AZ
The following is an oversimplification.
Internet communication comes in three forms.

aggressively nasty/trolling

The trouble is no one has any flippin' visual or voice cues to go with the words.

I think that's the heart of the trouble, and leads to passive-aggressive...since we're not sure if we've been offended or whether defense is necessary...sometimes the most innocuous of statements get taken awry, due to one's moods, stressors, surroundings. I think a lot of misinterpretations, including the ones I'm guilty of, happen when I'm projecting myself into statements made.

Once again, very well said Lilith. Thank you!
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New Member
Apache Jct, AZ
I didnt meant to assume your male. My apologies. You said I was being passive aggressive and I was saying I wasn't. I posted a post in the rants and raves section as a vent. I dont see that as being passive aggressive. If you do thats your opinion and your free to think so.

Interesting to know you have suddenly adopted the ideals of ElapidSVT.

As I've said in a previous thread,
[...]It's funny how things can get so easily confusing on a forum because it's not face to face...... Oh wait, didn't that already happen here? Hm..

Oh and to readdress the idea of you believing I am antagonizing you..

You have an average of 8-9 posts per day whereas I have 0.01. It's not that I'm following you looking for things to bicker about, rather that you just are just, well, there on most threads.


New Member
Clearwater, FL
First of all this post wasnt even about that thread. I have no ill will towards you Destiny. I never even said what you did was wrong. I just wanted your point of view on the subject and obviously i misinterpreted what you meant by cull. Even if you had culled (killed) them I was not saying that would have been the wrong decision. I have Trempers and I will soon have Rainwaters so I was trying to learn about your situation if for some reason I had to ever test breed my own breeding stock. I never said one bad word about you or what you did. The only thing I said that could be taken bad was when I said that it was at least a learning lesson but I did not mean that in a bad way at all. I think everything got taken out of proportion with others comments and it all spiraled out of control. I also never said one word about you having a "pet store gecko" I will say for the last time THIS THREAD WAS NOT ABOUT THAT THREAD. the end. lets all move on.


Desert Snow Gecko
Mesa AZ
lol Chris well its my turn on that thread. Apparently I am an idiot to automatically think when they said they had to cull them they meant kill. Oh and I apparantly do not have the right to ask questions. AM I really stupid or is that what is usually meant on these forums....


My mistake. I think it was the above that made me think that. No worries


New Member
Clearwater, FL
The start of this thread was not meant to be about your thread. That comment was a comment to Chris and I was not talking about you since you never said anything. It was more of a joke about how bad that thread went. I guess I should have put off topic so I didn't confuse anyone.


Show me where I said people couldn't have their own opinion.

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