What is the point....


New Member
I'm with Robin on this one. Poop indeed.



New Member
I am new here but immediately realized how quick people are to judge others. No one knows who is sitting behind the profile. They could have much more experiece and knowledge than you think. Just because a person has a gecko breeding website they are thought of as experts (not always true). I have known of breeders who have sold reptiles for many years thinking their methods are correct, they come to find out after 20years they have been wrong all along. It takes tons of research and learning their anatomy to give good advice. No offense to anyone, just speaking in general.
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New Member
I have so many things that I'd like to add to this thread, but I'll try to limit to what I think would actually be helpful...
As I've said in a lot of my comments with my own input, and as most of you know, I'm nowhere near being an expert. Just want to point that out in case...
First I'd like to say I can agree that it's INCREDIBLY aggravating when someone asks for help and people give bad answers (I only mean when we KNOW it's the wrong answer, i.e.: a person asks if leopard geckos are insectivores, and someone tells them they eat vegetables. I do NOT mean such topics where the answer can vary, and there are a lot of them, like "what temperature should my leopard geckos warm side be?" some say 85 to 90, some say 90 to 95, some say 95+. This seems to me more a matter of opinion, because as long as the temperature isn't freezing, who's to say a leopard can't thrive at 87 degrees? or 94? I really believe it could depend on the individual gecko and it's age, and some other factors. But I haven't done extensive studies on this so this is blatantly, again, my opinion). One of my most hated website is Yahoo Answers... I've seen countless times where people will say things like "your bearded dragon doesn't need a UVB light," and in their source it says "I've owned my baby bearded dragon for 2 months now and he's still going strong." I know the UVB thing in many reptiles is controversy, but what I'm pointing out is the fact that newbie herpers are trying to give advice because they THINK they know everything just by owning the lizard. I really try not to sound like it when I give answers, but sometimes I do, and people have pointed that out to me. I usually only answer questions that I'm very sure of the answer to AND have credible sources, or else I state that it's my opinion or etc.
I do however honer what Bridgette says, and how it's really up to the asker to take the advice into consideration. When someone disregards my own advice (on anything), I try to avoid getting into an argument by replying with something that could seem rude. So I simply don't reply at all, or let them know that I respect their opinions and maybe even give them my email in case they have other questions.
I think that's really all I had to say that was relevant to the topic (lol), so I'll leave it at that... I know I probably made some mistakes with some things I said, and if anyone could point them out and correct them that would be great :)


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
Christina, you have helped me out tremendously, every time I have had a question you have always had an answer for me, and you were always able to help me out whole being nice about it, thanks to you(and a few other members), all 3 of my geckos live very happy and healthy lives, please(for the sake of everyone) don't give up


New Member
Clearwater, FL
Christina, you have helped me out tremendously, every time I have had a question you have always had an answer for me, and you were always able to help me out whole being nice about it, thanks to you(and a few other members), all 3 of my geckos live very happy and healthy lives, please(for the sake of everyone) don't give up

Thanks :)


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Of all this, all I gathered form it was an image of a smoking hot chick with blue hair and a pastry with a surprise filling. I tend to agree that people with lack of true knowledge and experience feed into discussions with beliefs of false information. Maybe if I had a higher post count I would be a more credible source too. :banana:


New Member
Columbus, Ohio
What we really need is a thumbs down option like on YouTube. Enough thumbs downs and the comment gets hidden unless you click to show it. Moderators don't want to "cull" off target comments and advice for obvious reasons, and much of it can be subjective anyhow, but like Seamus said, sometimes its just objectively wrong. I came back to the forums after a month or so off and I'm losing my mind with all the half cocked responses. While their intentions are good, they are obviously not ready to advise someone in such an authoritative manner.


New Member
Well, it's a public forum. People have the right to ask questions and express individual opinions. I see where you are coming from, but keep in mind that this forum is here for people to ask questions and learn. When you get frustrated reading the obvious question threads, just take a break from them for a while and let another member respond.

I think you hit the nail on the proverbial head!


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