What is the worst thing your leo has done to you when they didn't want to be held?


New Leo Lover
I have been bitten, pee'd on, hissed at, screamed at (this actually scared me lol one of my baby leos just went ape nuts all over me one day when I was trying to help it shed, it just turned around looked at me, opened its mouth an let out this high-pitched squeal that lasted a good 15 seconds), but up until a few days ago this is all that a leo has ever done. I am sad to say I had a leo poop on me the other day because he was being mean and didn't want to be held. Well needless to say he got his wish I didn't try to hold him anymore that day :main_laugh:. I didn't think anyone would have wanted to see it that is why I have no picture haha, not to mention I was digusted by it. :main_rolleyes:

So what has a leo done to you?


New Member
Miami, FL
Well, one of them jumped out of my hands, landed on her back, and shook uncontrollably for about 15 seconds. Scared the living crap out of me. They only go on my bed now. Thankfully, iv'e never experianced a tail loss of any kind, but I have been bitten, peed on, scratched, screamed at, etc.


One time she jumped off from my hand when she was baby. because she heard noises from my birds. i think probably 4 feet. she fell on her belly on floor. scared me to death. i put her back in tank and she's doing great. whew. :( I learned lesson and always held on table in case she jumps. :/


New Member
I have had one male crap in my hand it wasn't personal though it was just that time stunk like all hell though. Have had several go Kamakazi and land with a disturbing thud. Then when they are really objectionable to being handled or sexed I have seen them go into a "deathroll" like a gator though only as a possible means of escape unlike a gator.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I have been bitten, pee'd on, hissed at, screamed at (this actually scared me lol one of my baby leos just went ape nuts all over me one day when I was trying to help it shed, it just turned around looked at me, opened its mouth an let out this high-pitched squeal that lasted a good 15 seconds), but up until a few days ago this is all that a leo has ever done. I am sad to say I had a leo poop on me the other day because he was being mean and didn't want to be held. Well needless to say he got his wish I didn't try to hold him anymore that day :main_laugh:. I didn't think anyone would have wanted to see it that is why I have no picture haha, not to mention I was digusted by it. :main_rolleyes:

So what has a leo done to you?

That made me laugh out loud for a good 30 seconds... thanks for that. :D

Mine have bolted when I first touched them to pick them up, and only once have I ever heard one make a noise. But it was a female to a male when she was eating, kind like dogs around the food bowl.

I'm still laughing about that deathscream...


Happy Gecko Family
Jumping out of my hand is the worst thing, it scares and gets me worry like crazy when they land on hard ground. I've been through this once, and I never want to try it again.


Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
my girl spaz will just chirp or squirm, and she used to be a suicidal jumper when she was younger, but she's calmed down alot.

my newest one is about a month old, and he screams at me and bites me, lol, he'll coil up into a ball and lunge at my fingers and bite me and then scream at me. then i'll take my hand out the tank and he still screams at me. little bugger, lol...

and the other day, a cricket cralwed on his toes, so what does he do insted of eating it? he screamed at it. LoL! i have a fiesty one.


Active Member
Mine was sitting on my chest and saw me blink, long story short it thought my eye was food and lached on for afew seconds...


New Member
Sacramento, CA
my girl spaz will just chirp or squirm, and she used to be a suicidal jumper when she was younger, but she's calmed down alot.

my newest one is about a month old, and he screams at me and bites me, lol, he'll coil up into a ball and lunge at my fingers and bite me and then scream at me. then i'll take my hand out the tank and he still screams at me. little bugger, lol...

and the other day, a cricket cralwed on his toes, so what does he do insted of eating it? he screamed at it. LoL! i have a fiesty one.

that is so funny! I just picture this little guy screaming at a cricket for daring to touch his toe! hee hee


New Member
Hahaha i love it screaming at a cricket :) Id pay money to see that :D

Ive only been pooped on once and i dont think she meant it, was the first time my sister had seen her and she was climbing on my sisters shoulder and got a little too excited. A few seconds later and she woulda pooped on my sis.

Freya has chirped at me but she is a lot better now, now she just wriggles.

Other than that mine are little angels :) Yoshi can be grumpy at times and sit in a corner swishing his tail but give him a minute and hes up at the front wanting to be picked up :)


Gamer momma
My oldest actually dropped her tail. She did the "death roll" move and when I tried to get a better grip before she bailed to the floor, she got her tail in my hands and dropped the damned thing :eek:

Oddly enough, now she's the biggest sweetheart in the world and loves being carried around everywhere.


More than just leos now
I've never had a gecko scream at me. I have a suicide jumper and my Victoria jumped off my hand once and landed on the floor. She wouldn't move her backlegs but after a few hours she was fine and still is fine.
I've been pied on alot... never pooped on but there was a close call...
Oh and I've also been Bitten. He had escaped and after a few hours i found him and picked him up and the little booger bite me and I bled...


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Mine was sitting on my chest and saw me blink, long story short it thought my eye was food and lached on for afew seconds...

My hubby read about that before in a different post (or someone else had the same thing happen.) and won't let ANY of the go towards the face. lol. Can't say I blame him. That would suck.

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