What is wrong with you child!


New Member
I guess I'm just having a crappy week, 2 rants right after one another, lol..

I honestly believe that now a days people should be forced to take parenting classes before bringing children into this world because children now a days are crazy! Atleast the ones I've come in contact with . . .

Today I was on the bus going back home after being in class from 11:15 - 5pm. I was exhausted especially since I stood up to about 2:30am trying to get my dogs allergy/itching fit under control. I was having a pretty good day even though I was tired. I didn't even mind having to wait 15 minutes for the bus. So I'm on the q44 and I know it's always crowded so I wasn't expecting a seat so I found a comfortable spot to stand the entire out of the way. La La La I'm standing there listening to my iPod when this lady gets on with her son, the bus was pretty jammed packed so she her son were stuck standing right behind me which I didn't mind.

Anyway the bus jerked forward a little and I felt a little kick to the back of my leg and thought that the little boy (4-5years old) might have lost his balance and did it by accident so I let it go. A few seconds later I feel tip of his sneaker on my leg and then he took it away. Ummm what is this kid doing? The bus was standing still when all of a sudden a felt this full force kick to the back of my leg (will that area right under you ankle). :main_angry: I turned around and was like what is wrong you!? That hurt! I was so angry! I hadn't done anything to this poor child and he just goes and kicks me!? What is up with that!? His mother apologized for him and I just nodded my head because I really wanted to knock him over. Of course I wouldn't but I was really upset. She went on to scold him in spanish and he started to whine. I put my iPod away because I wasn't in the mood for music anymore I just wanted to hurry up and run home. Well it seems that the boy was going to do it AGAIN! When his mother pulled him by his collar and told him what did I tell you about that? You don't do that to people then rushed off the bus at the next stop.

Like really what was wrong with that kid? Is it just me or is that totally WRONG and uncalled for!?


New Member
same thing happened to me while i was at disneyland lol i was standing in line minding my own buisness and this girl maybe 5-6 starting kicking my foot i didnt mind the first coiple times because the line was crouded and then she started to do it again when there was nobody by her and i told her politely to stop and then she did it again when i was atalking to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im like WTH?!?!?!? and her parents are right behind her and they dont do a thing like nothing is wrong!!!!! jeez kids are so annoying these days!!!
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Next Level Geckos

New Member
lol, gotta love them little kids. I remember I was at the park shooting hoops and then this little 7 year old kid wanted to challenge me in basket ball, so i say ok. Of course I'm winning and he starts getting mad so I told him to calm down, and then he asks if I wanted to fight, I told him I don't fight girls. Since he was like 7 he had no comebacks and said he does not lose to girls in fights, and Im just like "Now you do" and his mom was yelling at him. I left because I had a feeling he would come back.


Gotta love the little bratty ones. I hate when they slam into the back of your ankles with shopping carts. Just wanna turn around and kick em back :)


New Member
Central Florida
not defending mom but some kids have "problems". I know my son is sever adhd, bi-polar and o.d.d and no matter how many time I punish him he will not listen to me. He also has no sense of social boundries or compasion for other people. I Punish him all the time for doning things like you descrbied and it goes in one ear and out the other. The other day he got in trouble in school then came home and was being rude and nasty to me I told him to get in the corner he said No and proceeded to throw a fit and roll on the ground and scream so I went over and grabed his arm and ended up with his shirt on his shoulder and it left a mark (fabric burn) on his upper chest area because he was thrashing around and he went to school and told his teachers I choked him and drug him acrossed the floor which was a completely lie and I had witnesses that were there well dcf was knocking on my door that day and were going to take him away because they thought I beat him and when I explained what happened they told me right in front of him that I can get in trouble if I touch him and to just let him throw his fit and ask him nicely to get in the corner so of course he now knows all he has to do is go to school and lie to get me in trouble and that he does not have to listen to me because I can not "make" him listen so it is not always the moms fault and sometimes the kids cant control it either.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I work with elementary age kids and they're downright rotten now. My 2nd grade girls are the worst, they're SO mean! On Tuesday one of them started balling her eyes and when I asked he what was wrong she replied, "Why are they so rude (sob, sob) and loud?". My sentiments exactly!! LOL

I noticed a shift in behavior about 5 years ago. I think it has to do with a new, younger generation of parents and kids being raised with tv's as babysitters. I never thought I'd agree with anything my dad ever said but I have to agree with his thinking that kids shouldn't watch so much tv. Most of the kids' shows are movies are extremely sarcastic and borderline rude/crude. The kids are just mimicking that behavior. At least the kids I teach...


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
they told me right in front of him that I can get in trouble if I touch him and to just let him throw his fit and ask him nicely to get in the corner so of course he now knows all he has to do is go to school and lie to get me in trouble and that he does not have to listen to me because I can not "make" him listen so it is not always the moms fault and sometimes the kids cant control it either.

I've witnessed the same attitude with our public school system. I had a couple of boys get in a fist fight one day and pushed them apart. I didn't do anything more than stand in the middle and put my hand on their chests. I was then reprimanded in front of them for breaking it up. I was told that I was to "let them fight" because a teacher got knocked out the year before and they didn't want me to get injured. So they basically told the children that it's ok to fist fight and the teachers aren't allowed to stop it. :main_rolleyes:

I certainly don't agree with most forms of corporal punishment but my elementary school teachers all had paddles in their desks and I never met the business end of one!


New Member
I've witnessed the same attitude with our public school system. I had a couple of boys get in a fist fight one day and pushed them apart. I didn't do anything more than stand in the middle and put my hand on their chests. I was then reprimanded in front of them for breaking it up. I was told that I was to "let them fight" because a teacher got knocked out the year before and they didn't want me to get injured. So they basically told the children that it's ok to fist fight and the teachers aren't allowed to stop it. :main_rolleyes:

That's horrible. They are letting kids get away with murder these days. I like Mel don't believe in corporal punishment but something has to be done about parenting and discipline because these children will go down hill FAST! I agree about the TV babysitters and young parents. I have nothing against young parents because I know plenty of them and not many of them take on the responsibility of having a child completely. Many of my friends how can I say "half-ass" their so-called "parenting." I've seen friends argue with their 2year olds about what they're going to eat, where they're going and how the're dressing. I sit there and think who's the parent in this relationship and too many of those little kids are growing up waaaay to fast and knowing waaay to much. I was playing with my Barbies up until the age of like 13, :main_laugh: now a days girls are finding boys to "play" with and its pretty disturbing to see this new "trend."

My mom also sees how times have changed. As a child her mother used to beat the crap out of her and she prayed that someone would have called the cops or somebody could come and rescue her. Now a days if you look at a child wrong they thinks its cruel and are knocking down your door trying to take your child away. When there are people out there beating their children to death, forcing them into questionable acts, etc. where is child services when you need them?

I honestly don't know if this child had ADD/ADHD or any other problem and if he does I'm sorry but it just really annoyed me. I have never seen anything like that before or had something like that happen to me before. I was in absolute shock!

And back to what Jenn was saying about her son. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I remember once that in psychology class that my professor said that she feels that a lot of people are just feeding into these ADD/ADHD/ETC. disorders and making children too aware of them and the things they could get away with it because of it. She said she was once in a clinic working as a child psychology when she walked into the waiting room and their was an 8year old running around, knocking things over, screaming you get the picture. And she went up to him and asked him if he could calm down and relax because he was disturbing the other patients and destroying the waiting area. His reply was that he had ADHD and she couldn't tell him anything because thats just the way he is because of the ADHD. . .


Greenville, SC
I am not that old but I was taught to respect adults and to treat others "the way I would want to be treated". :main_yes:

In this changing culture, I see more and more kids are very self-centered, due to various things (esp. tv! - IMO). Like Jenn, I too have a child with ADD and a few other issues that make it difficult for her to learn "social cues" and she is extremely impulsive. However, I have never allowed her to believe that made it okay, or gave her an excuse to behave poorly. Embarrassing for me at times, yes, but someday she won't have mommy to protect her from a less forgiving "social network", there are real world consequences to that type of behavior.

Our schools have no way to handle it either (and they shouldn't have to!)... it's a double edged sword for them! And what does the state plan to do with all these "problem children" they have taught to disrespect their parents and then take them away??? :main_angry:

Sorry to add to your rant... I agree, kids these day frustrate me, that is why, Mel - you're better than me! I'd end up being fired with a lawsuit...LOL!:p


Ghoulish Geckos
I have to agree that parents can suck. My daughter may have attitude at home (what tween doesn't), but she is super respectful around other adults. Her teachers always love her. I can't say the same for her friends though. I've actually noticed the problem with the older parents more here. Many of them are divorced and are just absent all the time. They let their kids go with anyone just so they can go out at night. I've seen eating disorders and major acting out and these are 6th graders. It's really sad.:( I'm one of the youngest moms in Madison's grade which surprised me since I didn't have her when I was in school. It's a strange area. The kids are super snotty to each other and I notice that they all take that attitude home with them. Girls are the worst and they are super mean. I know middle school is tough on kids, but it seems to be getting much worse.


Let's Go Bears!
I have an 11 year old boy and a soon to be 6 year old boy. I have to agree that TV citcoms these days are terrible. I've seen many shows on the Disney Channel where kids talk back to their parents or use tons of sarcasm. My 11 year old tried to do the same to me once but let me tell you, that was the last time he ever tried.

I also work in a public school where I constantly see problematic students. Most of the time, the problem does lie with the parents. Either they're not home because of work or just aren't really there for them. They figure that as long as their kids have a roof over their head and are fed, they've done their job. Obviously not so. Some parents think it's even easier to just buy their children expensive toys and gadgets instead of spending time with them. As long as they're happy.


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
That's crazy!

I've seen worse. lol. This little brat at a horse show was looking at my bosses dog Emma. Well she got all mischevious looking and kicked the dog. I told her not to do that and then she gave me a look like "you can't tell me what to do!" Then she started looking at the dog all evil-like and started kicking her again! I wish she'd just got her little brat foot bitten off.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I agree kids are getting worse these days and it doesn't help that they teach them about child abuse in a way that we can't even disapline our kids with a spanking if we choose to. My son has actually told me if I spanked him he would call 911!!! :main_rolleyes:

Most of the kids' shows are movies are extremely sarcastic and borderline rude/crude. The kids are just mimicking that behavior. At least the kids I teach...

I stopped letting my son watch some of the kids chanels, but I'm sooooo happy that Cartoon Network came up with Boomarang!! It's shows all the clasic cartoons, Scooby Doo, Speed Racer, Flinstones, Yogi Bear, Tom & Jerry, Wacky Races, Pink Panther, Droopy, Barny Bear, etc. Nothing like Ed, Edd and Eddy or the likes..... that one is soooooo stupid!!!


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Being fairly young, and with plenty of clear memories as a child going to school, I have to say that kids today are just plain demonic. I used to work at a smoothie bar and it made me cringe to see the way parents cator to their child's every whim or simply ignore them altogether, especially when they're doing something bad. If I even so much as opened mouth to deliver a biting, sarcastic comment I received a quick, painless slap on the mouth (enough to startle me) and some time out. If I persisted (which I did a lot of the times because I was just that stubborn) I got the Wooden Spoon of Doom(tm) and a grounding.

I just don't get it. Don't these parents care about what kind of people they are raising?

I believe it was Socrates who said that entitlement is the last step before collapse of civilization. And teaching children that they can call on authority for their parents attempting to discipline them is teaching them just that.

The children of this society have become so bad that I think that when I have a child I will homeschool them. But then I worry that I'll be protecting them too much; they have to know how the world really is even if it's a mean, unfair, and violent place.

I consider myself a very sympathetic person, but I find it difficult to sympathize with someone who is not. Which is why I just can't fathom the way kids do things these days. How can you say such things, or hell, even CALL the police on your MOM - who gave life to you, fed you, dressed you, put a roof over your head etc. and not feel bad about it. I'm not sure how kids feel about it, but I know that when I was little and I got disciplined I felt worse knowing that I had hurt my mom's feelings or made her upset. Then again I've always been close to my mom. :>


What gets me is that simple things like basic manners are not being taught. I babysit and I have a couple of kids that just don't have please and thank you in their vocabularies. I'm constantly asking, "What do you say?" or with the older ones, "I don't understand requests without manners. Sorry, try again later." It's not rocket science. I say please and thank you TO THEM. I don't get why it's so hard to say it back. My kids certainly have no trouble with it but then again I've always used manners with them so they learned to use them as soon as they could talk.

Okee Reps

Okeechobee Reptiles
I agree kids are getting worse these days and it doesn't help that they teach them about child abuse in a way that we can't even disapline our kids with a spanking if we choose to. My son has actually told me if I spanked him he would call 911!!! :main_rolleyes:

I tried that once with my mother and she gave me the evil-est look that I've ever seen. She told me if I ever threatened her with that again I would be out on the streets. She said all this while giving me the worst beating I've ever had in my life.

I don't really blame the kids so much as I blame idiot adults. They think they are doing a good thing and protecting children but really they are preventing parents from parenting. If a child comes in with a little mark they need to leave it alone, they probably deserved it. Now if the child comes in with a repeatedly with bruises or broken bones then that is different.


Greenville, SC
I believe it was Socrates who said that entitlement is the last step before collapse of civilization.

Hmmm.....This quote is a great beginning to another rant.... for another time...:main_thumbsup:

The children of this society have become so bad that I think that when I have a child I will homeschool them. But then I worry that I'll be protecting them too much; they have to know how the world really is even if it's a mean, unfair, and violent place.

I do homeschool my children and it is a myth to think that homeschooled children are not getting "socialized" or learning the "ugliness" of the world. We have more "social time" then most school children with a wide range of ages, supervised by a community of parents who actually expect & teach proper behavior (for the most part!). Most homeschoolers are involved in the community (various ways) as well and develop a sense of compassion for others, instead of entitlement.


New Member
this thread just gets me bubbled up, there are brats at the place I work at all the time, UNGRATEFUL SNOBBY BRATS.. one girl for her birthday got a 1200$ yorkie and had her birthday party at the store and got to choose 3 animals she wanted to play with, and of course we tell her she can't pick that one, and she immeaditly starts hissing and whining and pouting while dragging this poor yorkie around, she was probably 8 yrs old... I so badly wanted to be lIkE OH YEAH WELL BRAT, WHAT IF *grumbles to herself to keep from even typing what she was going to say*

Then another day, I was already slightly upset and this little girl wanted to see the hamsters, and I was tired and didn't feel like showing any other animals unless they were going to buy. so i didn't mind showing this sweet girl the hamsters, it was her 9-10 yr old sister I wanted to beat the pulp out of. She kept begging her mom to see an animal-hold a boxer, then a cat. Her mom kept telling her no, so to be on the moms side I was like, aren't you allergic to cats (like she said she was 2 seconds before) and she agreed, I turned to the girl and I was like, maybe its best if I don't bring out the cat. and she rolled her eyes swung her hips and was like "why?" all I could think was seriously? she then began to beg to me and after I said no politley (couldn't believe she was arguing with me) she sat down huffed and in the rudest tone was like whatever, and gave me this look like "idiot"......I wanted to jump at her, claws extended and wring her neck... I took a breath and was like, Haley it's okay just move on, it's her own issue. lol

Kids are such brats now days!!

And so are our school systems and all systems for that matter

Tiny chibi

I know, when I was their age I would not even think about looking at another person without saying sorry.
I remember, when just a few days ago actually, I was walking home from collage with one of my friends and we stopped outside a pub and just chatted about junk, when a these 3 little kids walked by and one of them who was acting clever and tough looked up to me and went. "Ugh! What an ugly girl or boy....damn it! I don't even know what you are!"
Then they walked away with the other two cackling like hyena's.
I felt appalled seeing as I am a girl who had been called a boy before but was starting to not take notice. I almost chased after him if my friend hadn't talked some sense into me. That's just a confidence killer for me *u*
I agree...some of these kids are completely rotten these days...(I feel old just saying that. 8D)

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